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YOUR ARE A TOUR GUIDE! EDGT 940 SAKI OTA INTRODUCTION You are a tour guide. You will present your recommending country to customers. To present the country,

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3 INTRODUCTION You are a tour guide. You will present your recommending country to customers. To present the country, you need to be an expert of the country. In this project you will learn rules of plural form. photos-explorer-tour-guide-image20451248 Let’s look the world with me!

4 TASK You will work in group of 4. Your will chose one country from the tour list. Once you have chosen a country, you need to be a expert on the country. 1.You will research and gather information of the country. 2.Then you will make a advertising poster of the country. 3.At the end of this project you will present your recommending country to your class mates.

5 TOUR LIST First you make groups of 4 then choose one country tour. Newzealand tour Australia tourChina tour Brazil tourItaly tour

6 PROCESS Step1 Learn the target grammar: irregular plural noun Step 2 Gather information of the country that your group have chosen. Step 3 Make an advertising poster Step 4 Presentation

7 STEP 1: LEARN PLURAL RULES You need to learn plural form of the word to explain what animals and food your classmates can see in the county that your group have chosen. Thus, in step1, you will learn plural form of noun. You have already learn basic rule of plural noun in previous lesson. Today you will learn other rules of plural noun.

8 STEP 1: LEARN PLURAL RULES Let’s review basic rule of plural form! Singular means one Plural means many To change singular form of a word to its plural form, we usually add a “s” at the end of the word. Click here to study further!!.Click here to study further!!

9 STEP 1: LEARN PLURAL RULES Now, you review how to change singular form of noun to its plural form. However, there are more rules of plural form. Let’s study other rules of plural form together!

10 STEP 1: LEARN PLURAL RULES Plural noun rule1 Singular form of the word ending with “s”, “ss”, “x”, “ch”, or “sh” Add “es” to the end of the word to change it to its plural form. a fox foxes

11 STEP 1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN Plural noun rule 2 Singular form of the word ending with “o” some noun take “s” to change to its plural form other noun take “es” to change to plural form. a hippo a tomato hippos tomatoes

12 STEP 1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN Plural noun rule 3 Singular form of the word ends with “y” If singular form of the word ends with consonant with “y”, drop the “y” and add “ies” to the end. If singular form of the word ends with vowel with “y”, just add “s” to the end. a butterfly a donkey butterflies donkeys

13 STEP1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN RULES Plural noun form rule 4 Singular form of the word ending with “f” or “fe” Some words drop “f” or “fe” and add “ves” to change to its plural form. Some words just take “s” at the end to change to its plural form. a wolf a giraffe wolves giraffes Check pronunciation

14 STEP1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN RULES Irregular plural There are some irregular plural a deer deer

15 STEP1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN RULES Now you learned some rules of plural noun form. To understanding more, let’s visit the website below! Boby’s match Pond life plural Billionaire

16 STEP1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN RULES Good job!!! Oh, some singular form of words are getting lost on their way to their home. Their homes associate to the rule they take to change to its plural. Let’s help them by finding which rule they take to be plural form.

17 STEP1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN RULES Cherry Which one is cherry’s home? 1.Home1: just add “s” at the end.Home1: just add “s” at the end 2.Home2: Drop “y” and add “es”.Home2: Drop “y” and add “es”. 3.Home3: Drop “y” and add “ies”Home3: Drop “y” and add “ies”

18 STEP1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN RULES Tomato Which home is the rule to change tomato to its plural form? 1.Home1: Just add “s”Home1: Just add “s” 2.Home2: Add “es”Home2: Add “es” 3.Home3: Add “ies”Home3: Add “ies”

19 STEP1: LEARN PLURAL NOUN RULES Wolf Which one is wolf’s home? 1.Home1: Just add “s”Home1: Just add “s” 2.Home2: Add “es”Home2: Add “es” 3.Home3: drop “f” and add “ves”Home3: drop “f” and add “ves”

20 STEP 2: GATHER INFORMATION OF THE COUNTRY Excellent job! Now you are an expert of plural form!!! Let’s move on to the next step. In step 2 you need to collect information to make a tour. information you need to search are country’s 1.Traditional food 2.National animal 3.National flag 4.National sports 5.World heritage You may add more information of the county if you want. Go to the websites on the next page to search information. Then fill in the information list according to what you find.

21 STEP 2: GATHER INFORMATION OF THE COUNTRY 1.Traditional food World Food Map (Japanese website) List of National DIsh 2.National animal List of National Animals 3.National flag List of National Flag 4.National sports List of National Sports 5.World heritage. List of World Heritages List of World Heritage (Japanese site)

22 STEP 3: MAKE AN ADVERTISING POSTER Name of the county Pictures of national food, animal, flag, sports and world heritage and their names. You need to use plural form for national animal and national food (if it’s necessary). Did you find all information you need to make a tour? Now you need to make an advertising poster to explain your tour classmates to customers. In the poster you must have

23 STEP 4: PRESENTATION You did very well on your poster. Now you will present your tour to classmates

24 CONCLUSION Congratulations! Your classmates decide to book your tour! You will go to the country with your classmates and guide them around there

25 EVALUATION ExcellentGoodFair Language use Spell (plural from) Spell all plural form words in the poster correctly. 1-2 misspell plural form words in the poster. Misspell more than half plural form words in the poster. Pronunciation (plural form) Pronounce plural form correctly. There are some mispronunciations in the speech. The speaker’s pronunciation is not accurate enough. Clearly speakingThe speaker speaks clearly enough The speaker generally speaks clearly, but some times it is not clear. The speaker speaks not clear enough. Voice volumeUses appropriate volume of speech. Generally uses appropriate volume of speech, but sometimes it is not loud enough. Speaks not loud enough. Confidently speakingSpeak with confident and make eye contact. Generally make eye contact and speak confidently. Sometimes look on ground. Make little eye contact. Speak with less confidence.

26 TEACHER’S PAGE This Webquest is designed to be done within 4-5 hours. Instruction might be difficult for students to understand, if it is used in EFL context. Modify its instruction to fits your teaching context. Web games are also need to be instructed before play. Explicit phonetic explanation should be done in step 1 by teacher. Websites listed for step2 might need explanation in EFL context.

27 CORRECT! To change cherry to its plural form, you need to drop “y” and add “ies” a cherry cherries Go to the next question!

28 TRY AGAIN  This is not correct Go back to question If you want to learn the rules of plural form click here

29 CORRECT ! To change tomato to its plural form, you need to add “es” at the end Tomato Tomatoes Go to the next question!

30 TRY AGAIN  This is not correct Go back to the question If you want to learn the rules of plural form click here

31 CORRECT ! To change wolf to its plural form, you need to drop “f” and add “ves” at the end. a wolf wolves Congratulations! Every word could go back to their home thanks to your help! Let’s move on to the next! Click here to jump to step 2

32 TRY AGAIN  This is not correct Go back to the question If you want to learn the rules of plural form click here

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