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By: Cody Crum. Basic description of the job. Being a police officer is hard work and life threatening. As a police officer you have to enforce state laws.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Cody Crum. Basic description of the job. Being a police officer is hard work and life threatening. As a police officer you have to enforce state laws."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Cody Crum

2 Basic description of the job. Being a police officer is hard work and life threatening. As a police officer you have to enforce state laws. I am interested in it because I think it will be an interesting experience but a challenge. I also think it will be a great thing to do to help out the community

3  The values of being a police officer is you get to work with a lot of people and help the community be safe. In this career people care about justice and the safety of the people.  Tasks and Responsibility. You need to be very responsible at a police officer and safe. As a police officer you have to have gun safety or you could get hurt. You have to follow the rules and make sure everyone else is also.  Working with data-people-things. When being a police officer you work with data. When you pull someone over you check there criminal record if they have one. You always work with people. You work with people when you pull someone over and work with them with the ticket like if you should let them go or not. Two things you work with are firearms and computers.  Working environment. The working environment is both indoors and outdoors you work indoors when you’re in the office and outdoors when you are out driving around watching people.

4 . Working hours. The working hours depend on your schedule which is the times you work but police are out 24/7.  Aptitudes and abilities. As a police officer you have to be fit. If you are not fit you won’t be able to run if you have to chase someone. You also need to know how to fire a firearm.  Education and training. Your education you need from a range of a high school diploma to a college degree. You need to be trained how to shoot a gun and protect yourself by fighting.  Salary and benefits. You salary is from $47,643 to $81,197 per year. Your benefits are you receive health, dental, vision a  Career outlook. The police force will always be around. The police are needed to protect everyone and keep us safe. and life insurance . International career outlook. The police force is all around the world but they are only called different things. The police force is needed everywhere to keep their people safe.

5 My lifestyle is going to be a healthy one because I need to stay healthy to be in the police force. I plan on living somewhere in Saint Clair Shores, hopefully on the lake. My goals are to become the police chief of Saint Clair Shores.

6 I am going to be working for the Saint Clair Shores police department which is located in Saint Clair Shores. There are police departments all over the U.S. but I would like to work in Saint Clair Shores instead.

7 This falls under the Law and Public Safety cluster, same as a Firefighter, Paramedic, Attorney, and Paralegal.

8 Mechanical engineers make many things. They make parts, small machines, big machines, cars and a lot more. I want to be a mechanical engineer because I think it would be fun to make machines and parts. I would like to learn about all that stuff and think it would be awesome to do.

9  Values. In this career it matches what I like to do I like to do physical work on machines. I would like to learn more about this and think it would be fun. I think people care about both the money and the art of it.  Tasks and Responsibilities. In this career you have a lot of task and responsibilities. You have to be responsible and safe in the area because there are machines. A task you have to do is build machines and parts.  Working with data and people. You work with data all the times like when you are making blueprints for a new machine like the size of it and how its going to work. You work with people when you have to make the machines and when you have to make blueprints for them.  Work environment. The work environment is unsafe. You have to be safe around machines and there is oil and stuff n the ground and chemicals in the air.  Working hours. You will work for at least 8-12 hours a day. Sometimes you can also work overtime.

10  Aptitudes and abilities. I am able to work and machines and other things. I have worked on them before with my dad and grandpa. My dad teaches me all the time about cars and how they work. When I used to go to my grandpas shop he used to teach me how they work and how to use them. In this career you need to go to school so you have knowledge on what to do.  Education and training. You need a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or related field. You need to be trained on how to use the machines and how to build them.  Salary and benefits. The average for a mechanical engineer is around $89,500 per year. The benefits are medical, dental and vision insurance.  Career outlook. This career will be around in ten years. It will be because we need people to build machines and other things we can’t just have robots.  International career outlook. This job is all over the world because there are factories all over and we need mechanical engineers to work in there and make machines.

11 I hope to be working somewhere near Saint Clair Shores but I want to live there too. I will be working a lot so I can get better and make more money. My goal is to be one of the Managers. I plan on going to college after I get out if the army (if I go). I would like to go to Michigan State to learn this career.

12 I hopefully will be working and living in Saint Clair Shores.

13 This career falls under the manufacturing cluster.

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