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Title IIB Massachusetts Mathematics and Science Partnerships Program (MMSP) Information Session Friday, January 10, 2014 1:00-3:30 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Title IIB Massachusetts Mathematics and Science Partnerships Program (MMSP) Information Session Friday, January 10, 2014 1:00-3:30 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title IIB Massachusetts Mathematics and Science Partnerships Program (MMSP) Information Session Friday, January 10, 2014 1:00-3:30 p.m.

2 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 2 INTRODUCTIONS  Anne DeMallie, MMSP Coordinator  Jake Foster, Assistant Director of STEM

3 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 3 POLL What type of organization do you represent?  District/LEA  Higher Education – STEM Department  Higher Education – Education Department  Charter School or Private School  Other

4 Agenda  Overview of the Federal Program  Overview of the Massachusetts Program  The Request for Proposals RFP  Developing a Proposal  Evaluation  Budget  Questions  Networking and Collaboration

5 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5 FEDERAL PROGRAM TITLE IIB of No Child Left Behind  U.S. Department of Education Mathematics and Science Partnerships Priorities  Encourage collaboration between institutes of higher education and school districts  Provide high-quality professional development to increase teacher subject matter knowledge and standards-based instructional practices  Improve student academic achievement in mathematics and/or science  Investigate institutional change in partner organizations

6 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 6 MASSACHUSETTS TITLE IIB PROGRAM  Massachusetts Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MMSP)  Three year duration - dependent upon continued funding  In-service training to teachers provides at least:  Minimum of 45 hours of direct instruction  Minimum of 24 hours of supplemental support to support implementation in the classroom

7 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 7 MMSP Title IIB PROGRAM GOALS  GOAL I: Develop and implement an effective and sustained course of study for in-service educators of science, technology/engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by integrating the courses of study into schools of arts and sciences and/or education at institutions of higher education.  GOAL II: Identify credible, instructionally useful measures of student growth and select, develop, and pilot District Determined Measures (DDMs) that measure student growth relative to subject matter standards.

8 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 8 MMSP Title IIB PROGRAM GOALS (continued)  GOAL III: Increase the number of STEM educators in the partner school districts who participate in effective professional development and advance their knowledge of subject matter standards, disciplinary practices, and student learning.  GOAL IV: Develop and implement a systemic approach to STEM education by integrating professional development with district and school STEM improvement initiatives.

9 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 9 HISTORY  Cohort 1: February 2004, 8 partnerships  Cohort 2: September 2004, 2 partnerships  Cohort 3: September 2006, 9 partnerships  Cohort 4: September 2008, 8 partnerships  Cohort 5: September 2010, 2 partnerships  Cohort 6: February 2012, 5 partnerships  This RFP will initiate Cohort 7

10 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 10 MMSP Title IIB Cohort 7  Develop and deliver rigorous Professional Development (PD) for middle school STEM educators.  Develop DDMs to measure student growth resulting from the PD.  Integrate PD into the Districts/LEA STEM initiatives and course offerings of Institutes of Higher Education.

11 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 11 RFP: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS  Contains information about the program, purpose, eligibility, general requirements, funding, and submission  Contains links to:  Workbook  Additional Information:  Required Program Information  High-Need District List,  Definition of Terms,  Technical Guide B: Measuring Student Growth,  Massachusetts Standard for Professional Development,  Syllabus Guidance,  Links to Rubric, Frameworks, Key Practices, etc.

12 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 12 ELIGIBILITY  Include at least one high-need district (LEA) and a STEM department from an institution of higher education (IHE);  Develop middle school STEM DDMs and Professional Development;  Address the Required Program Information;  Develop proposal collaboratively by the partners;

13 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 13 General Requirements  high-quality, content-specific middle school STEM professional development (PD) in accordance with the Massachusetts Standards for Professional Development;  development and implementation of District-Determined Measures of student learning growth related to this PD  at least 50% of the participating teachers are from high- need districts  integration of the state evaluator into planning and compliance with state and federal reporting requirements;  regular collaborative meetings of partners  a web page to communicate and disseminate partnership activities

14 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 14 PD DESIGN: COURSES Meet Massachusetts Standard for Professional Development  Standards-focused courses  Rigorous & graduate level  Minimum of 45 hours of direct instructional time  Responsive to identified district needs

15 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 15 PD DESIGN: SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITIES  supplemental activities (follow-up)  guide the implementation of PD course(s) into standards-based instruction;  facilitate connections between PD course(s) and DDMs;  Minimum of 24 hours;  encourage active engagement of district or school instructional leaders;  promote connections to district STEM initiatives;  facilitate the development and analysis of DDMs;

16 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 16 FUNDING  $900,000 for 2013-2014  Approximately 4-5 MMSP projects  Up to $200,000 per year, for up to 3 years Years 2 and 3 contingent on performance and available federal funding

17 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 17 DEVELOPING A PROPOSAL

18 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 18 FORM A PARTNERSHIP  High Need School District  Institution Higher Education  Science, Math, Engineering Department  Education Department  Other LEAs (Private Schools, Charter Schools or Consortiums)  Businesses  Nonprofit & For-profit Organizations

19 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 19 ASSESS NEEDS Middle School STEM  DDMs  Areas to develop or improve  Student Achievement  DDMs, MCAS, and/or benchmark assessments  Teacher  Licensure  Individual Professional Development Plans  District/School  STEM Initiatives  Instructional Leadership

20 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 20 DDMs  Measures of student learning, growth, and achievement related to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.  Comparable across the district for all educators in a grade or subject.  Selecting DDMs gives districts a long-sought opportunity to broaden the range of what and how knowledge and skills are assess.  The results of which will lead to improved educator practice and student learning.

