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10.15- 11.00 11.00- 11.45 11.45- 12.30 12.30-1.151.15-2.002.00-2.45 2.45- 3.30 3.30- 4.15 4.15- 5.00 MONDAY1 st yrKB-13  ST- PRAC (GR. A)  2 nd.

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Presentation on theme: "10.15- 11.00 11.00- 11.45 11.45- 12.30 12.30-1.151.15-2.002.00-2.45 2.45- 3.30 3.30- 4.15 4.15- 5.00 MONDAY1 st yrKB-13  ST- PRAC (GR. A)  2 nd."— Presentation transcript:





5 10.15- 11.00 11.00- 11.45 11.45- 12.30 12.30-1.151.15-2.002.00-2.45 2.45- 3.30 3.30- 4.15 4.15- 5.00 MONDAY1 st yrKB-13  ST- PRAC (GR. A)  2 nd yrKB-N2 3 rd yrKB-deptST -ENVS TUESDAY1 st yrST-13 2 nd yrSR-N2 3 rd yrKB- ENVSKB-dept ST-dept / ICT  KB+SR - PRAC  WEDNESDAY1 st yrKB-N3 2 nd yrKB-N2 KB-N2/ ICT 3 rd yr SR-dept / Tutorial THURSDAY1 st yrST-13  KB- PRAC (GR. B)  2 nd yrST-N5 3 rd yrKB-dept FRIDAY1 st yr SR-13/ ICT 2 nd yr  ST+SR - PRAC  3 rd yrST-deptKB-dept SATURDAY1 st yr ST-13/ Library Remedial 2 nd yrST-N1 3 rd yrST-dept

6 Name of Faculty Qualifi- cations Designa- tion Specializa- tion Date of Joining Dr. Kakoli Banerjee Ph.D., M.Sc. Assistant Professor Analytical Chemistry 12.11. 2005 Dr. Santarupa Thakurta Ph.D., M.Sc. Assistant Professor Inorganic Chemistry 12. 04. 2010 Dr. Sipra RoyPh.D., M.Sc. Part -time Lecturer Inorganic Chemistry 18. 08. 2008 Laboratory Attendant : Mr. Amal Ghosh Faculty of Chemistry conducts classes and supervises the project work on Environmental Studies which is a compulsory subject in the Curriculum.

7 Name of FacultyField of researchAwarded from Dr. Kakoli Banerjee Radioanalytical Chemistry with special reference to carrier-free radioisotopes of third transition series elements produced through Nuclear Activation Techniques. 2001, Saha Institute of Nuclear physics Dr. Santarupa Thakurta Coordination chemistry of some new transition and inner- transition metal complexes derived from multidentate N,O- donor Schiff base ligands. 2010, Jadavpur University Dr. Sipra Roy Studies on Synthesis and Structure of Cationic Ruthenium(II) Complexes and Their Efficiency as Catalysts for Transfer Hydrogenation. 2008, IIT, Kharagpur  Details of Ph.D. Awards received by Faculty:

8  Recent research work : Dr. Kakoli Banerjee : Received a Minor Research Project (UGC sanction number F.PSW-062/13-14 dated 18 th March, 2014). Fund allocation: Rupees 4,75, 000. Project title: “Chemistry at the backdrop of society: Detection of heavy metals in everyday used commodities”. Dr. Santarupa Thakurta : Involved in research activities in Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University. List of post-doctoral publications in peer reviewed international journals: 1.Polyhedron (Publisher: Elsevier) 75 (2014) 40-49. 2. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 87 (2014) 724-732. 3.Polyhedron (Publisher: Elsevier) 65 (2013) 6-15. 4.European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Publisher: Wiley-VCH) (2013) 527-536. 5.Inorganic Chemistry (Publisher: American Chemical Society) 51 (2012) 12176−12187.


10 Online examination Online admission Formative assessment Bridge course and test Student centric Learning 360 degree feedback Evaluation communication Curriculum enrichment ICT courses Study materials





15 Teaching and non-teaching staffs of the department

16 Poster presented by students

17 Scientific magic show by an eminent person in the departmental programme in 2012

18 Academic tour to Science City on December, 2013 with students of 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd year


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