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Developing School-Based Systems of Support: Ohio’s Integrated Systems Model Y.S.U. March 30, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing School-Based Systems of Support: Ohio’s Integrated Systems Model Y.S.U. March 30, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing School-Based Systems of Support: Ohio’s Integrated Systems Model Y.S.U. March 30, 2006

2 ESEA PL 107-110 No Child Left Behind Legislative requirements inform and support an integrated systems approach between NCLB & IDEA 04 IDEIA 108-446 Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools Serving Children with Disabilities Academic Content Standards Accountability-data based decision making Progress in the general curriculum for ALL students Systems of Intervention for ALL students Scientifically Based Instruction Increased parental involvement

3 Ohio’s Standards for the Teaching Profession Standard 1(Students): Teachers understand student learning and development, and respect the diversity of the students they teach Standard 1(Students): Teachers understand student learning and development, and respect the diversity of the students they teach Standard 2(Content): Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility Standard 2(Content): Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility Standard 3(Assessment): Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning Standard 3(Assessment): Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning Standard 4(Instruction): Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student Standard 4(Instruction): Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student

4 Ohio’s Standards for the Teaching Profession (continued) Standard 5(Learning Environment): Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students Standard 5(Learning Environment): Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students Standard 6(Collaboration and Communication): Teachers collaborate and communicate with other educators, administrators, parents and the community to support student learning Standard 6(Collaboration and Communication): Teachers collaborate and communicate with other educators, administrators, parents and the community to support student learning Standard 7(Professional Responsibility and Growth): Teachers are professionals who assume responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement as an individual and a member of a learning community Standard 7(Professional Responsibility and Growth): Teachers are professionals who assume responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement as an individual and a member of a learning community

5 The Ohio Integrated Systems Model for Academic and Behavior Supports The Ohio Integrated Systems Model for Academic and Behavior Supports is a comprehensive school- wide prevention & intervention model that provides support systems which address both academic and behavioral needs of ALL students.

6 Summative Effects of an Integrated Model Shephard Kellam, Johns Hopkins University Reading Instruction RB RBRB Reading & Behavior Instruction Behavior Instruction Significance BL

7 Ohio’s Integrated Systems Model for Academic and Behavior Supports Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Adapted from OSEP Effective School-Wide Interventions 5-10% Targeted Interventions 1-5% Intensive Individualized Interventions 80-90% School-Wide Interventions Decisions about tiers of support are data-based

8 Key Features of an Effective Integrated Model Administrative Leadership Collaborative Strategic Planning (CPS) Scientifically- Based Research Data-Based Decision Making Culturally Responsive Practices Academic & Behavior Supports Across 3-tiers


10 Ohio’s Standards for Principals Standard 1(Continuous Improvement): Principals help create a shared vision and clear goals for their schools and ensure continuous improvement toward achieving their goals Standard 1(Continuous Improvement): Principals help create a shared vision and clear goals for their schools and ensure continuous improvement toward achieving their goals Standard 2(Instruction): Principals support the implementation of high-quality, standards-based instruction that results in higher levels of achievement for all students Standard 2(Instruction): Principals support the implementation of high-quality, standards-based instruction that results in higher levels of achievement for all students Standard 3(School Operations, Resources and Learning Environment): Principals allocate resources and manage school operations in order to ensure a safe and productive learning environment Standard 3(School Operations, Resources and Learning Environment): Principals allocate resources and manage school operations in order to ensure a safe and productive learning environment

11 Ohio’s Standards for Principals Standard 4(Collaboration): Principals establish and sustain collaborative learning and shared leadership to promote student learning and achievement of all students Standard 4(Collaboration): Principals establish and sustain collaborative learning and shared leadership to promote student learning and achievement of all students Standard 5(Parents and Community Engagement): Principals engage parents and community members in the educational process and create an environment where community resources support student learning, achievement and well-being Standard 5(Parents and Community Engagement): Principals engage parents and community members in the educational process and create an environment where community resources support student learning, achievement and well-being

