Modules. Why a modular approach? Funded organisations can build their own coherent programmes from the modules Youth Music can use the evidence it gathers.

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Presentation on theme: "Modules. Why a modular approach? Funded organisations can build their own coherent programmes from the modules Youth Music can use the evidence it gathers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modules

2 Why a modular approach? Funded organisations can build their own coherent programmes from the modules Youth Music can use the evidence it gathers to inform modules for funding (prioritising particular needs and extending effective practice)

3 Modules Target audience Eligibility criteria Allocation of Youth Music’s funding Intended outcomes Information & guidance

4 Modules Learning and participation ~ ££ 65-70% Strengthening the sector ~ ££ 30-35%

5 Elevated risk Looked after children, young offenders, NEETs

6 Music-based mentoring Mentoring sessions, training, organisational development

7 Young music leadership Young people leading music-making Young people leading project design

8 Progression environments Environments to support individual musical progression through collaboration

9 Elevated risk in early years Creative music-making and development for SEN, English second language, and socio- economic disadvantage

10 Open Applicant identifies need, outcomes and approach Early years, challenging circumstances, encouraging talent and potential

11 Modules Learning and participation ~ ££ 65-70% Strengthening the sector ~ ££ 30-35% Elevated risk Music- based mentorin g Young music leadership Progression environments Early Years & well- being Open

12 Musical inclusion Building capacity for challenging circumstances: -CC networking -CPD -local coldspots -grass-roots breakthroughs

13 Networking Collaboration, strategy, practice sharing Early Years & Encouraging Talent and Potential

14 Spotlighting Enabling the sharing of effective practice: documenting, evaluating, communicating, enabling

15 Elevated risk Music- based mentorin g Young music leadership Progression environments Early Years & well- being Open Musical inclusion Networking Spotlighting Early yearsChallenging circumstances Encouraging talent and potential

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