©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 1 ICTs – Challenges and Opportunities for Africa Alexander NTOKO Chief,

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Presentation on theme: "©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 1 ICTs – Challenges and Opportunities for Africa Alexander NTOKO Chief,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 1 ICTs – Challenges and Opportunities for Africa Alexander NTOKO Chief, E-Strategy Unit ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) Email: e-strategy@itu.int Web: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D@itu.int SYMPOSIUM ON AFRICAN ICT ROADMAP TO ACHIEVE NEPAD OBJECTIVES Arusha, Tanzania, 1-3 April 2003

2 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 2 ICTs – Challenges and Opportunities for Africa The Drivers The Trends The Opportunities The Challenges

3 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 3 Drivers –Technology and Network Effect o Moore’s Law: The performance of micro- processors (computing power) doubles every 18 months resulting in cheaper, faster and affordable technologies. o Metcalfe’s Law of Connectivity: The value of a network grows exponentially with the number of nodes. As the number of nodes double the value of the network quadruples ( f(x) = x 2 )

4 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 4 The Technological Evolution is Driving the Digital Revolution o The phenomenal rise in computing power per dollar. o The transition from analogue to digital telecommunication technologies and the emergence of digital mobile terrestrial networks (2+G). o The migration from circuit-switched to packet- switched networks. o The emergence of a de-facto channel for multi-media transmission (Internet Protocol).

5 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 5..and this is Driving Global Trends 1.Convergence of technologies and networks Telecom + Computing + Broadcasting  Multimedia Networks Fixed (Wired line) Mobile/Wireless Convergence (FMC) 2. Increase in network transmission capacity for terrestrial (wired/wireless), satellite and mobile. 3.New alliances, partners, services and business models. 4.The breakdown of geographical and time barriers perpetuating the phenomenon of Globalisation. 5.ICTs As an Enabler for Other Industries through ICT Applications for health, commerce, education and government services.

6 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 6 And through ICT Applications Several Sectors can Benefit from the e-Revolution 1.Health Access to health/medical information. Access to remote specialist. Basic health information to population. 2.Education Access to wide range of educational resources Lower cost for learning through e-learning 3.Government Services Increased efficiency of government services Better services to citizens 4.Commerce Access to New Markets Better Return for Goods/Services (dis-intermediation)

7 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 7 But Africa to reap the benefits of ICTs, it must address some main challenges

8 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 8 The Challenges 1.Infrastructure Telecommunication –Affordable and Accessible Regional Backbone for Africa Power (Electricity) – Stable and Available 2.Environment Globalisation, Liberalisation De-Regulation and Privatisation Policies, Strategies and Legal Issues 3.Technology Software acquisition and development (Open Source) Standards and Interoperability IP Address Management country code TLD (ccTLD) Names 4.Resources Financial Human Capacity

9 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 9 What should governments do? 1.Policies to facilitate and promote investment and use of Telecom and ICTs. 2.Address Issues related to the Management of Internet IP Addresses and ccTLDs. 3.Strategy for Addressing Trust and Confidence in the use of Telecom and ICTs. 4.Appropriate E-legislation for ICTs including Intellectual Protection. 5.Being a service provider (e.g., for e-government services) 6.Facilitating Partnerships with various stakeholder

10 ©1998-2003 ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) E-Strategies. Page - 10 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/e-strategy e-strategy@itu.int-strategy@itu.int

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