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ABED 16 th Congress Pre-Conference Mini Course Serving the Adult Transfer Student.

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Presentation on theme: "ABED 16 th Congress Pre-Conference Mini Course Serving the Adult Transfer Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABED 16 th Congress Pre-Conference Mini Course Serving the Adult Transfer Student

2 Overview  Adult Degree Completion  Excelsior College  Aggregation  Assessment  Advising  Challenges

3 Adult Degree Completion  National priority  Barriers  Need for new thinking  Alternative methods

4 Obama Challange Lead the world in % of adults with Bachelors degree by 2025 (increase from current 40% to 60%)

5 Impact of Failure  Inadequate workforce  Movement of jobs  Declining economy  Reduced standard of living

6 Barriers  Time  Cost  Opportunity  Lack of infrastructure  Failure to see need

7 New Thinking  Extended education  Night/weekend programs  Correspondence courses  Use of technology

8 Alternatives  Online learning  New degree formats  Assessment of prior learning  Mass customization

9 Excelsior College  Influence of OU  “Sister” of three others  Self-supporting

10 History  Founded = 1971 by State of New York  Focus = Adult Learners  Philosophy = “What you know is more important than where or how learned”  Mission = Provide opportunity to those historically underserved by traditional higher education

11 Profile  Private, non-profit  30,00 students +/-  Largest nursing program in U.S.  Largest nuclear engineering in U.S.  30% minority  25-30% active military  Offer Associate, Bachelors, and Masters degrees

12 Exercise #1 “The Needs of Brazil?”

13 Methods  Aggregation  Assessment  Advising  Instruction

14 Aggregation  Combining multiple forms of learning Prior instruction Military/corporate training Exam results Professional experience (portfolio)

15 Assessment  Applicability of prior experience to specific degree requirements  Prior learning via examinations  Capstone

16 Advising  Match degree to student needs and to background (from assessment)  Determine areas of further study  Provide knowledge of how to complete  Guide through completion process

17 The Process Transcripts Exams Aggregate Military/CorpTraining Consolidated Transcript CHOOSE DEGREE PATH ABC Compare to Degree Requirements

18 Assessment Degree Requirement Consolidated Transcript Path to Completion Credit By ExamExternal InstitutionInternal Course Work Capstone Graduation ADVISING

19 Exercise #2 Value of Excelsior Model in Brazil?

20 Challenges  Acceptance by traditional higher education  Awareness by prospective student  Perceived complexity  Too few “laboratories”

21 Questions

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