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Oceans Video Video.php?video_id=173915&title=E xploring_Oceans&vpkey=

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Presentation on theme: "Oceans Video Video.php?video_id=173915&title=E xploring_Oceans&vpkey="— Presentation transcript:

1 Oceans Video Video.php?video_id=173915&title=E xploring_Oceans&vpkey=

2 Ocean Currents Movement in ocean water caused by temperature, wind, and the moon’s gravity

3 Surface Currents Near the top of the ocean and are caused by winds

4 Deep Currents Movement deep below the ocean’s surface caused by changes in density (water temperature) – Hot water is LESS dense and will always rise above cold water

5 How do currents affect climates? ______ currents mean warm climate Warm

6 Cold currents bring in _______ climates Cooler

7 1.Which best explains the cause of currents that move north from the equator? A Cold water at the poles rises and moves toward the tropics. B Warm water at the equator rises and moves toward the poles. C Warm water near the coastline rises and moves toward the poles. D Cold water deep in the ocean rises and moves toward the tropics.

8 2.The Gulf Stream is a warm water current that begins in the Gulf of Mexico. A diagram of the Gulf Stream is shown below. Which best describes the movement of the Gulf Stream? A Cold currents carry cold water from the polar zones toward the equator. B Warm currents carry warm water from the tropics toward the poles. C Warm currents carry cold water from the tropics toward the poles. D Cold currents carry warm water from the polar zones toward the equator.

9 3.Which most likely causes the movement of warm surface ocean currents? A Sunlight heats air forming strong winds that push currents. B Low and high tides create energy for current movement. C Shifting ocean plates force water toward the poles. D Warm waters help in the melting of icebergs and glaciers.

10 4. Ocean currents bring deep, nutrient-rich water to the surface. What causes these currents to move upward? A Warm rainwater mixes with surface water, pushing deep water upward. B Cold surface water from the poles sinks, pushing deep water upward. C Wind currents cause surface water to sink, pushing deep water upward. D Surface runoff from rivers causes warm water to sink, pushing deep water upward.

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