Welcome to 6 th Grade Language Arts Open House Mrs. York 6B2.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade Language Arts Open House Mrs. York 6B2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade Language Arts Open House Mrs. York 6B2

2 Supplies Needed For Language Arts Class: 1 1-inch 3-ring binder 5 Dividers Looseleaf notebook paper Pencils

3 Language Arts Curriculum Grammar Usage Parts of Speech Literature Reading Comprehension Writing Listening & Speaking Skills

4 Reading ELA6RC1: The student reads a minimum of 25 grade-level appropriate books (approximately 1 million words) per year. Media center in homeroom Keep log of books read in LA class Prize drawing for students reaching goal

5 Daily Oral Language (DOL) Students correct sentences that contain grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization errors on Monday-Wednesday in class. A 10-question multiple choice quiz is given on Thursday on the skills of the week. Many of the sentences on the quiz are the same sentences practiced during the week in class. Students should review their DOL notes in order to prepare for the weekly quiz.

6 Communication My blog can be accessed through the McCleskey web site. Email: sherri.york@cobbk12.org@cobbk12.org

7 Grades Major Grades: Long-term projects, tests, writing assignments45% Minor Grades: Classwork, quizzes 45% Homework10%

8 Attendance Due to the enormous amount of new material we cover daily, attendance is crucial so that each student receives the maximum benefit of classroom instruction. I look forward to working with your child this year! Let’s work together to make sixth grade a fantastic year for your child!

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