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Changes, Updates, Schedules and a PLAN for your success!

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Presentation on theme: "Changes, Updates, Schedules and a PLAN for your success!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes, Updates, Schedules and a PLAN for your success!

2  Your I.S.U. Presentations have been reduced from 15 minutes long, to 10 minutes long.  Rough draft now due on May 19th. (original due date was May 14 th.)  I.S.U. Now due Monday June 9 th. (original due date was Monday June 2 nd.)

3  Have you discussed this assignment with a teacher, before I arrived?  Who has started?  Review of expectations for Summative.  New due date: TuesdayJune 17 th.

4  Culture is: symbols, language, beliefs, values, and artifacts that are part of any society.  There are 2 components of culture: ideas and symbols artifacts (material objects).  Ideas and Symbols are called nonmaterial culture.  Artifacts are called material objects.  What are some examples of the two components?

5  Goals: Identify how important is Culture to human beings. How can we learn about our culture and that of others. Why should we respect the diversity of cultures?

6  In groups of 2-4, or individually, brainstorm material and non-material things that cultures and races share with one another.  For example: The need for housing The use of language  Remember—cultural universals are ways in which all human cultures are alike.

7  “8 traits of culture”—Youtube  ZXpgw  Other cultural universals: Assignment  Consider this: What if research focused on human similarities rather than the more popular topic of human differences? Would that reduce prejudice and stereotypes?  Does focusing on differences further separate people into “us” and “them”?

8  “Othering” video  3Kbtzl4

9  You have an understanding of cultural symbols, material and non-material.  You have an idea and are considering examples of Cultural Universals.

10  Submit homework: Cultural Universals assignment  Hand in if you haven’t already done so: I.S.U. Topic  Working thesis statement  Initial Research List  Research  Outline Plan  Introductory Paragraph. (All were due by April 18th).  Quiz from May 9th: Culture in Canada definitions: Online:

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