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Madison Starner’s Personal Statement October 2013.

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1 Madison Starner’s Personal Statement October 2013

2 INSTASC, Rationale, and Description Standard #7 Planning for Instruction The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community content.

3 Name of Artifact: Personal Statement Project Date: October, 12, 2014 Course: EDUC 101

4 Brief Description For this assignment, I developed a personal statement project to emphasize not only my goals and aspirations as a teacher, but also of the students I teach. Throughout the PowerPoint, I touch base on many different areas regarding pedagogy and the characteristics regarding that pedagogy.

5 Rationale To document my understanding of Standard #7, I include a response to six areas involving my teaching philosophy. Using my own pedagogy, I discussed my reasons for wanting to teach, opinionated effective teacher traits, my educational philosophy, and my views of student and community characteristics of which I want to teach. To conclude my statement, I expanded on what I feel I should contribute to the profession.

6 Why Do I Want to Teach? Always loved the idea of being a teacher. – Playing school, being a teacher helper, loving school supply shopping Helping/preparing children for their futures “Light Bulbs” Positive influence on a life (adult, child, colleagues, student teachers and volunteers)

7 What traits to effective teachers possess? Patient Understanding Forgiving Positive Open-minded and multicultural

8 What are the characteristics of the students I want to teach? Eager to learn Well-behaved Respectful Driven and hardworking Positive attitudes Team-work skills Honesty Creative

9 What are the characteristics of the community where I want to teach? Curriculum – but the availability to be creative (project-based learning) A staff that works together to benefit teacher performances and student success Supportive Adequate supplies for teaching (books, computers, special classes, etc.)

10 How will I contribute to the profession of teaching? Successful and prepared students Input my ideas and use them to make a difference A creative face in education Becoming the “ideal” teacher

11 Goals and Aspirations Getting that diploma! Staying positive and keeping up Always on the look for new learning experiences

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