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El Paso High School Dual Language Parent and Student Advisory Committee Tuesday October 21, 2014, 6 PM EPHS Auditorium.

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Presentation on theme: "El Paso High School Dual Language Parent and Student Advisory Committee Tuesday October 21, 2014, 6 PM EPHS Auditorium."— Presentation transcript:

1 El Paso High School Dual Language Parent and Student Advisory Committee Tuesday October 21, 2014, 6 PM EPHS Auditorium

2 DLPSAC Role To serve as a sounding board for future dual language curriculum development To serve in an advisory capacity with regard to dual language program growth To serve as advocates for the EPHS dual language magnet program To relay comments, compliments and concerns about the dual language program

3 Program update Curriculum: ◦ 14 Dual Language course offerings Enrollment: ◦ Then: 2009-2015, 68 students ◦ Now: 2014-2015: 224 students Funding: ◦ Have received the same amount for the last 3 years

4 Program update (cont.) Funding: ◦ Have received the same amount for the last 3 years ◦ Funding is used for:  Teacher professional development  Curriculum development  Supplemental texts and reading materials  Technology (iPad management, productivity apps)  Enrichment Activities (Dia de los Muertos Fieldtrips)  DL classroom productivity/technology (printers, desktops, laptops)

5 Program update (cont.) ◦ Funding is used for (continued) :  Classroom supplies (paper, printer toner, etc.)  Collateral and promotional materials  Special projects

6 New for 2014-2015 T.E.A. House Bill 5 Texas Education Agency (TEA) adopted a new education bill (HB5) Classes of 2018 and beyond will graduate under HB5 with new minimum graduation requirements Under HB5, students select an “Endorsement” much like choosing a “Major” in college Student choose an “Endorsement” specific to their future career aspirations

7 New for 2014-2015 T.E.A. House Bill 5 Students will also earn “Performance Acknowledgements” that will be noted on their official transcripts (AAR) AAR will now be a more comprehensive, complete reflection of a student’s studies

8 New for 2014-2015 HB 5 and EPHS Dual Language HB5 and EPHS DL Curriculum are now aligned under several HB5 Endorsements: Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary ◦ STEM ◦ Business and Industry ◦ Public Services = Dual Language Magnet students will earn these endorsements o = Dual Language Magnet courses will apply to these endorsements and acknowledgments

9 New for 2014-2015 HB5 and EPHS Dual Language Performance Acknowledgements: Bilingualism and Biliteracy ◦ Dual Credit ◦ AP Exam Scores (4 or 5) ◦ PSAT ◦ ACT-PLAN ◦ SAT (1250 or better) ◦ ACT (28 or better) ◦ Nationally Recognized Business or Industry

10 New for 2014-2015 EPHS Advanced Seal of Biliteracy The DL Classes of 2015 and beyond will be recognized with an EPHS Advanced Seal of Biliteracy for academic efforts that go beyond minimal HB5 Bilingual- Biliterate Performance Acknowledgement requirement. Students receive a digital dual language course record and certificate to be used as supplemental documentation when applying to colleges and for scholarships

11 Future DL Plans Dual Language Improvement Plan ◦ Developed through the DL Parent-Student Advisory Committee (DLPSAC) ◦ Plan will be used to guide smart DL curriculum growth New courses under consideration: ◦ Spanish 7 Interpretation (Fall 2017) ◦ DL Pre-AP World History ◦ DL Foreign Diplomacy

12 Upcoming DL Enrichment Projects Día de los Muertos ◦ Saturday Nov. 1, 11AM-3PM, on the EPHS marble steps ◦ Need Volunteers! ◦ Need Donations! ◦ under the “2014 Día de los Muertos” tab for more information

13 Upcoming DL Enrichment Projects End-of-Year DL Banquet ◦ May or June 2015 ◦ A committee is now forming ◦ under the the “Blog” tab for updates

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