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INTASC Standard & Rationale Standard #9 Professional Learning and Ethical Practice The teacher engages in on going professional learning and uses evidence.

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2 INTASC Standard & Rationale Standard #9 Professional Learning and Ethical Practice The teacher engages in on going professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. Name of Artifact: PowerPoint Date: October 16, 2013 Course: EDUC 101 Brief Description: For this assignment I created a PowerPoint presentation with information relating to why I would like to be a teacher. Also included are traits of a good teacher, student and community characteristics, and professional contributions. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard #9, Professional Learning and Ethical Practice, I put together aspects of my own professional beliefs along with traits and characteristics that have been backed up by the educational community.

3 Reasons to Teach!! Change Lives Every day brings a new opportunity to change a child’s life Continued Personal Growth There is no greater teacher, than a student Male presence in the Elementary Young children need to see have more male grade school teachers

4 Traits of a Good Teacher I Possess Organization An on going battle, to control the mess!! Patient Children learn at different rates Passionate Personal attitude and enthusiasm drives learning Optimistic Support with positive reinforcements

5 Student Characteristics Young or old Education never stops! But primarily Elementary Enthusiastic If they aren’t, they will be! Struggling To reach the lost and the difficult is to truly teach Hard work If they can put in the time, they can make the grade!

6 Community Characteristics Growth I’d like to help take a community to the next level Diversity In the community and in the classroom Diverse backgrounds promote Growth Parent-Teacher- Adminstation Communication One goal… Student Educational Growth

7 Contributions to the Profession Class and Professionalism In and Out of the Classroom A life time of dedicated hard work Continued education Writer/Author/Journal contributor Champion of Change in the classroom Inspire the Next Generation Spark the mind of the next great leader

8 Koch, Janice. (2014) TEACH. United States of America: Cengage learning

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