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What kinds of creativity do you respond to? Music Books Art Film Plays Other…?

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2 What kinds of creativity do you respond to? Music Books Art Film Plays Other…?






8  being imaginative  being inventive  taking risks  challenging convention  understanding value and purpose of work We are all, or can be, creative to a lesser or greater degree if we are given the opportunity.

9  questioning and challenging  making connections and seeing relationships  envisaging what might be  exploring ideas, keeping options open  reflecting critically on ideas, actions and outcomes


11 ‘I would like to thank you for organising the Murder Mystery morning. It was obviously a great success as it is the first time my son has ever come home and talked about school with such enthusiasm - and been able to recount what he actually did.’


13 Watford Palace Theatre in Partnership with Hertfordshire County Council Standards and School Effectiveness

14  Storytelling  Oceanworld  Creation Myths  Theme weeks  Spanish Week  Feelgood Week  Book Week  INSET  Creativity across the curriculum  Drama in Role  Creativity and Geography

15  Workshop Objective: To recreate the story of the Spanish Armada Creative Thinkers  group activities and warm ups linked to the theme such as creating soundscapes and physical shapes Information processing skills  Storytelling where the students were active participants, creating sounds and images

16 Reasoning Skills  As a group they retold the story of the Armada  They used their bodies to create the Spanish and English Fleets  They used sound effects to create the atmosphere and setting  They used the learned actions to represent characters  They had to work cohesively in groups and provide a positive contribution

17 Evaluation and enquiry skills  Throughout the workshop they were asked to consider the information they were given and how to use it within the framework of the tasks.

18 BEYOND THE WORKSHOP  Literacy: Further reading, Fiction and Non- fiction writing, Speaking and Listening  Science: Physics, Chemistry (gunpowder!)  History  ITC: Research, writing, creating a presentation, creating an animated version of the story  Geography

19  Curriculum workshops  Theatre Practitioners  Classic Theatre  Devising  Creativity across the Curriculum  Shakespeare – e.g. A Midsummer Night’s Dream  Missing  ‘Tropico Island’  INSET

20 Workshop Objective: to devise a performance piece around the theme of ‘missing people’ Independent Enquirers  Working with stimulus – non-fiction and fiction texts Self-managers and Team Workers  Freeze frames – telling the story Creative Thinkers  Applying learning to practical activity and beginning the devising process  Marking the moment – using subtext

21 Effective Participants  Working together to create the devised piece  Reflecting and providing feedback on each other’s work Reflective Learners  Considering the social and emotional impact of the issues and factoring that into the work with sensitivity  Learning from the process to improve the work for the next level of development

22 BEYOND THE WORKSHOP  English:  Writing: to inform, advise, persuade, entertain, describe  Speaking and Listening: presentations on the topic, ‘live’ news reports  Reading: non-fiction and fiction texts  PSHE: analysis of the issues  Maths: statistical analysis  ICT

23  Make sure that pupils have the space and resources they need to be creative  Make sure that pupils have access to film, video and the internet and to first-hand experience of objects and environments  Work with artists and other creative professionals, going to the theatre or learning a musical instrument  Involve pupils in creating a stimulating environment.  Tap the creativity of staff, parents and the local community

24  Creativity improves pupils' self-esteem, motivation and achievement  Employers want people who see connections, have bright ideas, are innovative, communicate and work well with others and are able to solve problems  Creativity enriches pupils' lives 'Creativity is contagious - pass it on' Albert Einstein.

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