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MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Etiquette This must be done for all s: No text or slang words as we want to maintain a professional company image Use a suitable subject line in the so the reader knows what the is about Add signature to all s so the reader knows who the is off Setup contacts to get in touch with people easier Use CC and BCC on s Use High and Low Importance on s Use folders to store certain s as this helps to organise the inbox Reply to an in 24 hours as this is company policy Always add an automatic response to all s when you are not on your account. This allows recipient to have a contact name to deal with for future correspondence Always write s well by: Starting s by addressing the reader (Dear Sir/Madam/Whom this may concern) Using paragraphs Ending all s with KIND REGARDS, REGARDS or THANKS followed by your own name Use capital letters where appropriate Keep passwords safe and do not share with others (change every 6 weeks for extra safety) Passwords must be changed every 4 weeks and cannot be a password you have already used All passwords must follow company guidelines on setting strong guidelines A strong password must contain the following: A minimum of 8 characters long Combines upper and lower case letters Includes at least one number Contains alphanumeric characters.. e.g. !£$%*# MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Staying safe online Here are some Safety Tips you should follow when using Change your password regularly (once every 2 months) Don’t share your password with anyone Don’t open attachments from anonymous contacts (could be a virus) When not on a computer, always log off you account Always delete SPAM or chain mails Keep your personal information to yourself – Don’t share bank details, address or your full name to anyone Make sure your computer has an anti-virus software and always update it when it tells you to Watch out for PHISHING - Your bank or any card companies will never ask for your details over . If any asks you for it who claims to be your bank or card company, phone them to verify it and discuss the matter on the phone Try and use multiple accounts for different things (social media, banks, work, personal, SPAM) Ensure a SPAM filter is secure Password Tips: A strong password should be at least 8 letters long Include numbers, symbols and letters (some capital and some lowercase) Make sure it is a password that no one else will guess Doesn’t contain your username, real name or company Doesn’t contain a complete word Significantly different from previous passwords If you need to write it down, make sure people don’t know that it is a password for a certain account, and in a safe place so no one could find it anyway MStreamIT Toolkit
Writing/Sending a new email
You have to know how to write new s, otherwise you won’t be able to send any and cannot come into contact with people. Make sure you are on the INBOX and it is highlighted like so Click on the little drop down arrow by the NEW link and click on the MESSAGE link to send a message to a certain person To do this I went on: MY > TYPE ADDRESS AND PASSWORD IN > INBOX > NEW > NEW MESSAGE Then I simply wrote out my to the person who it needs to be sent too, then put in any of the above steps into it to make it very good and to give my company that I work for a good reputation. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Replying to an Click on the Purple forward arrow, so an box pops up You can type in your reply to the above the black line After entering the reply message, you can then press send, so it send to the person you are speaking too To do this I went on: INBOX > CLICK ON > PRESS PURPLE REPLY ARROW > REPLY ABOVE THE BLACK LINE IN THE > INSERT ANY ATTACHMENTS YOU NEED OR OTHER ADDRESSES YOU NEED TO SEND THE TOO > PRESS SEND This is so I can reply to s that I receive off people as easily as I can. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Forwarding an Click on the Blue forward arrow, so an box pops up Make sure you are on the INBOX and it is open like shown After entering the FORWARD message, you can then type the of the person in the TO bar You can also edit the information you need to send to the person, by deleting or adding any information below. You can also type any information of your own regarding the message above the black line, so the person you send it to knows its from you. To do this I went on: INBOX > CLICK ON > PRESS BLUE FORWARD ARROW This s so I can forward on any s that someone else may want to see, instead of having to type the whole out again. It is also to let the person I have forwarded the to, to know who it is off. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Receiving an You have to know how to get s because you will have to be able to find s properly so you can also reply to them. If you have received an from a different person, then their will show up on this CONVERSATIONS LIST like shown You can be able to open the by clicking on it and it will open in a new document where then you will be able to reply back to the person To do this I went on: INBOX > LOOK AT MIDDLE COLOUM > CLICK ON Then the will show up so you can read the , also reply to it so they can get an answer. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Attachments You have to know how to attach files to s, in case you are sending work to your manager on a certain programme. Click on this icon that looks like a paper clip Open up a new message Click on a file that you would like to include on your and press OPEN to attach it to your To do this I went on: NEW MESSAGE > ATTACHMENT ICON > CLICK FILE YOU NEED TO ATTACH > OPEN MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Saving Attachments You can do this in case you need to save a document that you have been sent for future reference etc. Click on the appropriate attachment from the Open up a message from your inbox that had an attachment on Click on the arrow where a drop down menu will be shown. Then chose the appropriate selection, where you can save the attachment To do this I went on: INBOX > CLICK ON > CLICK ON THE ATTATCHMENT INCLUDED IN THE > CLICK SAVE ON THE YELLOW BAR OR WHAT YOU WISH TO DO WITH THE ATTACHMENT MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Signature You have to put your details on ever single , so people will know who the is off, and it will look very professional, so our company will get a good reputation Have to include your name, job title and company details (address and name) To do this I went on: OPTIONS > SEE ALL OPTIONS > SETTINGS Then I wrote down all of my details in the Signature box and then checked the box underneath saying AUTOMATICALLY INCLUDE MY SIGNATURE ON MESSAGES I SEND so it is included on all s we send to look good MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Making a new contact You have to know how to make a new contact because it will be easier for you to do this instead of having to remember every single address for everyone who you conact. Click NEW to make a new contact Write in all the details needed for a single contact and press SAVE AND CLOSE to save it Click on CONTACTS to access them To do this I went on: BOTTOM LEFT COLOUM > CONTACTS > NEW CONTACT > WRITE IN DETAILS > SAVE AND CLOSE Then I am able to make a new contact to make it easier for me, instead of remembering all of the addresses for every single person. