Manchester Cultural Employers Forum Briefing Event Get Britain Working and the Work Programme Friday 17 th June 2011 MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP.

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Presentation on theme: "Manchester Cultural Employers Forum Briefing Event Get Britain Working and the Work Programme Friday 17 th June 2011 MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manchester Cultural Employers Forum Briefing Event Get Britain Working and the Work Programme Friday 17 th June 2011 MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP

2 Get Britain Working Keith Rourke Employer and Partnership Manager Jobcentre Plus MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP

3 Jobcentre Plus Get Britain Working Measures Jobcentre Plus

4 Jobcentre Plus 4 The Government wants to get Britain working. This will require the support of all our partners who have the expertise and local knowledge to give individuals the tailored support they need to find work. We want to harness your experience, skills and talent to help people get back into work. Background

5 Jobcentre Plus 5 Work Clubs - a way of encouraging people who are out of work to exchange skills and share experiences, so that they can find employment (launched October 2010); Work Together - a way of developing work skills through volunteering (launched October 2010); The New Enterprise Allowance - to support unemployed people who wish to move off benefits into self-employment (Trailblazer launched 31 January 2011; other target areas from April and nationally from Autumn 2011). N.B. Available to Manchester residents from 1 st August 2011. Enterprise Clubs - a way of encouraging people who are out of work to exchange skills, share experience, and work through their business ideas (launched 31 January 2011); pre-employment training and work placements through Sector Based Work Academies (to be launched August 2011); and Work Experience - to help young people gain insight into the world of work (launched 24 January 2011) Overview of the Get Britain Working Measures

6 Jobcentre Plus 6 Work Clubs provide people with a place to meet to share experiences, find opportunities, make contacts and get support to help them in their return to work We will provide practical advice on establishing or supporting a Work Club, and encourage innovation and partnership working to make the most of local resources and expertise The content of each Work Club will vary according to local needs, but could include: providing people with an insight into a particular industry/sector; visits to workplaces; and/or employment focused sessions on recruitment methods and interview techniques Our advisers will signpost customers to local Work Clubs where they are available Work Clubs - encouraging people who are out of work to share skills and experience

7 Jobcentre Plus 7 Volunteering is a way of improving people’s employment prospects whilst they are looking for work Through Work Together, we will give people more information about volunteering if they are interested and signpost them to: local organisations that have agreed to support unemployed people; on-line support; and specific opportunities in their communities Jobcentre Plus is working with the voluntary and community sector locally to ensure more opportunities are available to the unemployed particularly opportunities which will help people develop new skills Work Together - developing skills through volunteering

8 Jobcentre Plus 8 New Enterprise Allowance – support for customers to start their own business The New Enterprise Allowance provides help for unemployed people who want to start their own business Business mentors will provide guidance and support as customers develop their business idea and also through the early stages of trading Once a customer has demonstrated a viable business idea and is ready to register as self-employed they can: get a weekly allowance at the same level as their JSA payments for 3 months, and then at half that rate for a further 3 months (£65 x 13 weeks + £33 x 13 weeks = £1,274) also apply for loan up to £1,000 to help with start-up costs

9 Jobcentre Plus 9 Enterprise Clubs – encouraging people who are interested in self employment to share skills and experience Places where new small businesses can access professional advice and guidance that they might not otherwise be able to afford We are keen to encourage local businesses to get involved in the development and operation of Enterprise Clubs so that unemployed people interested in self-employment can learn from their knowledge and experience We will provide practical advice to those wanting to establish or support Enterprise Clubs and our advisers will signpost customers to local Clubs where available The content of each Enterprise Club will vary, but could include: the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and self-employed people financial, legal, market and business advice; and/or office services (including internet access)

10 Jobcentre Plus 10 Sector Based Work Academies - support for customers who are close to the labour market Combining sector-specific training with a work placement with an employer in that sector Targeted at customers close to the labour market to help them find work Established in sectors with high volumes of entry-level jobs and current vacancies – with participants receiving a guaranteed interview on completion Lasting for a maximum of six weeks, with the individual remaining on benefit and receiving additional support with travel and childcare costs if required Be accredited – leading to units on the Qualifications and Credit Framework as appropriate to the entry requirements for intended jobs in those sectors

