MEMBERSHIP IMPACT TEAM Multi Cultural, Hispanic Initiative, Community Alliances Presented by: Renzo Martorella.

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Presentation on theme: "MEMBERSHIP IMPACT TEAM Multi Cultural, Hispanic Initiative, Community Alliances Presented by: Renzo Martorella."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEMBERSHIP IMPACT TEAM Multi Cultural, Hispanic Initiative, Community Alliances Presented by: Renzo Martorella

2 The Membership Impact Team Some of our many talents….. =  Marty Walsh, Group Director  De Tan Nuyen, Multi Cultural Team Leader  Lee Shaw  Marcos Nava, Hispanic Initiative Team Leader  Renzo Martorella  Oscar Santoyo  Maria Dahl- Smith  Charles Holmes, Community Alliance Team Leader  Mark Wappel  George Sparks  Keith Walton  George Trosko, Registration & Statistic Team Leader =

3 Membership Impact Areas of Focus  Council Growth Plans  Membership Development  Volunteer Recruitment Techniques  Support Materials for recruitment  Expertise analysis of council demographics  Manpower support for membership outreach  Leadership recruitment  Support in partnership development  Support Commissioners Services  Charter Relations

4 Hispanic Initiative SAMPLE Council Case Study  This analysis points out the dramatic differences that can be identified across these Councils, in terms of ethnic composition both for Council geography as well as for the area BSA membership  Councils with high ethnic membership will provide insights that can help fuel outreach efforts as other Councils seek to increase ethnic presence and participation.  Independent Study conducted by Geoscape and presented in 2008

5 Council Detail: Sample Council The Council’s universe of potential Cub Scouts is dominated by African-American and Hispanic populations, together accounting for 80% of market

6 Council Detail: Sample Council However, when considering Cub Scout enrollment by ethnicity, the ‘Other’ category makes up a disproportionate portion of the Council’s Cub Scout enrollment

7 There is Lower Representation Of Ethnic Youth Among Boy Scouts The limited presence of ethnic youth is also present among the Boy Scout count within the Council

8 Ethnic Adult Participation is Lower than Participation by Other Adults A contributing factor to the low presence of ethnic groups within the Cub Scouts could be the corresponding low presence of Adults (Scouters) of ethnic origin within BSA ranks Ethnic adults make up an even smaller percentage of the BSA enrollment than Cub Scouts of ethnic origin African-American Adults17.8% Hispanic Adults10.1% Asian Adults1.8% Other Adults70.3% Percent of Adult population within BSA ranks for Sample Council

9 Insights Council  Market is composed of primary ethnic populations  However at three measured levels (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Adult Scouter) there is a marked lack of ethnic enrollment that does not match the Council’s population composition  Outreach efforts should not only focused on attracting youth to BSA, but also in acquiring the participation and commitment of ethnic adults, as well

10 Inside the first Proposed Plan for the SAMPLE Council for HISPANIC INCLUSION & EXPANSION Hispanic Initiative: Plan of Action for 2009-2010 (summary) Recommended by: Renzo Martorella Volunteer Development: The Creation or expansion of a Hispanic Initiative Council Advisory Board of 15 active community, business, and scout leaders. Purpose: To develop a membership growth plan of the programs of scouting in the SAMPLE area council, seek financial support and investment for the execution of a growth plan and impact the Hispanic youth of YX CITY via scouting. The Goals: Increase membership into Scouting for youth. Secure funding for the delivery of the program and support of the new membership. Develop community leadership and relations in order to support our purpose. Staff Recruitment and Training: Increase the number of bilingual, bicultural professionals for the execution of a Hispanic community impact plan, assist in the professional development of staff in order to meet the challenges of a diverse community. Volunteer Training : Develop an awareness plan for current volunteers and prepared them for diversity communities involvement and participation. The assistance of diversity and cultural training is essential to the development of a council coordinated plan of inclusion. The development of a culture of inclusion must be introduced to our scouters (Too often we exclude prospective participant by our own rules, prejudice, and lack of preparation) Building Quality Partnerships: Expanding on our Charter relations and including our stakeholders in the overall plan of impacting the Hispanic communities, this will include the development of subcommittees to engage in membership impact in current district committees. The most difficult task for scouting professionals is to seek real partnership with our sponsoring institutions. Membership Impact: Develop a comprehensive plan for membership growth, program support, training, and community activities for the expansion of scouting. Prospect and evaluate our resources, develop a realistic plan, be sensitive to a real time table for quality growth.