12 Building Leadership Team Representative of all stakeholders (e.g. administration, general education, special education, related services, parent representation) Alignment with existing building teams

13 Collaborative Strategic Planning Collaborative Strategic Planning A Collaborative Team-based Question A Collaborative Team-based Question and Data-Driven Process

14 District - Wide (CIP/Strategic Plans) Building - Wide Building Leadership Team Individual Child Intervention Team

15 Problem Definition Problem Analysis Evaluate the Plan Goal Setting Plan Development & Implementation The Collaborative Strategic Planning Process


17 What Is Scientifically Based Research? “Research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs” - NCLB “Research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs” - NCLB



20 Data-based Decision Making Systematic use of evidence to support decision making Systematic use of evidence to support decision making Frequent, reliable, valid indicators of student performance in literacy & behavior guide reading curriculum & school-wide behavior support plan Frequent, reliable, valid indicators of student performance in literacy & behavior guide reading curriculum & school-wide behavior support plan

21 Culturally Responsive Practices (CRP)

22 Specific educational practices, teaming processes, instructional strategies, and curricula content which have been established by research to increase the achievement of historically underachieving culturally diverse students - NCCRESt 2004 Culturally Responsive Practices

23 Reading and Behavior Supports Across Three Tiers Explicit Instruction

24 SBR Reading Program Selected To Fit Within A Comprehensive School-Wide Reading Model Tier I: Schoolwide Effective core reading curriculum Tier II: Targeted Instructional strategies Tier III: Intensive Individualized instruction a)Scientifically based programs b)Common decision rules c)All resources are coordinated d)Increasing intensity

25 School-wide Positive Behavior Support

26 Impact of 3057 Office Referrals in a Middle School in Southwest Ohio... Administrative Time Lost 45,855 minutes 764 hours 95 work days Based on 15 minutes per referral. Student Instructional Time Lost 137,565 minutes 2,292 hours 382 school days Based on 45 minutes out of the classroom. Adapted from Sugai *** $35,000 or more spent per year for an instructional leader to process office referrals. * Based on an average salary of $70,000

27 School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) Establishing clear school-wide expectations Establishing clear school-wide expectations Providing comprehensive instruction in expected behaviors Providing comprehensive instruction in expected behaviors Establishing system for providing consistent encouragement of expected behaviors and correction of behavior errors Establishing system for providing consistent encouragement of expected behaviors and correction of behavior errors Building community connections Building community connections

28 OISM Scale-Up Ongoing Training & Coaching for BLT Ongoing Training & Coaching for BLT Shift in Focus to District Leadership Teams Shift in Focus to District Leadership Teams Awareness-level Presentations Awareness-level Presentations Partnerships Partnerships –IHE –ESCs –RSIT –Other

29 Ohio’s Professional Development Standards Standard 1: Effective professional development is a purposeful, structured and continuous process that occurs over time Standard 1: Effective professional development is a purposeful, structured and continuous process that occurs over time Standard 2: Effective professional development is informed by multiple sources of data Standard 2: Effective professional development is informed by multiple sources of data Standard 3: Effective professional development is collaborative Standard 3: Effective professional development is collaborative Standard 4: Effective professional development includes varied learning experiences that accommodate individual educators’ knowledge and skills Standard 4: Effective professional development includes varied learning experiences that accommodate individual educators’ knowledge and skills Standard 5: Effective professional development results in the acquisition and refinement of skills and knowledge Standard 5: Effective professional development results in the acquisition and refinement of skills and knowledge Standard 6: Effective professional development is evaluated by its short and long-term impact on professional practice and achievement of all students Standard 6: Effective professional development is evaluated by its short and long-term impact on professional practice and achievement of all students

30 Key Stakeholders… Importance of pre-service preparation and partnering for PD: –Regional partnership –SEDPAC Grant – supporting planning and alignment of all pre-service preparation programs with key components –Strategic use of field placement settings

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