21 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 21 DEVELOP ACTIVITIES  Align with the goals of the partnership  Meet the needs of the district(s)  Describe the methods to identify and enroll teachers in sufficient numbers in courses that address their professional growth needs and DDMs development  Standard-specific course or course of study  Course syllabus and sample session  Align with MA Frameworks – revised STEM standards  Consider sustainability  Integration of educator’s experiences into initiatives at the school/district level  Integration of courses or course components into the higher education institution’s on-going program, department or regional offerings

22 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 22 EVALUATION Logic Model Participant feedback Participant info database PD and Support Activities Teacher Knowledge and Skills Highly Qualified Teachers Better Classroom Instruction Improved Student Achievement Standard logic model for professional development programs Required tools/measures Pre/post test of content knowledge Licensure status HQ status Self-report surveys and/or classroom observation DDMs MCAS scores

23 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 23 EVALUATION One State-Wide Evaluator  Role: Objective collaborator  Skilled in systematically gathering, analyzing, and presenting data  Proficient using analytic software  High level of comfort using online reporting tools

24 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 24 EVALUATION Program-Level Evaluator will:  Coordinate partnership data collection  Evaluate impact and design of the full program  Provide technical assistance to partnerships  Serve as liaison with USED for evaluation issues

25 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 25 EVALUATION Course-Level Evaluator will:  Analyze and summarize course and impact data  Changes in teacher knowledge and teacher practice  Changes in student Achievement  Progress toward integrating PD with STEM improvement initiatives (for high need districts)

26 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 26 EVALUATION Course-Level Partnerships will:  Ensure PD courses Meet Massachusetts Standard for Professional Development  Formative Evaluation  Summative Evaluation  Tools  Develop, administer, and analyze DDMs  Maintain Participant Tracking System

27 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 27 EVALUATION In proposal  Articulate objectives with measures that directly assess:  Changes in teacher knowledge  Changes in teacher practice  Progress toward integrating PD with STEM improvement initiatives (for high need districts)  Formative and Summative Assessments  Outline data collection and analysis plan

28 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 28 EVALUATION Tools  Description/identification  Pre/post content knowledge test  Course Participant Survey  Self-selected measure of change in teacher practice (survey/interview)  Measure of student achievement (e.g., DDMs MCAS, district/school benchmark tests, or unit tests)  Formative feedback measures  In proposal  Indicate familiarity with tools  Indicate readiness to use tools

29 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 29 EVALUATION Participant Tracking System  Contents  Participant names  Courses completed by each participant  Time each participant completed each course  Contact information (e.g., school, e-mail, phone, home address)  In your proposal, include an assurance that your partnership will maintain a participant tracking system (electronic format)

30 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 30 DESIGN YOUR BUDGET All budgets and budget descriptions must be:  Aligned with the program activities and reflect any coordinated uses of resources from other sources  Cost-effective: cost per teacher participant should be approximately $2,000 per course  $10% should be allocated for the state evaluator to support local and program evaluation and technical assistance activities

31 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 31 DESIGN YOUR BUDGET  Funds may be used for  Administrative costs  Stipends  Substitutes  Materials for professional development  Local program data collection  Program dissemination  DDMs analysis  Travel to state and national Title II-B meetings

32 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 32 DESIGN YOUR BUDGET  Funds may not be used for  Equipment (single item costing $5,000 or more)  Instructional materials or equipment for use by students of participating educators  Space rental  Food  Full-time staff positions.  Grant funds may not be allocated to pay for both a participant’s graduate credit tuition and to provide a stipend

33 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 33 DESIGN YOUR BUDGET  Indirect costs, may not exceed 8%  Administrative costs and indirect costs combined may not exceed 20% of the total budget  Consultant fees may not exceed $100 per hour, up to $750 per day  Please request ONLY what you actually intend to spend

34 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 34 SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL  Review your proposal (objective reader)  Allow time for obtaining necessary signatures  Mail  1 complete copy of entire proposal  2 copies of grant signature page  Email  1 complete copy of entire proposal  Workbook (excel file)  Syllabus with sample session  Submit on time: must be received by 5 pm on Monday, February 24, 2014 to be considered Email: Subject: "2014 MMSP Competitive Application"

35 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 35 REVIEW PROCESS  A proposal will be disqualified if: it is late, incomplete, or it does not meet the eligibility requirements.  Proposal review is based on the required application components and the scoring rubric (See Additional Information).  The results of the review will be reported to the Commissioner for his final determination.

36 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 36 TIMELINE Proposals Due February 24 Review February 25 – March 26 Recommendations to the CommissionerEarly April Announcement of Awards Early April Grants Management ProcessingMid April Official Notification and Initial Funds Disbursement Mid April Project Start Mid April

37 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 37 Anne DeMallie, MMSP Coordinator 781-338-3527 Jake Foster, Assistant Director of STEM 781-338-3510 Contacts

38 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 38 QUESTION/ANSWER

39 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 39 Networking and Collaboration Time

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