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Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Media and Globalisation Globalisation, Media Policy & Regulation Mevit 3220/4220 Sarah Chiumbu- 1 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Media and Globalisation Globalisation, Media Policy & Regulation Mevit 3220/4220 Sarah Chiumbu- 1 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Media and Globalisation Globalisation, Media Policy & Regulation Mevit 3220/4220 Sarah Chiumbu- 1 November 2007

2 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) What we have covered so far Three theoretical approaches: –Structuration theory –Information Society and Network society theories –Globalb flow of communication theories Conceptual approaches: –Political Economy vs Cultural studies approaches Case Studies: –Big Brother –Al Jazeera –The Danish cartoon of Prophet Mohamed

3 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) This lecture Literature from the curriculum: –Hesmondhalgh (chapter 4) –Sum (article in red box) –Winseck (article in red box) –Mueller & Thomson (article in red box) –Chakravatty & Sarikakis (book in the library) Case Studies: –ICANN –INTELSAT –WTO

4 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) The Politics of International Media In the 1970s, media policy mainly regulated and managed by nation-states (active state intervention) - this was the era of Fordist mode of regulation and production. International regimes for communication: ITU & Intelsat - inter-governmental bodies controlled by governments. UNESCO played a part in regulating international communications and media industries within a public service ethos (e.g. The New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) agenda) In the 1970s and early 1980,international communication politics was marked by tensions between state-owned media reflecting the Soviet model & privately owned commercial media reflecting the US model National sovereignty in communication important during this period (Chakravartty & Sarikakis, 2006)

5 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) The Politics of International Communication Ascendance of neo-liberalism in the 1980s & 1990s: –Telecommunication reforms in the USA, Japan & Europe –Changing roles for the ITU and UNESCO –IMF & World Bank, trade regimes such as the GATT, WTO and the drive for privatisation, deregulation and open markets The Four waves of marketisation –Policy change in the USA from the 1990s onwards –Changes in other industrialised countries (e.g. Western Europe, Canada, Australia etc –Changes in transnational and mixed societies –Convergence and new laws that seek to reflect these changes –(Hesmondhalgh, 2007)

6 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Global Governance Emergence of neo-liberal global governance: –nation states” lose” autonomy in relation to supranational regimes, e.g. WTO, World Bank, IMF, G-8 –The rise of public-private partnerships –Internationalisation of policy regimes –Transnational policy actors, e.g Global Information Infrastructure Commission, Global Business Dialogue for Electronic Commerce, World Economic Forum, multinational companies –Policy shifts from nation-state to markets and civil society –Harmonisation of regulatory frameworks across the world

7 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Class reflection... What major developments have contributed to shifts in international communication politics?

8 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Orgnisation (INTELSAT) was formed as an intergovernmental consortium in 1964 with 11 participating countries.- reflected the spirit of the UN with the objective of improving global communications In charge of managing global satellite communications Following global shifts to privatisation of telecommunications in the 1990s, Intelsat endorsed the restructuring of the organisation from an intergovernmental co-operative to a fully commercial company in 1999 In 2001 Intelsat became a private company and changed its name to Intelsat Ltd. Currently owns and operates a fleet of 51 communications satellites around the globe

9 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) ICANN ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is responsible for Internet domain names, address space, and Internet protocols as well as the root server system It was incorporated as a not-for-profit private corporation under Californian law in October 1998. ICANN model is unique - it is not an intergovernmental treaty organisation nor a non-governmental organisation. It is also not a typical profit oriented transnational corporation. Represents different stakeholders from all over the world. It is structured with elected officials, numerous committees, councils The “business world” and the “internet community” are equally represented, while government take a backseat advisory role.

10 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) ICANN Debates mounting whether ICANN is only a “technical body” without any policy and political implications (these debates reached their peak during the second WSIS in Tunisia in 2005. The US and other countries in the OECD “vetoed” a decision to move internet governance from ICANN to the UN. An Internet Governance Forum was created to address these issues) Political conflicts over ICANN will continue Although ICANN has shown ability to govern, questions of its legitimacy, accountability and equity are still open

11 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) WTO The WTO evolved from the GATT and came into force in 1995. The WTO and global media policy: It has adopted several agreements impacting on global media: –The General Agreement on Trades & Services (GATS)- 1994 –Singapore Agreement eliminating taxes on IT-1996 –The Basic Telecommunication Agreement- 1997 –The creation of the Global Electronic Commerce Taskforce-1998

12 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) WTO and TRIPS Agreement TRIPS an international agreement administered by the WTO. It was negotiated at the end of the GATT in 1994. Its emergence lobbied by the US, EU and Japan. Sets minimum standards for many forms of Intellectual Propertty (IP) regulation Increases the rights to producers of knowledge and content-TRIPS governed by commercial & private interests TRIPS introduced Intellectual Property law into international trading system for the first time Article 10 (para. 1) of TRIPS protects software as copyright. Software now protected as intellectual property. Software is becoming increasingly protected with each new operating system /package Windows Platform “codes” and “content” are being further enclosed, protected and commercialised. Source codes cannot be copied, shared or modified.

13 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Global Governance & Policy: Normative Arguments Existing system of global governance dificient It promotes the interests of the most powerful states (esp.USA) and global actors and limits the realisation of greater social justice and human security Interests of hegemonic capitalist states in the OECD states determine the rules for global participation Global governance structures driving policies do not provide adequate democratic space for smaller nations to participate

14 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Counterhegemonic challenges The Open source movement that began in the late 1990s (e.g. The Linux operating system became to be seen as an attractive alternative to Windows Software piracy as a “way of life” especially in the developing world (Sum, 2003) The emergence of Internet Governance “social movements”

15 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Class Questions What was the NWICO all about? What are some of the characteristics of “neo-liberal global governance”? What do you see as problems with Intelsat and ICANN? What are the normative arguments concerning global governance? Who should “control” the Internet?

16 Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK) Announcements Excursion to Scanpix tomorrow, 2 November. Meet John at 09h45 at Storting train station at the Akersgate exit/entrance. If you plan to go alone, Scanpix is in the same building with VG, which is also in Akersgate. The meeting starts at 10h00. Excursion to NRK on Thursday 8 November at 10h00 Lecture on “Hollywood & Globalisation” with Dag Asbjørnsen on 8 November

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