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Student Information Masthead Changes 1 August 6 & 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Information Masthead Changes 1 August 6 & 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Information Masthead Changes 1 August 6 & 7

2  Will no longer show EMIS reporting periods in 14/15 forward  Prior years will have EMIS reporting periods  Menu Changes  Switching buildings/years  Mgmt screen/print/version  (copy & paste breadcrumb) 2 MASTHEAD CHANGES

3  Document has been posted to the Document site  End User Guides  User Guides  StudentInformation Quick Reference Card 3 MASTHEAD CHANGES

4 4

5 5

6  Period K/N dropdown removed on Edit student Profile 14/15 forward  Removed from various pages throughout the application  SIS Student Search  Advanced Search  Many other pages 6 MASTHEAD CHANGES

7  1. Reporting Periods do not show in 14/15 and beyond, but will show in prior years.  2. People ICON  Tells you what environment you are logged into  Who you are logged in as  Change password  Save as Default School  Sign out 7 MASTHEAD CHANGES

8  3. Gears Print Management – Reports that you have submitted Version Feedback  4. ? HELP 8 Masthead Changes

9 MASTHEAD CHANGES 9  5. ≡ Dropdown  > SIS  > Teacher Menu  > Management  > EMIS  > My Account  > ITC  > Local  > Develop  > Sitemap  When you open one of the menu items, you will see the familiar items listed.


11  6. Advanced Search 11 MASTHEAD CHANGES

12  7. Find Student – No change When choosing a student, same as in the past. When student shows up in context box with name, student ID, Grade, & Status, then you can click  to see all students, then you can page forward & backward with arrows.  Click the arrow down for more detailed info about student in context  Click X to remove student from context 12 MASTHEAD CHANGES

13  For JVS – Home school & Program will show in the detail box.  Still have the option to click on student’s name to get more detailed information as in the past. 13 MASTHEAD CHANGES

14  8. GO TO – No change  9. Access to all Applications within ProgressBook Central Administration Data Map GradeBook 14 MASTHEAD CHANGES

15  Downloads will show up differently EX: Download Class List Instead of download showing at the bottom of screen, there will be an ICON on the side of the screen. You will see this on a lot of EZ Query Report screens, EMIS Verifications, & also on the Update Graduation Date. 15 MASTHEAD CHANGES

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17  Bread Crumb Trail  Presently, you have the option to copy the breadcrumb trail on the blue bar.  EX: Home >> SIS >> Scheduling >> Course Section AssignmentsHomeSISSchedulingCourse Section Assignments  With the 14.5 Release, when you paste, it will show up on multiple lines:  Home>  SIS>  Scheduling>  Course Section Assignments>  This has been sent to Software Answers as an ER. 17 MASTHEAD CHANGES


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