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Statistics curricula at Italian Universities and other schools Antonio Giusti.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics curricula at Italian Universities and other schools Antonio Giusti."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics curricula at Italian Universities and other schools Antonio Giusti

2 Presentation outline The Italian Higher Education Reform Some curricula in statistics The primary and secondary education Some remarks

3 The Italian Higher Education Reform May 1998: The Sorbonne Declaration (signed by Italy, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. June 1999: The Bologna Declaration (signed by 29 European countries). In the framework of the European university reform, the Italian Higher Education system is undergoing a great transformation.

4 The Italian Higher Education Reform The ministerial decree no. 509 of the 3rd of November 1999. A new ministerial decree, no. 270 of the 22nd of October 2004. In the framework of the European university reform, the Italian Higher Education system is undergoing a great transformation.

5 The Italian Higher Education Reform The Italian Higher Education Reform is designed: to reduce the student drop-out rate and university-career time; to combine a high standard academic offer with professional competence and skills; to facilitate national and international student mobility.

6 The Italian Higher Education Reform In Italy was already introduced a national credit system following the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) The student learning activities are valued as CFU (University Formative Credits) One CFU consists of 25 workload hours One academic year corresponds to 60 CFUs.

7 The Italian Higher Education Reform (300)

8 1Biotechnologies 2Legal services 3Applied languages 4Architecture and construction engineering 5Humanities 6Social work 7Town, regional and environmental planning 8Engineering (building) 9Engineering (electronic) 10Engineering (industrial) 11Modern languages and civilisations 12Biology 13Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage 14Communication 15Political sciences and international relations 16Earth sciences 17Business and management 18Education 19Administration 20Agriculture, food industry and forestry 21Chemistry 22Aviation and maritime navigation 23Visual arts, music, performing arts and fashion studies 24Pharmacy 25Physics 26Computer Science 27Environmental sciences 28Economics and Administration 29Philosophy 30Geography 31Law 32Mathematics 33Sport sciences and physical education 34Psychology 35Co-operation, development and peace studies 36Sociology 37Statistics 38History 39Tourism 40Zoology 41Cultural heritage studies 42Industrial design + 5 new categories: DS1 (Defence and security), SNT1, SNT2, SNT3, SNT4 (Health professions)

9 The Italian Higher Education Reform 3-year degrees47 categories 37 Statistics 3+2 degrees 104 categories 90/s Demography and social statistics 91/s Economic and financial statistics 92/s Statistics for experimental research

10 The Italian Higher Education Reform The EU has regulated University education for a few professions. In Italy these remain as a unique course of 5 or 6 year: Medicine and Surgery (6 years), Veterinary Medicine (5 years), Dentistry and Prosthetic Dentistry (5 years), Pharmacy (5 years).

11 5 faculties I) 35 courses – II) 29 courses I) 1345 1° year students II) 262 1° year students Degree in Statistics

12 Some curricula in statistics Degrees (3-years degrees, category: 37) Finance and insurance Statistics Statistics and computing Statistics and computing technology Statistics and management Statistics and social research Statistics, business and marketing Statistics, economics and finance Statistics, population and society

13 Some curricula in statistics 3+2 Degrees Population and society 90/S Statistics for economics, business and finance 90/S Statistics for the demographic and social sciences 91/S Statistics, insurance and finance 91/S Statistics and computing science 91/S Statistics and economics 91/S Business information systems 91/S Statistics 92/S Statistics and computing science 92/S

14 Some curricula in statistics Master degrees i.e. Business analysis Research doctorates (Ph.D.) (Now Ph.D. School)

15 The primary and secondary education Statistics is included at every level of the Italian educational system In the secondary school the mathematical curricula include “Elements of probability and statistics” with these topics: random events, joint events and addition rule, conditional probability, composed probability, independent events and product rule elements of descriptive statistics: data collection, averages, variability indexes

16 The primary and secondary education Protocol among: MIUR (Ministry of Instruction, University and Research) UMI (Italian Mathematical Union ) SIS (Italian Statistical Society) signed in 1993, 1998 and 2002

17 The primary and secondary education CIRDIS is an Italian Interuniversity Research Centre for Statistical Education hosted by the Universities of Padova, Palermo, Perugia and “Roma la Sapienza” The Centre has been constituted on 1991 with the general objective of promoting the development of research on statistical education in Italy

18 Some remarks (on Statistical education in Italy) In theory is included at every level, but there are no expert teachers almost everywhere (excluding universities) Few students in the statistical curricula at University Is considered a very difficult topics in the other curricula New changes in 2 years

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