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Mentoring: A Guiding Light to Success OCCTH 540 Seminar Kyle Nanan Karen Urbanovitch Nella Mauro Ashley Thomson Michelle Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring: A Guiding Light to Success OCCTH 540 Seminar Kyle Nanan Karen Urbanovitch Nella Mauro Ashley Thomson Michelle Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring: A Guiding Light to Success OCCTH 540 Seminar Kyle Nanan Karen Urbanovitch Nella Mauro Ashley Thomson Michelle Smith

2 Meet Stefan...


4 What is a Mentor? A mentor is a wise and trusted counsellor or teacher It is someone whom you look up to and seek advice with Mentors serve as good examples of your profession Mentoring is a process whereby a more experienced person helps a less experienced person develop in some capacity Toal-Sullivan, D. (2006). New Graduates’ Experiences of Learning to Practise Occupational Therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy November, 69(11).

5 Why You Need a Mentor as a New Grad The role of the mentor is vital to the success of healthcare programs and healthcare careers Mentees who have participated in mentorship programmes, experience benefits such as:  developing professionalism, instilling greater professional expertise and commitment to one’s profession, contributing to greater job satisfaction, having a faster rate of promotion for mentees, and increasing the research productivity of junior faculty mentees Milner, T. & Bossers, A. (2004).Evaluation of the mentor–mentee relationship in an occupational therapy mentorship programme. Occupational Therapy International, 11(2), 96-111.

6 Why You Need a Mentor as a New Grad During a transitional period, the support of colleagues and peers is critical for learning and can ease adjustment from student to Occupational Therapist. Toal-Sullivan, D. (2006). New Graduates’ Experiences of Learning to Practise Occupational Therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy November, 69(11).

7 Occupational Therapy Mentor An OT mentor can facilitate professional and psychosocial development when transitioning from student to clinician, or between changes in Occupational Therapy roles through:  sponsorship, counseling, development of problem- solving skills, and a professional sense of self. Milner, T. & Bossers, A. (2004).Evaluation of the mentor–mentee relationship in an occupational therapy mentorship programme. Occupational Therapy International, 11(2), 96-111.

8 What Does an Occupational Therapy Mentor Offer For Stefan? Assistance with identification of professional environments Counseling through difficult situations Act as a source of information Provision of career guidance Give feedback Education Confidence building and source of encouragement Collaboration Foster professional growth and individuality Milner, T. & Bossers, A. (2004).Evaluation of the mentor–mentee relationship in an occupational therapy mentorship programme. Occupational Therapy International, 11(2), 96-111.

9 How do you choose a Mentor? Seek individuals who can provide you with honest guidance regarding your career development Demonstrate the following:  Mutual Respect  Constructive and Timely Feedback  Shared Interests  Shared Projects 

10 Finding His Mentor:

11 Where to Start? Check current place of employment  Formal vs. Informal Mentoring  How about asking a direct supervisor? CAOT Website Become a member

12 What Does CAOT Offer? OT Networker OT Finder CAOT Conference CAOT Practice Magazine OT NOW “Help with Practice Concerns” Practice Resources MENTOR GATEWAY  Its goal is to connect mentors and mentees with information and resources CAOT WebsiteCAOT Website about mentoring

13 Provincial OT Associations British Columbia Society of Occupational Therapists Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists L’Ordre des ergotherapeutes du Quebec New Brunswick Association of Occupational Therapists Nova Scotia Society of Occupational Therapists Prince Edward Island Occupational Therapy Society Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Occupational Therapists

14 Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists Mentorship Program and Online Forum The SAOT is pleased to offer its members enhanced networking opportunities SAOT is interested in fostering mentoring relationships with interested parties The SAOT maintains a list of SAOT-registered Occupational Therapists interested in mentoring other member Occupational Therapists


16 Mentoring & Networking In The United States The American Association of Occupational Therapists (AOTA) Connects clinicians with new grads Allows members to specialize their practice Job postings for new grads and current clinicians Emerging Leaders Development Committee last accessed January 13 th 2010 Practitioners.aspx last accessed January 13 th 2010 Practitioners.aspx

17 Emerging Leaders Development Committee Introduced in 2009 by the AOTA Created in response to student demand for supports following graduation If successful student is required to attend a two day seminar at the AOTA main office in Maryland Followed by meeting your mentor and working with them for a year _n39363648/?tag=content;col1 Last accessed on January 13 th 2010 _n39363648/?tag=content;col1

18 United States Resources: Examples Texas Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA) Each state body works similarly to that of provincial associations in Canada Geared towards employment for clinicians, prospective employers used as mentors Last accessed on January 13 th 2010

19 United States Resources: Examples Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA) Offers more support and network opportunities from academic institutions Close working relationships with Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and Florida International University Last accessed on January 13 th 2010

20 Academic Resources Extensive supports offered from Occupational Therapy schools in Florida namely Florida A & M Some other supportive institutions include Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) These institutions will work with them and their clinical fieldwork educator to explore mentoring options in their area Last accessed on January 13 th 2010 Last accessed on January 13 th 2010

21 What Do We Offer Our Mentors? For the mentor, the relationship can produce feelings of gratification and stimulation It is a great opportunity to allow them to grow professionally Can assist them in their own career  Allows them to reflect upon their own practice Milner, T. & Bossers, A. (2004).Evaluation of the mentor–mentee relationship in an occupational therapy mentorship programme. Occupational Therapy International, 11(2), 96-111.

22 Questions???

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