Name: alex lewis Form:.  You must make sure that you include the following in your presentation:  Transitions between slides.  Speaker notes (what.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: alex lewis Form:.  You must make sure that you include the following in your presentation:  Transitions between slides.  Speaker notes (what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: alex lewis Form:

2  You must make sure that you include the following in your presentation:  Transitions between slides.  Speaker notes (what you would say if you were to do the presentation yourself in front of your employees).  Some animations (max 3-5).  Use suitable clipart images (max 3-5) to add life to your presentation.

3  Comunication : businesses use email to contact customers to let them know of new deals or offers that they could have if they visited their business. Businesses also use email to contact anyone who works for their business to let them know of some work to do or if the customer is ill put a reason why and when they will be in and to let them know about any changes that happen to the company that concern them.  Sales: businesses use email to contact protential customers either abroad or in their country of offers and sales that they could get involved in so their business could prosper and make some money to keep the buisness running  Marketing: businesses also use email to let the world know of what products they make and future products they will make and to tell customers that they will benefit if they choose to purchase from this company

4  Cc: cc stands for carbon copy if you fill in the cc line with more email addresses than the one in your To: line then it will send that email to more than one person this is useful because you can send emails to huge numbers of people at once instead of writing a email for each and every person which makes cc very popular when you organise events for example.  Bcc: bcc is where you send an email to everyone in your company for example where you would fill in all their email addresses in the cc line. If you put one of their addresses in the bcc line it does not send an email to them but does send it to everyone else you have sent it to in the CC line. Bcc is very useful when a teacher is sending an email to your parents and you but u don’t see that they have sent an email to your parents all you see is they have sent it to you

5  Sending email attachments: when you are sending someone an email attachment the most common mistake is the person your sending the attachment does not have the required program to use or even view the attachment you have sent so what u can do is send a message in the email saying “you need Microsoft office to use this attachment for example  Receiving email attachments:  You know you’ve received an email with an attachment when you see a paper clip next to the email’s subject in the mail folder. Open the message to see what type of file is attached. If you open an email that has a attachment when it opens u should see a little thumbnail. If you dont see it then id be worried and i woulden’t save it

6  Opening email attachments : first thing you should do is check who sent the email attachment in the first place to make sure you know and trust the person. Then check the filename extension for example.doc would imply it is a word document if you still get concerned whether the file is safe you can save it to your hardrive then you can check it usually with a virus checker if it says the file is bad you can just delete it.

7 The subject line should sum up what the email is about One topic for each email. Get to the point and stick to the point Maximum one paragraph or five bullet points Write as you would speak in plain english but don't write as you chat (avoid slang etc.) Assume nothing is private - email is like sending a postcard. Don't use HTML or RTF formatting unless you are sure your recipient's email program can read it; never send formatted emails to mailing lists. Remember: what you see is not necessarily what they get.

8  When you want to reply only to the sender of an e-mail message go to the standard toolbar and click the reply button when you have written your email you want to send click just click the reply button again or press (ctrl+R)  To forward a email you specify the recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes (To, Cc, and Bcc boxes: A message is sent to the recipients in the To box. Recipients in the Cc (carbon copy) and Bcc (blind carbon copy) boxes also get the message; however, the names of the recipients in the Bcc box aren't visible to other recipients.). The message will include any attachments that arrived with the original message. To add additional attachments, see the Attach a file. If you want to forward two or more messages, select the first message, press CTRL while selecting each additional message, and then click Forward. Each message will be forwarded as attachments in a new message.

9  An email signature is is a block of text that is appended to the end of an e-mail message you send. Generally, a signature is used to provide the recipient with your name, e-mail address, business contact information AF - 1

10  Cc: The Cc field is for people you want to know about the message, but are not directly involved. It's mainly for people that do not need to act or reply to the message, but to keep them informed.  Bcc: the Bcc field is used when you want other people to receive the message, but you don't want the other recipients to know they got it.  When people get an e-mail, they'll also see all the people in the To and Cc lines - but not Bcc.  One good use of Bcc is when sending an e-mail to hundreds of people. You don't want them all to see each other's e-mail addresses so you use this field, rather than the To or Cc lines. AF - 2

11  When you are setting priority when reading your emails it tells you who it’s from for example if its from a friend it would be high priority but spam from newsletters would be low priority so you would most likely not read the spam AF - 3

12  To set up a spam filter you go to your control panel go to email and change the spam tolerance level The higher this value is, the less sensitive the filter reacts and the more SPAM will pass through it undetected. The recommended value is 5.00 AF - 4

13 An email address book is an easy way to write down and remember loads of email address’s on your email for example if all your friends email address’s are written down all you have to do is put 1 letter from their email address and it will do the rest for you because an option would come up to choose their address AF - 5

14  Things like outlook can reply to anyone that sends you an email with details like when you will be back and how to contact you the reply you for example if your going on holiday and would like a few weeks off from emails and the world AF - 6

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