11 Jobcentre Plus 11 A lack of understanding of the working world may be a significant barrier to finding and sustaining employment We want to work with employers to offer young (18 – 24 year old), unemployed people the opportunity to overcome this barrier through 2 – 8 week Work Experience placements For those who lack work experience, the chance to undertake real work and adjust to the routines and habits of working life can significantly improve their employment prospects We’ll match eligible customers to suitable host employers’ placements and complete a light touch selection process Work Experience – offering greater insight into the world of work

12 Jobcentre Plus 12 Work Experience – becoming involved Is your business interested in: supporting young people looking for work? engaging with your community to develop local talent and skills? providing young jobseekers with a positive experience of the working world? If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes,’ you should consider becoming a Work Experience host To help us match suitable people to your placements, we’ll ask you for some information on: the number of placements you can offer the length of the placement (which can be between 2 and 8 weeks) what the young person will be doing on their placement how you want us to refer people to your placement We’ll only refer suitable, motivated participants who have shown an interest in the placement you are offering

13 Jobcentre Plus 13 Work Experience – benefits to you of providing Work Experience By helping young people to gain work experience, employers can reap real benefits, such as: Supporting young people in the community Accessing a pool of hidden talent Potential opportunities No wage costs involved to the organisation Ongoing support Developing the supervisory and management skills of your workforce Enhancing your public profile by supporting your local community Promoting workforce diversity

14 Jobcentre Plus 14 Work Experience – what we’ll ask of you as a host To: Provide placements which are suitable for young people with little or no work experience Guarantee that placements are in addition to existing or planned vacancies and no-one has been dismissed or made redundant so the placement can be offered Allow participants to carry out some job search activity and attend interviews with prospective employers and with us Share information on participants with us Provide participants with a reference at the end of the placement And we’ll provide you with a single point of contact and offer support and advice as needed

15 Jobcentre Plus 15 Sources of further information for employers and other partners The DWP Get Britain Working website includes information on :DWP Get Britain Working  Work Clubs; Work Clubs  Work Together; Work Together  Work Experience – and links to further information on the Business Link website; Work ExperienceBusiness Link  New Enterprise Allowance; and New Enterprise Allowance  Enterprise Clubs. Enterprise Clubs A central e-mail box is managed by DWP for interested parties to submit enquiries -

16 Introduction to the Work Programme: Building on the legacy of the Future Jobs Fund Tracy Fishwick Director Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP

17 Welfare reform and labour market trends…the implications Tracy Fishwick, Director Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion

18 It’s a different labour market …. More: flexible mobile adaptable skills and qualifications But, for some, there is a downside for all of these

19 Claimants levels the same level as the ‘80’s, but ‘who’ is different

20 The reality for people and families 1.8m lost their jobs in the last 12 months 1 in 5 households is workless in the UK That’s nearly 4 million households with no adult in work And nearly 2 million more children living in workless households Deprived areas are doing worse

21 That also has meant... 2 billion job searches on directgov 20m calls to JCP 12m interviews in JCP 490,000 people started with providers 1.4m found jobs With 100,000 people employed to help claimants

22 Today’s trends.... More in this recession NOT claiming but unemployed Employers retain staff part time / reduced hours Youth unemployment – huge concern Vacancies – volatile / 5.5 people for every job Geographical variations – NW getting worse

23 At a time of unprecedented change... The challenge of welfare reform – IB reform /reassessments between now and 2014 – Lone parents - obliged to seek work when youngest child is 5 years (Oct 2011) Cuts to welfare spend of some £15bn Introduction of the Work Programme

24 21 st Century Welfare Radical reform of the benefits system Proposal to create one single payment Housing supplement would be included A single application, an integrated IT system and a single payment system

25 Local authorities All change: – closure of Future Jobs Fund, – Local Enterprise Growth Initiative ends 2011 – Private sector precedence No WNF / ESF Job cuts The will to strengthen the voluntary sector...but cuts

