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Intelligence Chapter 11 1 1
Do Now: 1. Pass forward self-shaping project. 2
Do Now: 1. Pass forward self-shaping project. 2. In your own words, what does it mean to be “intelligent”?
AIM: How can we define intelligence?
What is Intelligence? Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use our knowledge to adapt to new situations. Hand-out 11-2 OR DO NOW: Design a test that could test for intelligence. Which factors would you use? 4 4
Intelligence: Ability or Abilities?
Have you ever thought that since people’s mental abilities are so diverse, it may not be justifiable to label those abilities with only one word, intelligence? You may speculate that diverse abilities represent different kinds of intelligences. How can you test this idea? 5 5
Theories of Intelligence:
Charles Spearman G factor Thurstone’s 7 Factors Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences Robert Sternberg Triarchic Theory Daniel Goleman EQ
Controversies About Intelligence
Despite general agreement among psychologists about the nature of intelligence, two controversies remain: Is intelligence a single overall ability or is it several specific abilities? With modern neuroscience techniques, can we locate and measure intelligence within the brain? Despite general agreement among psychologists about the nature of intelligence, two controversies remain: 7 7
Charles Spearman’s Studies
Intelligence is a single ability Factor Analysis: cluster of items that measure a common ability Example: vocabulary, paragraph comprehension, Grades in English classes, SAT verbal Charles Spearman- Used factor analysis – statistical technique that measures the correlations between different items to find clusters of related items Finding- many different specific abilities regarded as characteristics of intelligent people have a strong positive correlation was an English psychologist known for work in statistics, as a pioneer of factor analysis, and for Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. He also did seminal work on human intelligence, including the discovery of the g factor. Spearman had an unusual background for a psychologist. After 15 years as an officer in the British Army he resigned to study for a PhD in experimental psychology. If we conduct factor analysis of these items, we may find that these scores are positively correlated. Thus taken together, all factors indicate a common ability: verbal intelligence 8 8
General intelligence (g) is a factor that underlies all intelligence .
BUT…. Spearman’s Theory of General Intelligence was controversial. General Factor underlies all specific abilities that intelligence tests measure. Other scientists are skeptical, because people can score high on one specific ability but show weakness in others. 9 9
LL Thurstone Intelligence as 7 Clusters of mental abilities including reasoning, verbal comprehension, and memory. Intelligence as multiple abilities - small group of 7 main abilities (reasoning, verbal competence, memory) -large group of abilities- 100 different mental abilities 10 10
Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences:
Linguistic logical-mathematical spatial (these 1st 3 fall within bounds of qualities traditionally labeled as intelligence) 4. intrapersonal (understanding of self) 5. Interpersonal (ability to understand others) 6. bodily- kinesthetic (hunter or dancer) 7. musical 8. naturalistic- (video) OBJECTIVE 3| Compare Gardner’s and Sternberg's theories of intelligence. 13 year old boy with autism is also an award-winning jazz pianist Kim Peek- middle-inspiration for Rainman Alonzo Clemons- perfect replica of any animal he briefly sees out o bronze, despite a developemnal disability We have multiple intelligences, all independent of eachother Savants- may score low on intelligence tests but possess some incredible abilitiy People with savant syndrome excel in abilities unrelated to general intelligence. People with savant syndrome excel in abilities unrelated to general intelligence. 11 11
Howard Gardner Gardner proposes eight types of intelligences (and speculates about a ninth one — existential intelligence. ) OBJECTIVE 3| Compare Gardner’s and Sternberg's theories of intelligence. We have multiple intelligences, all independent of eachother Linguistic logical-mathematical spatial (these 1st 3 fall within bounds of qualities traditionally labeled as intelligence) Existential intelligence is the ability to think about the question of life, death and existence. 12 12
13 year old boy with autism is also an award-winning jazz pianist Kim Peek- middle-inspiration for Rainman Alonzo Clemons- perfect replica of any animal he briefly sees out o bronze, despite a developemnal disability Savants- may score low on intelligence tests but possess some incredible ability People with savant syndrome excel in abilities unrelated to general intelligence. 13
Criticisms of Gardner’s Theory:
Difficult to research Talents or intelligences? Critics point out that is difficult to research his theory if you have so many different facets Intelligence is MENTAL Talents, can practice to become better at these things. Not natural gifts In studies controlling for income and education differences, test takers who score low on intelligence tests have shorter average life spans and a higher likelihood of dying from lung cancer or cardiovascualr disease
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Sternberg (1985, 1999, 2003) agrees with Gardner, but suggests three intelligences rather than eight. Creative Intelligence: Intelligence that makes us adapt to novel situations, generate novel ideas Analytical Intelligence: Intelligence that is assessed by intelligence tests. Practical Intelligence: Intelligence that is required for everyday tasks (e.g. street smarts). Sternberg revises Q: How is practical intelligence different than all other intelligences? A: others have intelligence as an ability that you have or don’t; practical intelligence- depends on context or situation People possessing practical intelligence, such as business execs, may not score as well on analytical intelligence test Q: Does intelligence change with age? This is one of developmental psychology’s themes: stability vs. change 15 15
Theories: Comparison 17 17
Do Now: Compare and contrast Spearman, Gardner, and Sternberg’s Theories of Intelligence. Which do you think is the best theory and why? Sternberg and Gardner’s studies are important in broadening our definition for intelligence…… in the workplace, the classroom, on the athletic field.
Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence: correlates positively with career, marriage, and parenting success. proposed by Daniel Goleman Emotion Recognition Mischel’s Marshmallow ACROSS 69 cultures, we find emotional intelligence…. Emotion Recognitionl Emotionally intelligent people can delay gratification: Ex: Mischel’s marshmallow experiment on 4 year olds: you can have a marshmallow now or wait minutes and have 2 – those that waited- higher scores on SATs in HS more socially competent more personally effective and self assertive more confident more dependable more trustworthy Even after controlling for verbal aptitude ansd temperament, researchers find that 5 year olds who have most accurately discerened wemotions became 9-year olds who easily made friends 19 19
Emotional Intelligence: Components
Description Perceive emotion Recognize emotions in faces, music and stories Understand emotion Predict emotions, how they change and blend Manage emotion Express emotions in different situations Use emotion Utilize emotions to adapt or be creative Recognize emotions in faces, music and stories Predict emotions, how they change and blend Express emotions in different situations Utilize emotions to adapt or be creative 20 20
Emotional Intelligence: Criticism
Should intelligence apply to emotions? But, studies show general intelligence DOES matter Even Gardner believes the emotional intelligence stretch intelligence tyoo far General intelligence is necessary to get your foot through the door, determines job perfromance and occupational status, predicts a longer life span 21 21
*Crystallized and fluid intelligence
Crystallized intelligence: accumulated knowledge Fluid intelligence: ability to reason quickly when solving new problems How does each change with age? Crystallized intelligence- accumulated knowledge Fluid intelligence- ability to reason quickly then solving new problems Q: How does age affect intelligence? A: Fluid down and crystallized up as one ages Q: How could you find this out? A: cross sectional and longitudinal studies Q: Benefits and drawbacks of each? cross-sectional- faster and cheaper, but more confounding variables Period 6- end here
Intelligence and Creativity
Creativity is the ability to produce ideas that are both novel and valuable. It correlates slightly with intelligence. Expertise: A well-developed knowledge base. Imaginative Thinking: The ability to see things in novel ways. Adventuresome Personality: A personality that seeks new experiences rather than following the pack. Intrinsic Motivation: A motivation to be creative from within. A Creative Environment: A creative and supportive environment allows creativity to bloom. OBJECTIVE 5| Identify the factors associated with creativity, and describe the relationship between creativity and intelligence. 23 23
Is Intelligence Neurologically Measurable?
Recent Studies indicate some correlation (about +.40) between brain size and intelligence. OBJECTIVE 6| Describe the relationship between intelligence and brain anatomy. Several studies report a positive correlation (+.40) between brain size and intelligence score. As adults age, brain size and nonverbal intelligence test scores fall in concert. Other studies suggest that highly educated people die with more synapses, (Albert Einstein, for example) very intelligent people have greater neural plasticity Larger brain size MAY enable greater intelligence, but it is also possible that greater intelligence elads to experiences that exercise the brain and build more connections, increasing its size Period 3 end here 24 Gray matter concentration in people with high intelligence. 24
Brain Function Intelligence tests and reaction time
OBJECTIVE 7| Discuss the findings on the correlations between perceptual speed, neural processing speed, and intelligence. Studies of brain functions show that people who score high on intelligence tests perceive stimuli faster, retrieve information from memory quicker, and show faster brain response times. People with higher intelligence respond correctly and quickly to the above question. 25 25
AIM: How can we assess Intelligence?
