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A New Squadron Florida Sons of The American Legion

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1 A New Squadron Florida Sons of The American Legion
College System - Course 3 Squadron/Post # Location

2 Welcome and Introduction
Presenter Information Co-Presenter (if applicable)

3 The Post Responsibilities
Location Florida SAL College System FSCS-03

4 Post and Responsibility
The post is responsible for creating an Advisory Committee that will assist the Squadron and it’s members. The Advisory Committee should have not less than 3 members. They should represent the Squadron during meetings of the sponsoring Post. Legionnaires selected for the post's S.A.L. Advisory Committee must have a knowledge and understanding of the program and of The American Legion, initiative and determination to see that the program is perpetuated.

5 Post and Responsibility
Care must be taken to permit the members to develop and use their own initiative and ideas in working out the details of all activities. Legionnaires on the Advisory Committee should serve primarily as counselors for the leadership of the squadron. The suggested program of activities outlined in the Squadron Handbook are intended to help develop good character, sound judgments, and essential leadership skills for active S.A.L. members

6 Post and Responsibility
As the S.A.L. member becomes older, his experience and talent should be utilized in leadership and counseling capacities within the squadron. The S.A.L. member who has completed the Ten Ideals and Five-Point Programs can be of valuable service to the squadron in counseling younger members still striving for such honors. Older S.A.L. members who have had Boys State or Boy Scouts experience can provide a junior counselor service, where necessary, to The American Legion in its sponsorship of this program.

7 Membership & Eligibility
Squadron/Post # Location Florida SAL College System FSCS-03

8 Membership & Eligibility
Membership is the lifeblood of our organization. Membership in the Sons of The American Legion is directly related to the success of our projects and programs. Every member should concern himself with the recruitment of new members as well as helping to secure renewals each year. You should always carry an application for membership with you should the opportunity to recruit a new member ever arise. Just as every member is important to the overall success of the organization, the renewal and recruitment of members is everyone's responsibility.

9 Membership & Eligibility
All male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during World I, World War II, Korean War, the Vietnam War, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, and the Persian Gulf War, during the delimiting periods set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion.

10 Membership & Eligibility
The following eligibility periods have been established for membership in The American Legion: Aug. 2, 1990 thru (still open) Dec. 20, 1989 thru Jan. 21, 1990 Aug. 24, 1982 thru July 31, 1984 Feb. 28, 1961 thru May 7, 1975 June 25, 1950 thru Jan. 31, 1955 Dec. 7,1941 thru Dec. 31, 1946 April 6, 1917 thru Nov. 11, 1918

11 How are the Sons of The American Legion Organized
Sons Organization How are the Sons of The American Legion Organized Florida SAL College System FSCS-03

12 Organizational Structure of the Sons
The National Organization is responsible for Policy & Programs The Detachment is responsible for Administration & Publicity The District is responsible for Coordination The Squadron is responsible for Membership & Activities National Detachment District Squadron

13 Organizational Structure of the Sons
National The American Legion created the National Organization of the Sons of The American Legion in 1971 to better coordinate the efforts of Squadrons and Detachments. The Annual National Convention is the chief legislative body of the organization, and is held each year in conjunction with The American Legion's National Convention. The Convention elects National Commander and five (5) National Vice Commanders (one for each Region). All other National Officers (National Adjutant, Assistant Adjutants, Judge Advocate, Chaplain, Historian, Sergeant at Arms, Assistant Sergeants at Arms and Commander's Aide) are appointed by the National Commander.

14 Organizational Structure of the Sons
National Between Conventions, the administration of the S.A.L. is vested in it's National Executive Committee, a body made up of one representative and one alternate representative from each Detachment, plus all elected National Officers and all Past National Commanders. The several Detachments are organized into five regions (East, South, Central, Midwest, West). Members of National Commissions are appointed for a term of three years.

15 Organizational Structure of the Sons
Detachment Generally speaking, all Squadrons within a state's boundaries comprise the Detachment Organization. A Detachment is organized and operates under the supervision of the American Legion Department Organization in that state. Detachments elect State officers and delegates to the Annual National Convention of the S.A.L. and are entitled to representation on the S.A.L. National Executive Committee. Detachments establish their own per capita dues rates, write their own constitution and by-laws and are the body with authority to approve their constitution and by-laws written at the intermediate and squadron levels.

16 Organizational Structure of the Sons
Detachment The Detachment Organization is primarily responsible for promoting National programs within that state, communicating information to Squadrons within that state, and expanding S.A.L. membership in the state. The Detachment has the power to suspend or cancel Squadron Charters for violation of the Detachment or National Constitution & By Laws. The Legislative Body of the Detachment is the Annual Detachment Convention, and each Squadron is entitled to participate in the meeting.

17 Organizational Structure of the Sons
Areas & Districts Detachments employ intermediate organizational bodies, which group squadrons into geographic regions. In Florida we mirror The American Legion with Areas and Districts. Each area has a Detachment Vice Commander that is elected each year a the Annual Convention.

18 Organizational Structure of the Sons
Areas & Districts Districts elect their own officers Each District has a District Commander and Vice Commander that are elected at the District Constitutional Conferences that are held in each District. The District Commander also appoints other officers as needed. Districts can write their own constitution and by-laws and they exist to coordinate efforts and communications between the Detachment and its squadrons.

19 Organizational Structure of the Sons
Squadrons The grass roots unit of the Sons of The American Legion is a Squadron. Currently, there are more than 5800 Squadrons throughout the United States, and in five outlying Detachments in foreign countries. There may be only one Squadron attached to any American Legion Post. Squadrons should establish their own by-laws, provided they are not in conflict with the S.A.L. National Constitution and By-Laws or Detachment by- laws.

