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HEALTHY EATING FOOD PYRAMID  Cereals: bread, pasta, rice.  Vegetables: tomato, potatoes, carrot, lettuce.  Fruit: apple, banana, orange, pineapple,

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHY EATING FOOD PYRAMID  Cereals: bread, pasta, rice.  Vegetables: tomato, potatoes, carrot, lettuce.  Fruit: apple, banana, orange, pineapple,"— Presentation transcript:




4  Cereals: bread, pasta, rice.  Vegetables: tomato, potatoes, carrot, lettuce.  Fruit: apple, banana, orange, pineapple, grapes.  Milk: cheese, yogurt.  Egg, meat, pulses and fish.  Oil, candies, cookies and chocolate

5 MondayTuesdayWednesda y ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 7:20 Milk Milk and cookies Toast and milk 10:50 SandwichsandwichSandwich the back sandwich 14:00 Soup and sausages and apple Pinto beans with rice, tortilla with salad and fruit Spaguetti, fish with salad and fruit Pulses, omelette and fruit Rice, croquette s and cake Macarroni,meat and fruit Prawns, salad, meat and fruit 16:00 Fruit and sandwich fruit and sandwich Fruit and curd Fruit and chocolat e Ham 22:00 Soup, croquettes and yogurt Eggplant, salmon and yogurt Aubergine, chiken and yogurt Fish, chips and yogurt hamburg er Salad, fhis with orange and yogurt Egg scrambled with asparagus, chicken and yogurt


7 MY FAMILY HABITS  My family eats more fruit than milk.  My family eats only 10% of oil and sweets.  My family eats less cereals than vegetables.  My family eats only 30% of eggs and fish. SUGGESTIONS:  My family should eat more cereals, milk, vegetables.

8 THE END Laura Leonardo Encabo 1ºb 9 – 3 - 12

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