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Use CC and BCC You have to do this because it is so you get the right information to certain people and to also send important information to the manager without any one else knowing BCC means that you can send it to another person with out the other people knowing (Blind Carbon Copy is a secrecy setting and a very powerful tool) CC means that these people know that you have sent it to the people in the TO and the other CC’s, but not the BCC. Signature Make sure you check the SHOW BCC box so you can include the BCC address bar To do this I went on: NEW MESSAGE > OPTIONS > SHOW BCC > OK > TYPE ADDRESS IN NEW MESSAGE > CC > TYPE ADDRESS IN Then I added a person to the BCC, so people who I have sent to to on the TO and CC cannot see who I have sent the to secretly. The people on the TO and CC address bar can see that I have sent it to that person on either one, but not on the BCC. MStreamIT Toolkit
High and Low Importance
You have to do this because it is so you can make sure that someone reads the you have sent, instead of them deleting it because they may not know who it is and think it is a scam. This will make sure they read it, and will tell you when they have too. High Importance means that the you have send is very important for the person you have sent it to, to read, and it will stay at the top of their inbox until they read it To do this I went on: NEW MESSAGE > OPTIONS > IMPORTANCE DROP DOWN MENU > CLICK HIGH > OK Then I went back to my to write whatever was needed to be written. When I send this to the person who I want to send it too, it will stay at the very top of the inbox until they read it. It will also send me a when they have read it, so I know when they have read it or not. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Making a new folder You have to know how to make a new folder so you are able to make your inbox much neater and not lose any important s off anyone. To make a new folder, right click on the NOTES tab and a drop down menu will pop up like so: This drop down menu will show up and you should click on CREATE NEW FOLDER To do this I went on: INBOX > LOOK AT LEFT TAB ON SCREEN > RIGHT CLICK ON NOTES > CREATE NEW FOLDER Then I wrote down the appropriate name for the folder that I have made, so my set up looks professional and not scruffy. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Archiving an Firstly, you need to create 2 folders in you inbox. You do this by right-clicking on the INBOX and creating a new folder. Click on create new rule for arriving messages, where this box will pop up Click on the appropriate fields for each box, where you should click save and an Inbox Rule will be made To do this I went on: INBOX > SEE ALL OPTIONS > ORGANISE > INBOX RULES > NEW (DROP DOWN ARROW) > CREATE NEW RULE FOR ARRIVING MESSAGES > CLICK ON THE APPROPRIATE FIELDS > PRESS SAVE FOR IT TO BE COMPLETED You need to know how to Archive certain s, so your inbox will be sorted and you know what s are for what (personal/work). This also stops regular offenders sending s to you. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Archiving an BASIC RULES: Company Policy (AUP) Prioritise your mail – read messages with high importance first then either save the message in to an appropriate folder or delete the message. Set up in-box rules for dealing with spam from regular offenders. Keep your in-box organised, move mail in to folders or delete messages regularly. Permanently remove ‘Deleted Items’ once you are sure the messages are no longer needed. (you can say following company policy all unwanted s should be archived or permanently removed at the end of each month) All s with attachments should be dealt with appropriately, the attachment saved to a folder and the then deleted. (Company etiquette rules state that with attachments from unknown sources should be deleted immediately). Users should permanently remove deleted items. Many providers only allocate a certain amount of space for account holders and a full ‘Deleted Items’ folder still counts on your account. For that contain attachments it is important if you have limited space to delete these files. If necessary save the attachment to an appropriate folder then permanently remove the to save space. MStreamIT Toolkit
Dealing with SPAM emails or emails off Unknown People
To Deal with SPAM or Unknown s you can set up a rule that sends certain s to the junk folder, instead of it filling your inbox. Click on Options in the top right corner and then click organise You can then chose an address to be able to re-direct it to a certain folder (Junk, Unread etc.) Go on Inbox Rules and the button NEW, so this box pops up Then press the SAVE button, so the action will be logged To do this I went on: OPTIONS > ORGANISE S > INBOX RULES Then I followed the above steps, to send unknown or SPAM s into my Junk folder, so I don’t have to personally deal with it and it taking up my inbox that other important s could be in. MStreamIT Toolkit
MStreamIT E-Mail Toolkit
Automatic Response You have to do this because it is so you can make sure that you have sent a person an so they know you will take a while to reply because of your reason. Click on Organise , then go on Automatic Replies Make sure you press SEND AUTOMATIC REPLIES so it works and you can use it Write in an automatic reply that you want to use, that is suitable for everyone who send you an Set the date and time of when you want the response to be active Make sure you press SAVE so it works To do this I went on: OPTIONS > ORGANISE S > AUTOMATIC REPLIES Then I activated it so the automatic replies could be sent with my specifically chosen message on it. This makes the company look professional and smart. MStreamIT Toolkit
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