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Department of Alabama CHAPTER AND COMMAND STRUCTURE Who are the people in your chapter and what job do they perform?

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Alabama CHAPTER AND COMMAND STRUCTURE Who are the people in your chapter and what job do they perform?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Alabama CHAPTER AND COMMAND STRUCTURE Who are the people in your chapter and what job do they perform?

2 Department of Alabama Fulfilling our promises to the men and women who served. We are dedicated to a single purpose: empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America’s injured heroes on Capitol Hill; and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life. Providing free, professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies of government. Providing outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally, and to disabled veterans and their families specifically. Representing the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before Congress, the White House and the Judicial Branch, as well as state and local government. Extending DAV’s mission of hope into the communities where these veterans and their families live through a network of state-level Departments and local chapters. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs. THE DAV MISSION STATEMENT

3 Department of Alabama COMMANDER  Adhere to the DAV Mission Statement in all things  Live by your oath  Be an ambassador of the DAV in your community  Know your Nat’l, Dept., and Chapter C&BLs  Know Robert’s Rules of Order

4 Department of Alabama SENIOR VICE COMMANDER  Second in command  Ready to act in commander’s absence  Responsible for knowing pulse of chapter as well as commander  In charge of membership and chairing the committee  Has access through DAV Nat’l to reports

5 Department of Alabama JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER  Third in the chain  Ready to conduct business during commander and senior vice absence  In charge of Americanism and chairs that committee  Involved in community events pertaining to veterans

6 Department of Alabama TREASURER  Handles the financial aspects of the chapter  Supervised by the commander, chapter, audit committee or trustees  Pays bills, makes disbursements, deposits and tracks every penny  Submits annual financial statement in by 30 September each year and sends 990 to IRS  MUST be trustworthy and trusted by all

7 Department of Alabama CHAPLAIN  Administers to spiritual affairs of chapter  Visits or calls sick members  Makes hospital calls on those members in the hospital  Presents “sympathies” to families of recently deceased chapter members  Submits reports of deaths to the Department Chaplain

8 Department of Alabama ADJUTANT  The heartbeat of the chapter  Administrator/Secretary of all things chapter meetings related  Manages correspondence and mailings  Submits Chapter Officers Report within 10 days of installation or change  Records, types and reads minutes of chapter related meetings

9 Department of Alabama CHIEF OF STAFF  Recommended in larger chapters  Central connection between the commander and chapter officers and committee chairs  Tracks and manages all projects being handled by the chapter

10 Department of Alabama JUDGE ADVOCATE  The commander’s go to person on matters requiring interpretation concerning  Nat’l, Department and Chapter C&BLs  Roberts Rules of Order  Responsible to render rulings on grieves and conflicts  Offers support to the Grievance Committee on complicated issues

11 Department of Alabama CHAPTER SERVICE OFFICER  Membership magnet  Helps veterans in the filing of claims, supplemental claims and notice of disagreement  Must attend annual certification or recertification conducted by National Service Officers  Chapter’s SME on VA issues and programs

12 Department of Alabama OFFICER OF THE DAY  Escorts and introduces visitors in meeting  Conducts new members to receive oaths of obligation  Conducts elected/ appointed officers to receive oaths of office  Helps set up and prepares meeting room for business meetings

13 Department of Alabama SERGEANT AT ARMS  The enforcer of the commander’s will  Checks member’s membership cards against current membership roster before meetings  Supervises the chapter color guard if installed  Works with Judge Advocate to maintain decorum and procedure  At the commander’s order escorts hostile members from meetings

14 Department of Alabama LOCAL VETERANS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COORDINATOR  The tracker of all volunteerism  Receives hours of members participating in fundraisers, Forget- me-Nots, community activities, hospital visits, etc.,…  Reports the chapter volunteer hours to the Department LVAP coordinator