Intelligence testing: a method for assessing an individual’s mental aptitudes and comparing them with others OBJECTIVE 8| Define intelligence tests and discuss the history of intelligence testing. 26 26
Alfred Binet Alfred Binet: predictor intelligence testing
developed questions that would predict children’s future progress Mental Age: Intelligence Increases as we age Average Mental Age of 10 year old= 10 Psychometrics- psychological testing Alfred Binet- developed test as predictor of ability for children attending French schools in early 1900s wanted to tailor education to child mental age (intelligence increases as one gets older) if mental age was lower than chronological age, educators could intervene Terman Stanford professor that used system to make Stanford-Binet IQ (intelligence quotient)test for CA schools standardized test- will discuss later IQ= (mental age/chronological age) x 100 Q: If mental and chronological age the same? 100 Q: IQ of person with mental age of 15, chronological age of 10? 150 all adults=20 27 27
Lewis Terman Stanford-Binet Test: The following is the formula of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Terman: Stanford professor that used system to make Stanford-Binet IQ (intelligence quotient)test for CA schools standardized test- will discuss later IQ= (mental age/chronological age) x 100 Mental age: average 10 year old has a mental age of 10, average 17 year old has a mental age of 17. Presupposes that you get smarter as you get older Q: If mental and chronological age the same? 100 Q: IQ of person with mental age of 15, chronological age of 10? 150 all adults=20 28 28
David Wechsler Wechsler developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and later the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), an intelligence test for preschoolers. Also Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence for children as young as 4-years old 29 29
WAIS WAIS measures overall intelligence and 11 other aspects related to intelligence. - Designed to assess clinical and educational problems -Most widely used intelligence tests, 11 subtests, overall score and separates verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, working memory, and processing speed into separate scores WAIS has 11 subscales in addition to overall IQ score to give verbal IQ and performance IQ types of questions: verbal- define words, solve word problems, explain similarities between items; performance- ordering pictures to tell a story, duplicating block patterns differences between 2 IQs can identify learning disabilities -Alert the examiner to possible learning problems 30 30
Normal Curve Standardized tests establish a normal distribution of scores on a tested population in a bell-shaped pattern called the normal curve. Norms are scores established from the test and used to compare gives IQ scores based on deviation IQ- test is standardized so score of 100 is mean with standard deviation of 15 scores fall into normal curve- percentage of scores in each part of the curve is predetermined score is how many deviations from mean one is 68% within 1 standard deviation (15 points); 95% within 2 standard deviations (30 points); 99% within 3 standard deviations 2% of all scores earns an intelligence score of 130. 31 31
Variance- degree to which scores differ from each other Standard deviation: degree to which scores differ from the mean
Aptitude and Achievement Tests
Aptitude tests are intended to predict your ability to learn a new skill. Example: pilot exam, college entrance exam, driving test Achievement tests are intended to reflect what you have already learned. Examples: unit exams 33 33
Aptitude or Achievement?
SAT’s Aptitude GPA Achievement Driver’s Test Both
Principles of Test Construction
For a psychological test to be acceptable it must fulfill the following three criteria: Standardization Reliability Validity 35 35
Question 1: Point to the puppy
Establishes a basis for meaningful comparison.
Standardization Standardization: 1) administering the test to a representative sample of future test takers 2) Testing and scoring uniformly for all test-takers Establishes a basis for meaningful comparison. OBJECTIVE 10| Discuss the importance of standardizing psychological tests, and describe the distribution of scores in a normal curve. Questions have been piloted on similar population and norms have been established, allows comaprisons between people 37 37
Flynn Effect In the past 60 years, intelligence scores have risen steadily by an average of 27 points. Tests must be restandardized over time This phenomenon is known as the Flynn effect. Flynn effect- several theories to explain, may be due to: Better nutrition Better education More stimulating environments More parental investment Better genes 38 38
Extent to which a test yields consistent results:
Reliability Extent to which a test yields consistent results: Test-Retest Reliability: using the same test on two occasions to measure consistency OBJECTIVE 11| Explain what it means to say that a test is reliable. Split-half: odd verses even, for example 2) SAT given on a Saturday different than Sunday Extent to which a test yeilds consistent scores Split-half Reliability: Dividing the test into two equal halves and assessing how consistent the scores are. Reliability using different tests: Using different forms of the test to measure consistency between them. Test-Retest Reliability: Using the same test on two occasions to measure consistency. 39 39
Validity Validity of a test refers to what the test is supposed to measure or predict. Content Validity: Refers to the extent a test measures a particular behavior or trait. Predictive Validity: Refers to the function of a test in predicting a particular behavior or trait. OBJECTIVE 12| Explain what it means to say that a test is valid, and describe two types of validity. 40 40
Do Now: Reliability verses Validity?
