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Theme Question: What Makes the West Exceptional? Focus Questions: Week 1: How are geography and economy connected in the Mountain states? Week 2: How are.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme Question: What Makes the West Exceptional? Focus Questions: Week 1: How are geography and economy connected in the Mountain states? Week 2: How are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme Question: What Makes the West Exceptional? Focus Questions: Week 1: How are geography and economy connected in the Mountain states? Week 2: How are geography and economy connected in the Pacific States? Week 3: What is life like in the Mountain States? Week 4: What is life like in the Pacific States?

2 extreme irrigated arid missionary rugged fulfill treasure exchange

3 What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Pp. 198-247 Page #Text Evidence Find text evidence on pages 380-438 to answer the focus question: How are geography and economy connected in the Mountain States?

4 Theme Question: What Makes the West Exceptional? Focus Questions: Week 1: How are geography and economy connected in the Mountain states? Week 2: How are geography and economy connected in the Pacific States? Week 3: What is life like in the Mountain States? Week 4: What is life like in the Pacific States?

5 Theme vocabulary – connect a theme vocab word to a differentiated vocab word. The Wide- open West

6 Page # What does the author want me to remember? 385 386 Determine Important Information

7 Skim and Scan * Pp. 380-438 * Compare genres: Informational text and Folktales - Which selection tells facts about a topic? - Which selection has characters and a plot? - Why do you think A Tour of the Western Region uses photographs, while Juan Verdades uses illustrations? Purpose * Find text evidence to answer the Focus Question: How are geography and economy connected in the Pacific States?

8 Theme Question: What Makes the West Exceptional? Focus Questions: Week 1: How are geography and economy connected in the Mountain states? Week 2: How are geography and economy connected in the Pacific States? Week 3: What is life like in the Mountain States? Week 4: What is life like in the Pacific States?

9 * Strategies: * Look for synonyms for unfamiliar words * Use Context clues * Descriptive Language

10 * Retell – putting ideas in your own words makes it easier to understand and remember what you read. * Use Theme Reader page 406 to retell information about Hawaii.

11 What are contractions? haven’t hadn’t wouldn’t would’ve

12 Skim and Scan * Pp. 377-438 * Analyze Author’s Purpose: Bias – a writer’s personal feelings on the topic he or she is writing about. * Look for specific word choice, claims that aren’t supported with facts or examples, notice what type of information is included or left out. Purpose * Note and think about details that help you determine author’s purpose. * Find text evidence to answer the Focus Question: What is life like in the Mountain States?

13 Theme Question: What Makes the West Exceptional? Focus Questions: Week 1: How are geography and economy connected in the Mountain states? Week 2: How are geography and economy connected in the Pacific States? Week 3: What is life like in the Mountain States? Week 4: What is life like in the Pacific States?

14 * Arid * Exchange * Extreme * Film * Fulfill * Irrigated * Missionary * Rugged * treasure EasyChallenging

15 * Multiple strategies


17 Skim and Scan * Pp. 377-438 Purpose * Note and think about how text structure helps communicate ideas and information. * Juan Verdades uses Sequence to tell the events of the story. * Look for signal words

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