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Kung Fu The mystery of ancient China By 50109 Moe.

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1 Kung Fu The mystery of ancient China By 50109 Moe

2 Facts about Kung Fu Kung Fu, is a skill for protection, it's a tradition from the ancient China. It's also an expression of art, it started thousand of years ago. It is a great spirit that lasts forever.

3 Shaolin temple Speak of Kung Fu, you have to know about it's birthplace, Shaolin Temple. It was built 1500 years ago, during sung dynasty. A monk from India came to shaolin temple, he taught people Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism. That's the birth of Kung Fu.

4 History of shaolin temple In ancient China, monks of Shaolin temple have joined wars for many times. During Ming dynasty, they fought the invaders and protect people. During Qing dynasty, people are forbidden to practice Kung fu, until R.O.C formed, Kung fu became popular again.

5 How to practice Lung Fu To practice Kung fu, except learning about how to fight with your strength, you have to know how to meditate. When you meditate, you have to find peace in your heart, then, you will know how to control your strength.

6 Famous people Speak of Kung Fu, you will definitely think of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Lee. They're all famous movie stars that practice Kung Fu and are really good at it. They even bring Kung fu into Hallywood!

7 Farewell! That's all for today, thanks for watching. Well, if you are interested in Kung fu, I suggest you to go to Shaolin Temple, I'm sure it's amazing.

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