Critical Praxis and the Open Book Janneke Adema 16-10-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Praxis and the Open Book Janneke Adema 16-10-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Praxis and the Open Book Janneke Adema 16-10-2012

2 Topic Provisional title: Knowledge Production Beyond The Codex? New Explorations of the Scholarly Monograph in Contemporary Digital Culture What is the future of the scholarly book?

3 The function of the scholarly book Communication to one’s peers: Access Claim findings Quality: peer review & branding Trust and Preservation Reward and reputation


5 Methodology Critical Praxis – Theory – Practice Openness, fluidity, remix Foucault meets New Materialism

6 Critical Praxis - Theory What is Praxis? What is Critical Praxis? How is this related to doing a PhD in the Humanities? How is this related to the Digital and Digital Media?

7 Praxis here relates to the process of bringing ideas, ideologies or theories into practice. In other words, it refers to how theory gets embodied in our practices. Critical praxis then refers to the awareness of, and the critical reflection on how our ideas get to be embodied in our practices, making it possible to transform them.

8 Critical Praxis and the PhD The reproduction of social identities Subjectification effects rethink ‘traditional skills’ and established research practices, Critical Praxis and Critical Literacies Print-based power structure

9 Critical Praxis - Practice Openreflections Twitter Zotero Delicious Wiki Sophie

10 Openreflections

11 Twitter

12 Delicious

13 Zotero

14 Wiki

15 Sophie

16 Openness, fluidity, remix Open Research Open Access Open Media: access and re-use Collaboration and community- building

17 Ted Striphas

18 Kathleen Fitzpatrick

19 Gary Hall

20 Heather Morrison

21 Fluidity and Remix Liquid texts/publications Liquid Books Living Books Remixed books

22 Liquid Books

23 Living Books

24 Remixed Books

25 Theoretical Background Foucault – Discursive practices – Archaeology and Genealogy Critical Media Studies and STS – Technological determinism – Social constructionism – Beyond the dichotomy? New Materialism (Karen Barad) – Material-Discursive practices – Ethics of the ‘agential cut’

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