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L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 1 Centri Regionali e Progetto GRID per ATLAS-Italia La situazione a oggi: decisioni, interesse, impegni, punti da chiarire.

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1 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 1 Centri Regionali e Progetto GRID per ATLAS-Italia La situazione a oggi: decisioni, interesse, impegni, punti da chiarire

2 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 2 Layout RC model for ATLAS-Italy : prototype phase How we see the GRID project What would we do with RC prototypes and GRID tools in 2001-2003 preliminary Which effort we are willing to commit preliminary Example of a possible plan for hardware installations in 2001-2003 with a first rough evaluation of costs very preliminary

3 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 3 RC Model for ATLAS-Italy We propose for ATLAS a Tier-1 in Italy for LHC start-up The baseline hypothesys for its implementation is to relay on existing Consorzi di Calcolo for the outsourcing of system-personnel and probably for h/w housing No decision about Tier-2 is taken for the moment: a Tier- 1 and Tier-3 only model could satify ATLAS needs We propose a prototyping phase based on two sites: Milan and Rome, with leading role for Rome ATLAS-Italy is not a priori against a single multi- experiment Tier-1 in Italy for LHC-start-up time

4 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 4 Motivations for a two site RC initial prototype More efficient in using available INFN manpower Natural way of stimulating competition between Consorzi Better possibilities for GRID experimentation, both between the two sites and between the sites and the Institutes (future Tier-3) Limited extra costs No loss in functionality –if a very big single prototype required in 2003 we could upgrade just one of the sites

5 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 5 The GRID project ATLAS-Italy is interested in participating into the GRID project in its two sides: EU and INFN The development of middleware for –farm management, with efficient ODBMS multiple access –WAN management of data and workloads –…….. is needed for efficiently distributed LHC computing, and only some piece can probably be bought Real-life prototypes are needed for providing feedback and granting the development gives usefull results

6 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 6 ATLAS workload for RC/GRID prototypes - 1 The applications in 1-2 years from now ( first year of prototype activity, starting in spring 2001) can be defined with reasonable approximation, afterward only extrapolations (ATLAS milestones to be defined also) Only the applications requiring the most heavy use of CPU and/or storage are discussed here. We have other applications very interesting for testing specific aspects of the distributed computing, but only the ones that now set the scale of the initial prototypes are considered here

7 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 7 ATLAS workload for RC/GRID prototypes - 2 GEANT3 simulation of single events for L1&L2 trigger studies: ~5 10 7 muons, ~10 9 SpecInt95 sec, most needed by end 2001 (trigger TDR): 500 SI95 and 0.5 TB required G3 simulation of single muon events in different physics channels for acceptance and efficiency studies, same timing and resources as above : 500 SI95 and 0.5 TB required G3 simulation of background in muon trigger chambers: ~3 10 4 events, ~5 10 8 SI95 sec, similar timing: 250 SI95 and 0.2 TB required

8 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 8 ATLAS workload for RC/GRID prototypes - 3 GEANT4 simulation of QCD jets for background studies to b/t physics and to id: 10 6 Jets, 2 10 10 SI95 sec, 1 year time from ~mid 2001: ~1500 SI95 and 1 TB required Other applications, as EventFilter studies, GEANT4 simulation of calorimeter Test Beam results, Teast Beam analysis require smaller CPU power ( all together ~10% of the sum of the four application above) and 0.1-0.3 TB TOTAL preliminary NEEDS : 3000 SpI95 and ~3 TB

9 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 9 Manpower available - 1 Four different profiles of activity for people involved: –GRID middleware development –system maintenance for the prototypes –adaptation, implementation and maintenance of experiment s/w –designing, testing and exploiting physics application in GRID environment The last profile is a physicist, the fist two are computing professionals, often not devoted to a specific experiment, third one is whithin the experiment, somewhat in between For ATLAS system work is outsourced; in the following only developpers are treated separately

10 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 10 Manpower available - 2 Grid Developpers –Area of Rome: 1 FTE –Naples : 1 FTE –Milan : 0.5 FTE –Genova: 0.5? FTE –Lecce: 0.5 FTE (+contribution of Aloisios group) These people are not typically allocated to experiments, most numbers above still need final approval; the actitude of Directors is positive. Physicists and software experts –Area of Rome : 3 FTE –Naples : 0.5 FTE –Milan : 1.5 FTE –Genova: 1 FTE –Pavia: 1 FTE –Pisa : 0.5? FTE –Lecce: 1 FTE –……...

11 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 11 Manpower available - 3 A conservative evaluation based on the numbers of previous slide gives: ~10 FTE of which ~ 3 developpers Participating have normally involvements ~50% of their time. Area of Rome = Roma1 + Roma2 + Roma3 + LNF

12 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 12 Example plan for protype building -1 2001 : 2 * (2000SI95 + 2 TB +ENEL+space+sys.people) cost 910 = 2 * ( 125 + 160 + 40 + 30 + 100) Ml 2002 : 2* ( 3 TB + ENEL+space+sys.people) cost 700 = 2 * ( 175 + 175) Ml 2003 : 2* (8kSI95 + 3 TB + ENEL+space+sys.people) cost 1350 = 2 * ( 300 + 125 + 250 ) Ml The final installation is 20kSI95 and 16TB The global cost in 3 years is ~3Gl, ~1.8 h/w, ~0.35 power, ~0.25 space, ~0.6 sys.people

13 L. Perini Milano 6 Mar 2000 13 Example plan for protype building - 2 Assumed a factor 1.4 down/year in cost (RAID disk). Tier3 have to be equipped too! Full funcionality everywhere critical point to test and implement The ENEL+space+sys.people costs are preliminary estimates from CILEA, CASPUR is very similar Extra cost due to the presence of 2 sites is ~100 Ml/year Backup tape-system and LAN/WAN connection not in The initial installation ~matches the application foreseen, an increase of a factor 4 in activity over 2 years is assumed...

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