11 Action Plan: December 2008: Identify advisory board prospects and possible recruitment evaluation plan. Evaluate programs growth opportunities, partnerships, program support structure, leadership, and staffing. Develop plan for membership growth, including recruitment plans, time tables, manpower needs. Determine an overall membership draft goal for 2009 Funding: Review budget, evaluate potential for growth, explored council funding capacities, leadership, staff, and time table. Determine draft funding needs for 2009 (Include plan A and B) Training: Evaluate volunteer capacity for future training needs in Hispanic communities. Develop basic training time table and commissioners participation. Membership: Schedule impact membership drives (New unit blitz, together we organize events) Secure quality partnerships (charter agreements) Explore Venturing and soccer & scouting growth possibilities and support mechanisms (Alternative membership) 1 st Quarter of 2009 Hire bilingual professional Introduce Advisory committee Roll out membership plan Announce fundraising event for program development Introduce training schedule and commissioner staff

12 Supporting a Hispanic Outreach Vision in your Council  Long Range Plan (Where is your Hispanic Outreach Plan)  Hispanic communities in your Council (Reality vs. perception)  Executive Board Vision and position of Hispanic Outreach in your Council  Cultural diversity attitudes (Professionals and Volunteers)  T.A.Y 2010 and the legacy for 2030: Positioning your Council  Institutional Capacities ( Recognizing constraints)

13 Ready to Support You!  Setting the Agenda: Multi Cultural/ Hispanic Outreach/Evaluation.  Positioning Scout(out)reach within the Council Long Range Plan.  Professional cultural awareness, diversity development and coaching.  Hispanic positive public relations, marketing and recruitment.  Volunteer cultural sensitivity training.  Evaluating institutional capacity for tasks.  Support membership recruiting in support of action plan.

14 After School Program Support Presented by: Don Shepard  Program Specialist Employment Book  After School Cub Scout Program Book

15 Measurable Commitments  Increase the numbers of Hispanic volunteers at every level.  Establish organizational structures in conjunction and in support of current operational plans.  Built positive public relations plans, cultivate relationship with emerging Hispanic leadership.  Built support for the establishment of trust and Council positioning for the future.  Increase membership by supporting growth plans and cultural diverse programs.

16 Multi Cultural Markets  Is focusing their resources in impacting the following ethnic communities:  African American  Asian American  American Indian  Middle Eastern  Other  Purpose to support current outreach program (scoutreach)  Create support materials for new markets  Support local councils expand and retain their services

17 From: Scoutreach to Outreach Suggested Plan  Council Vice President for Outreach  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Profile: Person of high level of influence in the community, good public speaker with the ability to reach to all segments of business, government and community leadership. The ideal candidate is committed to the mission of the BSA.  Responsibilities:  Help identify and recruit sub committees chairs for the following:  Hispanic Initiative Task Force or Committee  Multi Cultural Markets committee  Community Relations committee.  Attend local council board meetings and selected Scout activities.  Organize semi annual outreach committee meetings and oversee the development of a yearly growth agenda.  Support and helps solicit the necessary funds for the success of the outreach programs.

18 Hispanic Initiative Task Force Committee (Proposed)  Hispanic Initiative Task Force Committee (Proposed)  Hispanic Initiative Chairperson  Profile: Person of high level of influence, professional success, accessible, public speaker, and committed to the mission of the BSA.  Responsibilities:  Help indentify, recruit and train others to serve in the HI committee.  Willing to support the mission of the BSA and contribute to the development of a Hispanic Initiative growth plan.  Attend local council board meeting, selected Scout activities and participate as a speaker for the BSA.  Contribute and help solicit the necessary funds for the execution of the BSA programs.  Subscribe to the membership standards of the BSA.   Membership and Community Relations Chairperson  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Finance and Corporate Relations Chairperson  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Programs and Service projects Chairperson  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Council and Districts Communication Chairpersons  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

19 Community Alliances Resources  Faith Base Relationships  Civic Club Relationships  Other Group Relations  Commissioners Service & Roundtable  Commissioners Support and recruitment

20 THANK YOU To schedule a council visit please contact: Membership Impact Group 972-580-2000 Sub Groups: Multi Cultural Hispanic Initiatives Community Alliances Statistics & Demography

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