Destinations in the Curriculum and across the University Sharon Milner Career Development Centre University of Ulster

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Presentation on theme: "Destinations in the Curriculum and across the University Sharon Milner Career Development Centre University of Ulster"— Presentation transcript:

1 Destinations in the Curriculum and across the University Sharon Milner Career Development Centre University of Ulster

2 Ulster GradNav – Supporting CDL  Career Development Learning Framework – 7 pathways  Delivery of CDL Framework is a joint responsibility between Faculties and CDC  Implementation is monitored via a Partnership Agreement (PA)

3 Ulster GradNav – Supporting CDL  Certificate in Personal & Professional Development (CPPD) - Additional to degree & free to all f/t UG - 60 credit points -Approx 2000 students registered between semester 1 & 2 for CDC modules - CDC offers five modules within the framework customised to degree programme. - Exploring Your Career Options - Developing Your Employability Skills - Career Progression Skills - Communication & Career Management Skills - Employability Through Work Experience

4 Subject Disciplines using GradNAV  Faculty of Art:  Language and literature, American studies, history  Music, drama & dance  Faculty of Art, Design & Built Environment  Architecture & Design, Fashion & Textiles  Built Environment  Department of Business Studies:  Accountancy, Marketing  Business studies & Masters in Business Studies.  Travel & Tourism, Consumer studies  Faculty of Computing & Engineering:  Computing, Engineering  Faculty Social Sciences:  Criminology, Law,  History and Politics,  Communication, Sociology and Social Work  Economics  Faculty of Life and Health Sciences:  Environmental Science, geography, marine science  Radiography, Occupational Therapy,  Biomedical sciences, Biological sciences, Human / food nutrition  Psychology,  Sports studies and Sports Science

5 Ulster GradNav – Supporting CDL Issues with CDL Delivery  Access to CDL materials  Delivery by Staff  Direct student contact hours  Programme specific materials  Assessment Load & Marking

6 Ulster GradNav – Supporting CDL Issues with CDL Delivery  Access to CDL materials  Delivery by Staff  Direct student contact hours  Programme specific materials  Assessment Load & Marking Online Solution  Single sign on via Portal & PDSystem  Lesson Plans & WebCT  Blended learning  Customised materials  PDSystem for both formative & summative

7 Access Ulster GradNAV -Portal


9 Ulster GradNAV & PDSystem

10 Psychometric tests

11 Ulster GradNAV & PDSystem

12 Journals

13 Viewing an e-Porfolio

14 Lesson Plans:  Interview skills: how to present yourself with confidence  Making work experience work for you  Assessment centres  Developing your employability skills  Making choices: an introduction to career planning  Application forms

15 Lesson Plans

16 Application forms:  20Forms.doc 20Forms.doc  ppt ppt

17 Work Experience Toolkit

18 Issues that arose:  Develop clearly structured framework for non- expert use  Links to resources  Further customisation and map into WebCT units

19 Gill Warwick, L’Estrange and Brett

20 Video: Andrew Cahalan, Dupont

21 Built Environment placement student

22 Placement Student

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