15 Department of Alabama VAN DRIVERS COORDINATOR  Necessary for chapters with vans in the VA Van Transportation Network  Sets schedule of van drivers for the month  Reports number of trips, miles, veterans and mileage each month to the VA and chapter  Handles all coordination concerning the transporting of veterans to VA appointments

16 Department of Alabama HISTORIAN  Optional but recommended  Captures and preserves chapter accomplishments, participation, events and volunteer efforts  Works in conjunction with the adjutant and committee chairs to record community involvement

17 Department of Alabama EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  Made up of elected and appointed members IAW your Chapter C&BL  Handles the business of the chapter between meetings  Motions and votes on issues to be presented to the chapter for vote  The commander in attendance is not in charge, committee chair is in charge

18 Department of Alabama GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE  Addresses complaints or grieves brought by chapter members  Works with judge advocate  Works within scope of Nat’l, Department and Chapter C&BLs and Robert’s Rules of Order  Provides independent assessment precluding command influence

19 Department of Alabama AUDIT COMMITTEE  Works with the treasurer  At least three members of the chapter  Certifies Annual Finance Reports sent to Department and DAV Nat’l  Audits the treasurer’s books as defined by Nat’l, Department and Chapter C&BLs  Chapters using trustees may not need a separate audit committee

20 Department of Alabama MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE  Chaired by senior vice commander  Handles all membership related issues  Sets up recruitment drives and campaigns  Recognizes top recruiters in the chapter  Trains chapter members on how to recruit

21 Department of Alabama AMERICANISM COMMITTEE  Chaired by the junior vice commander  Handles all aspects of participation in patriotic and community events  Coordinate events and dates in local community pertaining to Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, etc.,…  Works with publicity committee  Recognition of veterans in community

22 Department of Alabama VETERANS WELFARE COMMITTEE  Lives the DAV Mission Statement  Discerns the need of the veteran  Reviews and verifies need of veteran requesting aid  Makes report of findings and recommendations to the executive committee and commander  Recommends spending based on need

23 Department of Alabama FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE  The heart and soul of the chapter  Seeks opportunities for and sets up fundraising events  Recruits volunteers for fundraisers  Approaches local vendors and business people for donations  Contacts members the day prior to events to insure volunteers show

24 Department of Alabama LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE  Keeps up with legal issues affecting veterans  Makes calls to members to get them active on issues by calling or writing representatives  Sets up meetings with local officials  Asks government officials to address membership during key decision-making periods on key issues to veterans

25 Department of Alabama PUBLICITY COMMITTEE  Contacts local media  Announcements of chapter meetings  Presents articles and photos of chapter events  Invites media to events  Works with Americanism committee for event coverage  Acts as liaison between commander and media outlets

26 Department of Alabama ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE  Sets up entertainment for special events in the chapter  Christmas  Veterans Recognition  Meetings  Works with community and local entertainers to minimize cost to chapter

27 Department of Alabama COMMAND RESPONSIBILITIES  Preside at all regular and special meetings of the chapter  Maintain order  Dispatch such business as may legally come before him or her  Fulfill all duties and obligations of office in:  DAV Rituals  Nat’l, Department and Chapter C&BLs, mandates and directives

28 Department of Alabama  Empowered to bind by his or her signature, the Chapter to legal documents and or contractual obligations, with the approval of the Chapter  Shall fill all appointed offices  Ensure vacancies of elected positions through death, resignation or removal are conducted IAW the Nat’l, Department and Chapter C&BLs COMMAND RESPONSIBILITIES

29 Department of Alabama COMMAND RESPONSIBILITIES  One of the most important responsibilities is to submit your Chapter Officers Report within 10 days of your installation. Accuracy is extremely important, and this report must be submitted not only within 10 days after your installation, but any time any elected officer or your Adjutant changes

30 Department of Alabama There is a great deal more to learn these are the basics. The information you will find in the Officers Guide from National and from the Department Chapter Officers Guide will be helpful.

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