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ECOLOGY: Cornell Notes 6 th grade Life Science. 1. What is Ecology? What does an ecologist study?

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Presentation on theme: "ECOLOGY: Cornell Notes 6 th grade Life Science. 1. What is Ecology? What does an ecologist study?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECOLOGY: Cornell Notes 6 th grade Life Science

2 1. What is Ecology? What does an ecologist study?

3 Ecology the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecologist- a person who studies…

4 2. How are biotic and abiotic environmental factors different?

5 Abiotic vs. Biotic Abiotic factors are parts of the environment that includes physical features that affect an organism (nonliving…weather, temperature, soil, water, light, buildings, & etc.). Biotic factors are parts of the environment that live and interact with one another (living…animals, plants, bacteria, protists, & etc.)

6 3. How does an organism interact with both abiotic and biotic factors?

7 Abiotic vs. Biotic water soil/dirt dead plants bird/emu offspring trees/ plants ABIOTIC Climate, temperature, sunlight BIOTIC

8 5 Levels of Environmental Organization Groups & Interactions Organism to Biosphere Glencoe, Chapter 24 Holt, Chapter 18

9 4.What is an organism? Give an example of an organism …not a zebra.

10 Organism – one living thing

11 5.What is a population? Give an example of a population of organisms …not zebras.

12 Population – group of the same species together in an area

13 6. What is a community? Give an example of a community of organisms …not zebras.

14 Community – all the biotic factors in an area-groups of species living together

15 7. What is an ecosytem? Give an example of an ecosystem for organisms.

16 Ecosystem – all the abiotic and biotic factors together in an area- organisms and the habitat

17 8. What is the biosphere? Give an example of the biosphere.

18 Biosphere – part of Earth where life exists-all the ecosystems together – the Earth-


20 9. What is a solar system? Give an example of our system.

21 Solar System – a group of planets orbiting a star (the sun) POOR, Pluto!!!! Scientific evidence changes as we learn more.

22 Milky Way system– a spiral galaxy consisting of 200-400 billion stars

23 Universe – All of the galaxies together

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