20 Organizational Structure of the Sons
Squadrons Membership in the Sons of The American Legion exists through membership in a particular squadron. Only a squadron may admit and/or expel members from the Sons of The American Legion. All members must meet eligibility requirements. There are no honorary members permitted in the S.A.L. or in The American Legion.

21 Squadron Officers & Responsibilities
Location Florida SAL College System FSCS-03

22 Squadron Sergeant-At-Arms
This officer is the sentinel or outer guard of the squadron. In addition to being the custodian of the flag and squadron standards, he should be ready at all times to assist the Squadron Commander. During meetings, he is the eyes and ears for the Commander, keeping the flow of traffic to a minimum during meeting and announcing and escorting any guests to the speakers table.

23 Squadron Historian This officer maintains a current record of the activities of the squadron as a mean of continuing a historical account of its endeavors over the years. The Historian should start a scrapbook, take pictures, send articles to newspapers, and become the public relations persons of the squadron.

24 Squadron Chaplain This officer is responsible for the spiritual leadership of the squadron. In addition to attending all meetings, he should be ready upon occasion to take part in the initiation of new members, dedication ceremonies, and the funeral services of a member. The Chaplain needs to be aware of the sick and injured members of the Squadron and take it upon himself to send the appropriate cards or well wishes on behalf of the Squadron.

25 Squadron Finance Officer
This officer has the responsibility of receiving squadron moneys and paying all squadron bills when the Squadron Commander, and/or the Post Officials have given authorization for payment. The Finance Officer should have financial reports ready for every Squadron meeting.

26 Squadron Adjutant This officer is the secretary of the squadron, maintaining contact with individual squadron members and higher levels of the organization, keeping squadron records, and publishing any necessary orders, announcements, and instructions.

27 Squadron 2nd Vice Commander
The responsibilities of this office are concerned primarily with the development of squadron activities, patriotic observances, and planning entertainment and social features that may be scheduled in conjunction with squadron meetings or functions.

28 Squadron 1st Vice Commander
The responsibilities of this office are devoted largely to the membership enrollment activities of the squadron and other duties as assigned by the Commander. There is nothing more important than membership. The First Vice Commander should be willing and able to fill in for the Squadron Commander if the need arises.

29 Squadron Commander This individual is entrusted with the important duty of teaching and protecting the cardinal principles of the Sons of The American Legion. The supervision of duties of all other officers of the squadron. He is guided by the squadron constitution and by the decision of the squadron as a body. Yet, responsibility for the squadron's success rests largely upon his shoulders. Accomplishments of squadron depend greatly upon the leadership abilities of the commander. During his term in office, the commander presides over squadron meetings and makes every effort to see that meetings are conducted properly. A recommended order of business and the ceremonial ritual for the opening and closing of a squadron meeting are outlined in the Squadron Handbook.

30 Any Questions Before We Move On?

31 Appointment of Squadron Officers
1st Year Squadron # Leadership Florida SAL College System FSCS-03

32 Appointments It is encouraged that a full slate of officers be appointed to help this new squadron to become active and begin moving forward. The Officers that are initially appointed should be installed by the District SAL Commander or other Detachment representative at a time established by the Squadron Commander.

33 Positions to be filled Commander 1st Vice Commander 2nd Vice Commander
Adjutant Finance Officer Chaplain Historian Sergeant-At-Arms

34 Programs and Activities
What do the Squadron Members want to do? Florida SAL College System FSCS-03

35 Finances The Post should assist with the opening of a checking and/or savings account. The account should be used to deposit funds that are obtained for dues, donations, or fundraising Checks must be signed by a designated Squadron Officer (Finance Officer, Commander) and a designated Post Officer (Finance Officer, Commander or Advisor). This is for protection of the Squadron and the Post.

36 Membership The primary source of funding for the Squadron is through its collection of membership dues. The current dues structure for Squadron # is as follows: $XX.00 for adult members of drinking age (21 years old and up) $XX.00 for members from birth until the age of 21 $XX.00 for dual members (Members of The American Legion and the SAL.

37 Membership The Squadron is responsible for submitting the per-capita dues to Department HQ in Orlando. They are as follows: The Squadron submits $6.00 per member to the Department HQ. Once received at Department they will process the membership and process it to National The Department submits $2.00 per member to the National HQ in Indianapolis

38 Membership This means that the Squadron keeps
$X.00 per adult member (21 & up) $X.00 per member up to 21 $X.00 per dual member

39 Fundraising What kind of activities does the Squadron Membership want to do? Membership Drives Cooking at the Post Car Washes Bake Sales Special Occasion Functions Dances and Balls Dinners Raffles or 50/50 drawings

40 Ten Ideals Program Is a program to assist members in becoming more active in the Sons Patriotism Health Training Knowledge Honor Faith Helpfulness Courtesy Reverence Comradeship

41 Five Star Program This is a study program for those younger members and is based of learning the following 5 points Patriotism Citizenship Discipline Leadership Legionism

42 Programs Supported by The Sons
The American Legion Family Children and Youth Americanism Honor Guards Veterans Affairs Legislative

43 Programs As you can see by this short presentation that there is many things that the Sons can do. The rest is left to the imagination and Squadron members. The Sons of The American Legion Detachment of Florida gives millions of dollars to our many programs as well as The American Legion and hundreds of thousands of hours are given to our communities and Posts.

44 Visit us on the Internet
For More Information Visit us on the Internet

45 Contact Information Jim Roberts Detachment Assistant Adjutant Past National Commander Past Detachment Commander Home: (407)

46 The American Legion Family
Questions The American Legion Family

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