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Wolfgang Amadeusz Mozart

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1 Wolfgang Amadeusz Mozart
Master and his era

2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27 1756r
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January r. In Salzburg as the seventh child of Leopold Mozart and Anna Maria Pertl from home

3 United fame young mozart
Leopold Wolfganga- father drove their children to Europe presenting their talent. The consequences of such a trip was the deterioration of the health status of the future of the great composer.

4 Early attempts at composition and concerts,, prodigy "
When he was 11 he played duets with her sister at the curtained keyboard. At the age of five years he composed his first piece for harpsichord. At the age of 11 years wrote his first opera buffa Fri,, alleged naivety”

5 ,, I listened to the voice of God …”
This sentence says Antonio Salieri hearing Serenade in B flat major. It was this statement shows what impression on contemporary music composers exerted by WA Mozart.

6 Periodic passion for sacred music or forced labor?
The legacy of Mozart's sacred compositions take up far less space than secular, and most of them come from the period of activity in Salzburg in the service of his (disliked), then patron, Archbishop Hieronymus Colloredo von.

7 Big plans for a career in artists-VIENNA
In Mozart moved to Vienna, where he decides to live as an independent artist. This period in his life is saved as the time in which Wolfgang composes a lot and quickly.

8 Marriage against the will of the father
August 4 in Wolfgang married Constanze Weber, who was a singer. Since their marriage contact between Wolfgang and his father is unreliable. In the course of a nine-year marriage Constance gave birth to six children, of which only two survived.

9 great achievements Mozart's opera staged in Vienna Opera and other theaters of Europe enroll in art history as a great success. Presents his greatest compositions at the coronation of kings thus arouses admiration among the royal court ..

10 Mozart in the role of teacher
During his lifetime, Wolfgang had very few students. The most famous is Franz Xaver Süssmayr, who was extremely devoted to his teacher

11 At the end of life March 4 takes place the last public performance of Mozart. Wolfgang is trying to take the job of organist at the church of St. Stephen no avail. Mozart's last year of life is associated with the problems of both financial and health

12 Requiem To date, the work is included in the most beloved and inducing emotion. This work was created in part by Mozart, he finished eating his pupil Franz Süssmayr.

13 death master Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died December 5, 1791 year. After his death, the legend circulates, supposedly Mozart was poisoned by a jealous Antonio Salieri. Wolfgang is buried in a common grave III class.

14 compositional achievements
Although Mozart lived less than 36 years, had to leave behind about 700 works characterized by extreme lightness. More than 50 symphonies, several dozen piano concertos, violin, flute and other solo instruments and orchestra, about 20 mass and 17 operas. Most amazing of all is the ability to write cheerful, humorous works by the composer ever harassed problems.

15 Link to literature Stefan Jarociński, Mozart. Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne (PWM) Kraków, [1972] A. Einstein Mozart, Kraków PWM 1975 Wolfgang Amadeusz Mozart. Listy. Przekład I. Dembowski, Warszawa 1991 Lesław Czapliński „Filmowe Mozartiana” (o filmach biograficznych o Mozarcie oraz ekranizacjach jego oper) w: ILUZJON 1/1992 Jarosław Mianowski, Afekt w operach Mozarta i Rossiniego, Poznań, Rhytmos, 2004, ISBN Hieronim Feicht, Mozart w Polsce na przełomie XVIII. i XIX. wieku. Komitet Roku Mozartowskiego w Polsce. [b.d.] Mozart i współcześni. Muzyka w Europie środkowej w XVIII wieku. Akademia Muzyczna im. Grażyny i Kiejstuta Bacewiczów w Łodzi, Łódź 2007

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