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A conflict is a condition that exists anytime two or more people disagree. Interpersonal conflict is unavoidable, but we can learn to manage it.

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Presentation on theme: "A conflict is a condition that exists anytime two or more people disagree. Interpersonal conflict is unavoidable, but we can learn to manage it."— Presentation transcript:


2 A conflict is a condition that exists anytime two or more people disagree. Interpersonal conflict is unavoidable, but we can learn to manage it.

3 General perceptions of conflict as negative: Anger Hostility Tension Anxiety Violence

4 Potential productive outcomes of conflict: Clarifying Learning Helpful Inclusive Caring

5 Conflict is a natural phenomenon, neither inherently good or bad, but there may be positive or negative outcomes.

6 Managing conflict in a dysfunctional way is a learned behavior and can be changed.

7 Roadblocks to resolving conflict Clashing personal styles Name calling Sarcasm / Ridicule Insulting Threatening Blaming Inflexibility Defensive body posturing / language

8 93% of the meaning of a message comes from nonverbal sources.

9 How do we learn our own styles of conflict management? Family role models Celebrity role models Teachers, mentors & coaches Role models

10 Personal styles of dealing with conflict Avoidance You completely withdraw from the conflict, as if it doesn't exist.

11 Personal styles of dealing with conflict Accommodation You put aside your goals and basically give in, although inside you are frustrated and angry.

12 Personal styles of dealing with conflict Domination You force your point until the other party eventually gives up.

13 Personal styles of dealing with conflict Compromise You give up something and so does the other party, but neither of you is totally satisfied.

14 Personal styles of dealing with conflict Integration You and the other party work together to find a solution that satisfies both of you.

15 It’s likely that a person employs more than one style, depending on the situation, but usually one style dominates.

16 How should you resolve conflict? Understand the conflict. It is important for you to define clearly your own position and interests in the conflict. It is equally important to understand those of the other party.

17 How should you resolve conflict? Communicate with the opposition. Put yourself in their shoes. Listen. Let everyone participate who wants to. Be an active listener. Rephrase what you’re hearing. Use “I” messages. “You” messages place blame. Speak about your interests, not your position. Don’t interrupt, or change the subject.

18 How should you resolve conflict? Brainstorm possible resolutions. Look for common interests. Come up with as many ideas as possible. Try to maximize your options. Look for win-win solutions.

19 How should you resolve conflict? Chose the best resolution. Review your brainstorm ideas. Set a time when you’ll decide which idea is the best. The goal is to use both sides skills and resources to get the best result for everyone. Which resolution gives both sides the MOST?

20 How should you resolve conflict? Try the solution. If it doesn’t work out, go back to brainstorming ideas and try to find a better resolution.


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