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Recruitment and Selection Why do we need to get it right ?

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Presentation on theme: "Recruitment and Selection Why do we need to get it right ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruitment and Selection Why do we need to get it right ?

2 Costs involved in the recruitment of an ALC member of staff Advertising Short-listing Holding interviews Candidate expenses Training Temporary Cover

3 Other reasons to get it right... Training - time and effort Additional burden of staff during training, gap savings, replacement Stress on incumbent if it goes wrong Performance Issues Disciplinary/litigation Starting again !

4 Employment Legislation Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Equal Pay Act 1970 Equal Pay (Amendment) Act 1996 Employment Rights Act 1996 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Amendment Regulations 2003)

5 Employment Legislation cont. Race Relations Act 1976 Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 * Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 * * wef 1st and 2nd December 2003

6 Employment Legislation cont. Age Discrimination Regulations 2006 Disability Equality wef 4.12.06 Equality Act (Gender Duty) April 2007

7 Policies and Procedures Data Protection Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy Race Equality Scheme Disability Equality Scheme Policy on Employment of near relatives Policy on University Students as Employees Disclosure Scotland

8 How to prepare for recruitment Get post authorised Draft advert Draft Further Particulars/Job Description (Have role evaluated) Draft Personal Specification Set up an interview panel Arrange date for interviews

9 Writing an advert Job title, full/part-time, permanent or ftc Salary Main duties of post Experience/qualifications required Benefits Closing date How to apply

10 Further Particulars Detailed description of post Complete list of duties involved Essential and desirable requirements Any special requirements eg driver’s license, ability to speak a foreign language Personal qualities Whether subject to vetting procedures

11 What candidates need to know Date Time Location Contact number Tests Any special needs Health Questionnaire Disclosure Form

12 Setting up an interview panel Arrange who is going to be involved in the interview process Chair of panel Appropriate room Set adequate time for each candidate Discuss whether candidates will be asked to undertake test/presentation

13 Rules on Short-listing Convene meeting Those involved in interview should also be involved in short-listing - written comments Panel should be both genders Keep accurate notes - you may be asked to give feedback to unsuccessful applicants

14 The Interview Panel should convene early Decide who is going to ask what questions and in what order Remember to introduce yourselves Ask “open” questions Ask about gaps in CV Keep accurate notes - you may be asked to give feedback to unsuccessful applicants

15 The Interview cont Remember to allow time for candidates to ask questions - two way process Inform candidate how and when they will hear the outcome of their interview

16 After the Interview Reach a majority decision on best candidate Complete and sign Staff Appointment Form and deliver to HR Services with additional papers Keep set of papers and notes in secure cabinet for period of 9 months after which time they should be confidentially shredded

17 Why do we need to get it right ? Costs - to the Department and University Time taken to recruit and train Effect on the staff Get the best person for the job

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