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WHEATGRASS HISTORY Wheat grass was used by Chinese as early as 2800 BC.

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3 HISTORY Wheat grass was used by Chinese as early as 2800 BC.

4 W HOSE IDEA WAS THIS ? Ann Wigmore (1909-1994) Born in Lithuania using herbal and home remedies Supported raw food diet Founded the Hippocrates Health Institute Made numerous claims about wheatgrass

5 W HAT IS IN WHEATGRASS? “ Fifteen pounds of wheat grass is equivalent to 350 pounds of the choicest vegetables. ” Charles F. Schnabel

6 P OWER HOUSE OF NUTRIENTS Rich in Vitamins Minerals Trace minerals Proteins

7 N UTRIENTS IN W HEAT GRASS Vitamins: Vit C, E, Beta-carotene (A), Biotin, Choline, Folic acid, B1-Thiamine, B2-Riboflavin, B3- Niacin, B6-Pantothenic acid, Vit K. Minerals and trace minerals: Zinc, Selenium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Boron, Chloride, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Nickel, Sodium, Sulfur

8 NUTRIENTS IN WHEATGRASS Amino acids: Tryptophan, Glutamic acid, Alanine, Methionine, Arginine, Lysine, Aspartic acid, Cystine, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tyrosine, Valine.

9 THE VALUE OF WHEAT GRASS KING OF ALL ALKALINE FOODS The comparison of Wheatgrass & other alkaline foods

10 THE VALUE OF WHEATGRASS CHLOROPHYLL: REBUILDS THE BLOOD STREAM The Comparison of Molecular Structures between Red Blood Cells and chlorophyll Wheat grass referred to as green blood


12 D AY 1

13 D AY 3

14 D AY 8 (H ARVEST ) Day 8 is the richest nutrient ion.

15 W HEATGRASS G ROWTH A NALYSIS R EPORT high ( 8 days ) 20cm high 45cm high 60cm Protein33.64%27.90%20.34% Vitamin C328.8mg%140.5mg%123.5% Vitamin E1.45%1.37%1.31% Calcium1,108851.9691.5 Potassium5.994.424.41 Mineral

16 L EAVES AND ROOTS ARE COMBINED TOGETHER *Roots is richest with nutrients.

17 VALUE OF WHEATGRASS  Life sustaining Complete Food  Economical nutrients (Cheap source of power nutrients)  Concentrated Overall Nutrition  Great protein source (25% protein)

18 VALUE OF WHEATGRASS  Complete source of necessary Vitamins: A, C, E, and K  Powerful anti-oxidant source: Beta Carotene (A), Vitamin C and E  CHLOROPHYLL: Detoxification/ Deodorizer/ DNA protector  Active Enzymes  Immune stimulation and defense

19 H OW TO USE WHEAT GRASS The best way to enjoy all the health benefits of this liquid sunshine is in the form of its fresh juice. One or two ounces a day is enough to provide you the energy to last the day, beats coffee anytime !!

20 Acidosis: Its alkaline minerals are essential for cleaning out the tissues and maintaining the alkalinity of the blood, making it effective in combating acidosis. Alzheimer's Disease, prevention: Regular consumption will greatly help to prevent Alzheimer's disease and any other mental problems. Anemia: The high grade content of iron in wheatgrass juice makes it a great blood builder, increasing red blood cell count. It regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells and supplies fresh oxygen to the body. Anti-inflammatory: The high alkalinity properties makes it the perfect choice of food for people suffering inflammatory ailments, like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Anti-oxidant: The high anti-oxidant content helps neutralize free radicals and oxidation that find their way in the body. It helps reduce the harm caused by air pollutants like carbon monoxide or cigarette smoke. Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Tap to continue...

21 H EALTH B ENEFITS OF W HEATGRASS Body building: Contains amino acids that are the building blocks of protein. Cancer: The fine chlorophyll and beta-carotene obtained from wheatgrass juice is beneficial in fighting and preventing cancer. A variety of flavonoid compounds found in this grass are powerful anti- oxidants and anti-cancer agents. Candidiasis: The anti-bacteria effect of wheatgrass creates an unfavorable environment for yeast and bacteria. Regular consumption of this juice will help to prevent further yeast and bacterial growth. Dexotification: Detoxify the lymphatic system and gastro-intestines

22 Diabetes: The ability to regulate blood sugar level makes this green juice a suitable drink for diabetics. High blood pressure: The protein-like compounds in the high quality chlorophyll from wheatgrass has been found to be beneficial in lowering high blood pressure. Immune system: Drink 1-2 ounces of wheatgrass regularly to build your immune system. Tooth decay: Gargle wheatgrass juice to prevent tooth decay, relieve toothache, treat bleeding gums and control pyorrhea (infection and loosening of tooth sockets). Weight control: Because the nutrition in wheatgrass juice is so complete, it relieves your body of cravings, thus reducing the unnecessary need to overeat. Tap to continue... Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

23 S UMMARY Power house of nutrients. Rich in vitamins, minerals, protein etc. Known as green blood. Fresh wheat grass juice is an effective way to consume wheat grass Helps in managing and preventing various diseases.


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