Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter Step 1. Annotate your Computer’s ethernet IP address. Step 2. Change the Ethernet IP Address/subnet/router.

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Presentation on theme: "Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter Step 1. Annotate your Computer’s ethernet IP address. Step 2. Change the Ethernet IP Address/subnet/router."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter Step 1. Annotate your Computer’s ethernet IP address. Step 2. Change the Ethernet IP Address/subnet/router to : / Click apply.

2 Step 3. Deselect Web Proxy/Secure Web Proxy from the proxies settings. Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter

3 Step 4. Open a Web browser and type “ ” in the address bar and click enter. Step 5. Type admin in the password field and press ok. Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter

4 Step 4. The Setup Webpage displays the network name and ip address. Step 5. Specify a unique name to the device. Step 6. Select “use following IP settings” radial button. Settings should be default. Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter

5 Step 7. Type in the name of the network in the SSID field. Step 8. Make sure that Infrastructure button is selected. Click apply and press the ok button when displayed. Step 9. Enable WEP radial button and click the settings button. Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter

6 Step 10. Type the 10 digit password in the Key 1 field and select Key 1 radial button. Be sure that 64 bit 10 hex is selected. ETS uses 5 digit password in ASCII. To convert to Hex go leave out the % signs when entering in the Key1 field Step 11. Click the “BOTH” raidial button. Step 12 Click on Apply. Press the OK button and close the shared key window. Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter 7362626331

7 Step 13 Click on Apply. Press the OK button and close the shared key window. Step14: Change back your IP address settings in the network configuration Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter

8 Step 15: Power the unit off and back on to reboot. Note: If you choose to use this device to connect multiple computers to a wireless network then change the switch x-II switch to II. The wireless bridge comes factory set to X for connections a single PC. Linksys LNKWET11 Setup 802.11b Ethernet Converter

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