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By Brittany and Tanea. 1.Beavers 2.Hockey 3.Toques 4.Mounties 5.Maple Syrup 6.Nanaimo Bars 7.Maple Leaf 8.Blackberry Phones 9.Moose 10.Tim Horton’s 11.Poutine.

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Presentation on theme: "By Brittany and Tanea. 1.Beavers 2.Hockey 3.Toques 4.Mounties 5.Maple Syrup 6.Nanaimo Bars 7.Maple Leaf 8.Blackberry Phones 9.Moose 10.Tim Horton’s 11.Poutine."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Brittany and Tanea

2 1.Beavers 2.Hockey 3.Toques 4.Mounties 5.Maple Syrup 6.Nanaimo Bars 7.Maple Leaf 8.Blackberry Phones 9.Moose 10.Tim Horton’s 11.Poutine 12.Canadian Bacon 13.Ottawa 14.Terry Fox 15.Inukshuk 16.Loonies &Toonies 17.CN Tower 18.Niagara Falls 19.Lacrosse 20.Smarties 21.Canadian Geese 22.RCMP 23.The Rocky Mountains 24.Hudson’s Bay Company 25.Totem Poles 26.The spelling of “colour” and “favourite”.

3 Brittany: I am proud to be a Canadian because Canada has so much to offer. It is a diverse, peaceful, accepting environment and ecologically it is doing great. In Canada we accept every race, religion and opinion. We are a free country where all can speak their minds without fear. The majority of people here are nice, which leads us to be a very diplomatic and likeable country. In Canada there is a sense of security and unity; it is easy to feel safe physically and emotionally. Many People that have contributed in immense ways to the world have come from Canada. To name a few, there is Fredrick Banting, one of the main discoverers of insulin, Alexander Graham Bell, the man credited with inventing the first practical telephone, David Suzuki, a Canadian academic, science broadcaster and environmental activist and lastly Terry Fox, a man that gave people all around the world hope for a cure for cancer. These people and many more have worked to make Canada what it is, and give Canada the great reputation it has around the world. I could never choose just one person as a favorite because there are so many that have done such great things. Overall, I don’t think there is anywhere else I would rather live. Canada is a desirable, beautiful area that has so many benefits. This is why I am so grateful and proud to be Canadian.

4 Tanea: I’m proud to be Canadian because it is such a diverse, accepting country. Our ability to be so equal with one another makes us a powerful culture that isn’t afraid to voice our concerns for the greater good of the country. We have many rights that people elsewhere don’t have the fortune of knowing. I am proud that we are get to speak our thoughts and opinions freely, and furthermore that we have the ability to influence and shape the way our country is run so that future citizens may benefit. One of my favourite and most respected Canadians is Terry Fox. He was a major role model to the entire world; someone that encouraged people to be the best they could and to make a difference in their own lives as well as inspiring others. But most of all, he will go down in history for proving that no matter who you are, you are capable of giving hope to the world, from the people you know to the ones you’ve never met.

5 Queen Governor General Cabinet Prime Minister Members of Parliament House of Commons Senate Government Executive Council The People ELECT

6 The powers of government are laid out under provincial and federal responsibilities. The federal government deals with matters that concern the whole country, such as trade with other nations, the postal service, armed forces, and citizenship; whereas the provincial government handles things like taxes within the province, management of hospitals and jails, and enforcement of provincial laws.

7  The Charlottetown Conference was held mostly in the Province House of Charlottetown, PEI for representatives from the colonies of British North America to discuss Canadian Confederation. The conference took place between 1–9 September 1864.  The representatives from the Province of Canada dominated the conference, overshadowing the concerns of the Maritimes, and laying out the foundations for the union that benefitted them the most.  Four of the first five days were spent outlining the Canadian position.  Most of the Maritimes were convinced that a wider union including the Province of Canada would also be beneficial to them; Prince Edward Island was unsure, however, and very much against confederation. They also believed that this union could be achieved within a few years, rather than in an undefined period in the future as they had originally planned. The conference concluded on Wednesday, September 7, but the representatives agreed to meet again the next month in Quebec City. 1864

8  The 16 delegates from the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island had agreed at the close of the Charlottetown Conference to meet again at Quebec City (at the Old Parliament Building) October 1864.  The major source of conflict at the conference was between those who favoured a strong central government, such as John A. Macdonald, and those who favoured stronger provincial rights.  They decided to have an elected lower house, the House of Commons, and an appointed upper house, the Senate, although there was considerable debate about how many senators each province would have.  The conference ended on October 27, and the delegates returned to their provinces to submit the 72 Resolutions to the provincial legislatures.  The Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia then set about securing autonomy from the British government, which culminated in a third London Conference in 1866, and the BNA Act on July 1, 1867. 1864

9  The London Conference was held in the United Kingdom and began on 4 December 1866, the final in a series of conferences that led to Canadian confederation in 1867.  Sixteen delegates from the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick gathered with officials of the British government to draft the British North America Act, 1867.  One of their major issues of contention was the education system, with Roman Catholic bishops lobbying for guarantees protecting the separate school system. This was opposed by delegates from the Maritimes, and the compromise reached was Section 93 of the act, which guaranteed separate school systems in Quebec and Ontario but not in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick. The result of this meeting was the BNA Act.  John A. Macdonald was the chairman of the conference. The Queen of the United Kingdom (Victoria) assented to the bill and the Dominion of Canada was created when it came into force on July 1, 1867. 1867


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