26 Simple overview 0-6 months = JCP ‘Get Britain Working’ – Stop as many as possible needing to move on to.... 6 months + – Referral to 1 of 3 prime contractors G4S; Avanta; Seetec

27 The Work Programme Not so much a programme as a system itself Merges Flexible New Deal, Pathways, New Deals into one single programme More people on IB/ESA will get support and be required to participate Delivered exclusively through ‘prime contractors’ Minimum job performance thresholds are a challenge! Never been done before

28 Current position Launched last week 3 primes for GM: Avanta; G4S; Seetec Priorities – Capacity and infrastructure (TUPE) – Getting started – Jobs jobs jobs

29 Challenges ahead for you Preparing people to be flexible, adaptable... Temp / part time / multiple jobs More people with no recent work history (benefit changes) Remaining tougher in disadvantaged areas Benefit cuts and impact on people’s lives - fear Qualifications do matter for sustained jobs

30 And... Identifying the part you could / should play in the Work Programme As contractors? As experts? As employers? Playing your part in GBW Work placements / volunteering / jobs / self employment? Doing “more for less” and does this mean Joined up delivery or ‘offer’? More targeting?

31 To sum up... The labour market is very tight Welfare policy is changing Context of widespread public sector cuts You will be affected: opportunities and threats

32 Delivery of the Work Programme in Manchester Karin Connell Principal Economic Development Officer Manchester City Council MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP

33 Delivery of the Work Programme in Manchester Karin Connell, EDU

34 Background History of strong partnership working that recognises need to pool resources. Work and Skills Partnership including MCC, JCP, SFA, CNE. Work and Skills Plan outlining partners’ priorities -Increase the number of residents in work -Increase competitiveness through enhancing their skills -Support business growth and maximise local economic benefit from economic growth Collective knowledge of communities, delivery and commissioning but with reduced resources, ‘influencing’ is essential Slide 34

35 Background to Work Programme approach Early work to understand and influence model MCC coordination role for WASP Manchester ‘Offer and Ask’ Capacity building work with VCS organisations Meet the Prime Contractors event and follow on meetings Slide 35

36 The Manchester ‘Offer and Ask’ Alignment and co-commissioning – identifying gaps/capacity issues Wrap around support: skills Local targeting and opportunities for co-location Overcoming barriers Employer engagement Volunteering Opportunities to co-manage Slide 36

37 The Prime Contractors Slide 37 Avanta, G4S and Seetec – GM, Cheshire and Warrington Joint approach on marketing (all referrals from JCP) and employer engagement Different models but all include ETE providers and specialist support and opportunity to buy in services Unlikely to be any changes to supply chain before Jan ’12 – will test success, look at bottlenecks

38 Next steps Slide 38 Prime Contractors to attend WASP meeting in July MCC will lead on coordination of “bedding provision” into local communities and services WASB will monitor performance by area and target groups (mental health, workless families, BME, young people, low skills)– challenge and facilitate delivery where problems arise

39 How can cultural employers get involved? Slide 39 Get involved in GBW and build evidence base; What works? Try innovative approaches to engagement and progression Do you have a USP? Are you looking for payment? Cost/value of intervention Build relationships with Prime Contractor supply chains and others e.g. commissioners of mental health services Find out if payment/delivery models fit yours We can facilitate and share other opportunities

40 Third sector involvement in the Work Programme: a consortia approach Walt Crowson Coordinator LSEN MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP

41 Workshop: What could cultural sector organisations offer? Q1. What programmes or initiatives do you already offer that could be aligned with the Work Programme or Get Britain Working? Q2. Are there new opportunities that could be developed in response to these initiatives? Q3. Are there opportunities to work together on joint projects or consortia approaches? Q4. Could the sector collaborate on a joint offer to Jobcentre Plus and/or the Work Programme Prime Contractors? Q5. What barriers might prevent your organisation from contributing to the initiatives described today? MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP

42 Manchester Cultural Employers Forum Briefing Event Get Britain Working and the Work Programme Friday 17 th June 2011 MANCHESTER CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP

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