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Punctuation What is punctuation? Today we are going to learn the three types of end punctuation. Do you know their names?

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Presentation on theme: "Punctuation What is punctuation? Today we are going to learn the three types of end punctuation. Do you know their names?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Punctuation What is punctuation? Today we are going to learn the three types of end punctuation. Do you know their names?

2 Three Types of Punctuation
The three types of end punctuation are: Period Question Mark Exclamation Point

3 Period A period is the most common form of punctuation used at the end of a sentence. When you are reading you STOP when you see a period. When you are writing and you want your sentence to end, you may add a period.

4 When Do I Use a Period? When you write a sentence that “makes a statement” you use a period. For example: The little boy walked across the street. When you write a sentence that “gives a command” you would also use a period. For example: Clean your room.

5 Question Mark A question mark is used at the end of a sentence when you are asking a question. When reading a sentence with a question mark your voice goes up at the end. For example: Can you come over my house after school?

6 Exclamation Point An exclamation point is used at the end of a sentence when you want to show a strong feeling about something or are using a loud voice. For example: Wow! He just won first prize!

7 Video Clip Lets watch a short video on punctuation to help us remember when to use each type of punctuation when we write.

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