The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers Lou Duggan (Chair, Education Committee, Saint Mary’s University) Special Thanks to:

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Presentation on theme: "The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers Lou Duggan (Chair, Education Committee, Saint Mary’s University) Special Thanks to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers Lou Duggan (Chair, Education Committee, Saint Mary’s University) Special Thanks to: Michelle Arbuckle (OLA Education Manager) Susan Cleyle (Partnership Chair, Memorial University) Lisa Hardy (LAA Past President, Calgary Public Library) Colleen Murphy (Past Chair, Education Institute, University of Regina) Christine Sheppard (LAA Executive Director) The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

2 The Partnership Canada's national network of provincial and territorial library associations Represents over 7500 library workers Library Association of Alberta Atlantic Provinces Library Association British Columbia Library Association Manitoba Library Association Newfoundland and Labrador Library Association Northwest Territories Library Association Nova Scotia Library Association Nunavut Library Association Ontario Library Association Québec Library Association / L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec Saskatchewan Library Association Yukon Library Association The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

3 Collaborative and responsive to the needs of the individual library worker Job Board Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research Education Institute: webinars and courses CEC: Continuing Education Certificate OLA Store: deals on select items Group Discounts: hotels, car rentals, etc. The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

4 2013 Stats 568 jobs posted > 93,000 unique visitors (2430 registered) > 1,000,000 page views APLA Revenue 2013-14 = $994.77 The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014



7 Innovations in Practice Theory and Research Professional Development Viewpoints Profiles Book and Media Reviews News Conference Spotlight The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

8 Education Institute One of the first initiatives of the Partnership Continuing education program aimed at all library information workers in all sectors: public, academic, school, special One hour webinars 4-6 week online courses Calendar The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

9 Behind the Scenes Hosted/Coordinated by OLA Education Coordinator – OLA Education Committee Members from each of the provincial and territorial associations Tasked with providing a core set of programs to the Institute for each session The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

10 Pricing $45 members $55 non-members Site based Institutional pricing Can’t make the date? APLA Revenue 2013-14 = $503.00 Money Matters The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

11 Recap What’s in it for you? Professional development Canadian content Presentation opportunities How can you help? Suggest content Be a session presenter Sign up! The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

12 The Canadian Library community is a learning community. Many of us who work in this field truly “learn something new every day” at every stage in our careers. The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

13 Plan and document professional development Connect with mentors for guidance Collect points over three years Receive a certificate of completion The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

14 3 Rules : 1. A total of 120 points must be earned over a three year period 2. At least 30 points must be scored in each year 3. The maximum number of points that can be recorded for an activity is 20 The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

15 Mentorship The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

16 Professional Development Formal 2 points per hour Informal 1 point per hour Publications/Presentations Formal 2 points per hour Informal 1 point per hour Leadership – Organization and Community Board Member = 2 points per hour Committee = 1 point per hour Personal Study Project 1 point per hour Learning Activities The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014


18 Registrations The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

19 Credits Earned Professional Development - Informal376 Professional Development - Formal368 Leadership - Board Member222 Leadership - Committee Member164 Publications/Presentations - Formal92 Personal Study Project86 Publications/Presentations - Informal49 Total1357 The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014


21 Member Survey The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

22 Were you aware that there were discounts available to you through your provincial library association with certain companies (like wireless providers, hotels, car rental companies)? N = 187 The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

23 How did you find out about the discounts available? N = 32 My provincial association's website 37.50% My provincial association's facebook or twitter 0.00% The Partnership website18.75% Email from my provincial association 28.13% Another association member told me 15.63% I don't remember12.50% The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

24 Did you take advantage of any of these offers? N = 32 The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

25 Do you think these types of discounts are beneficial to individual members and worth pursuing? N = 179 Definitely23% Probably37% Maybe24% Probably not13% Definitely not1% No opinion2% The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

26 How likely would you be to take advantage of any future discounts provided through your provincial association? N = 179 Very likely 19% Somewhat likely 60% Not very likely 17% Not at all likely 4% The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

27 The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers Lou Duggan (Chair, Education Committee, Saint Mary’s University) Special Thanks to: Michelle Arbuckle (OLA Education Manager) Susan Cleyle (Partnership Chair, Memorial University) Lisa Hardy (LAA Past President, Calgary Public Library) Colleen Murphy (Past Chair, Education Institute, University of Regina) Christine Sheppard (LAA Executive Director) The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

28 Images The Partnership: bringing member benefits to Canadian library workers APLA, June 4, 2014

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