Measuring three people with the same yardstick, but the yardstick is off by 3 inches Reliable: same results each time NOT Valid: not measuring what is intended to measure Period 2
The Dynamics of Intelligence
Does intelligence remain stable over a lifetime or does it change? Are individuals on the two extremes of the intelligence scale really that different? 42 42
Stability or Change? Intelligence scores become stable after about seven years of age. In numerous studies, stability of intelligence scores have been determined (Angoff, 1988; Deary et al., 2004). OBJECTIVE 13| Describe the stability of intelligence scores over the life span. 43 43
Extremes of Intelligence
A valid intelligence test divides two groups of people into two extremes: the mentally retarded (IQ 70) and individuals with high intelligence (IQ 135). These two groups are significantly different. OBJECTIVE 14| Discuss the two extremes of the normal distribution of intelligence. 44 44
Mental Retardation Mentally retarded individuals required constant supervision a few decades ago, but with a supportive family environment and special education they can now care for themselves. 45 45
High Intelligence Contrary to popular belief, people with high intelligence test scores tend to be healthy, well adjusted, and unusually successful academically. 46 46
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence
No other topic in psychology is so passionately followed as the one that asks the question, “Is intelligence due to genetics or environment?” 47 47
Genetic Influences: Interpret this graph
OBJECTIVE 15| Discuss the evidence for the genetic contribution to individual intelligence, and explain what psychologists mean by the heritability of intelligence. Studies of twins, family members, and adopted children together support the idea that there is a significant genetic contribution to intelligence. 48 48
Environmental Influences
Studies of twins and adopted children also show the following: Fraternal twins raised together tend to show similarity in intelligence scores. Identical twins raised apart show slightly less similarity in their intelligence scores. OBJECTIVE 16| Discuss the evidence for environmental influences on individual intelligence. 49 49
Adoption Studies Adopted children show a marginal correlation in verbal ability to their adopted parents. 50 50
Environmental Effects
Differences in intelligence among these groups are largely environmental, as if one environment is more fertile in developing these abilities than another. 51 51
Early Intervention Effects
Early neglect from caregivers leads children to develop a lack of personal control over the environment, and it impoverishes their intelligence. Romanian orphans with minimal human interaction are delayed in their development. 52 52
Ethnic Similarities and Differences
To discuss this issue we begin with two disturbing but agreed upon facts: Racial groups differ in their average intelligence scores. High-scoring people (and groups) are more likely to attain high levels of education and income. OBJECTIVE 17| Describe ethnic similarities and differences in intelligence test scores, and discuss some genetic and environmental factors that might explain them. 53 53
Racial (Group) Differences
If we look at racial differences, white Americans score higher in average intelligence than black Americans (Avery and others, 1994). European New Zealanders score higher than native New Zealanders (Braden, 1994). White-Americans Black-Americans Average IQ = 100 Average IQ = 85 Hispanic Americans 54 54
1. Paul takes a test in the army to see if he would make a good pilot
1. Paul takes a test in the army to see if he would make a good pilot. Such a test is A) A standardized test D. An achievement test B) An aptitude test E) A biased Test C) An intelligence test 2. An 8-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency typical of an average 10-year-old was said to have an IQ of: A) B) C) D) E) 150 3. A measure of intelligence based on head size is likely to have a ________ level of reliability and a ________ level of validity. A) low; low B) low; high C) high; low D) high; high 4. Aptitude tests are to ________ as achievement tests are to ________. A) current interests; past competence B) past competence; current interests C) current competence; future performance D) future performance; current competence 5. When Jonathan was told that he correctly answered 80 percent of the items on a mathematical achievement test, he asked how his performance compared with that of the average test taker. Jonathan’s concern was directly related to the issue of: A) standardization B) predictive validity C) reliability D) content validity
Reasons Why Environment Affects Intelligence
Races are remarkably alike genetically. Race is a social category. Asian students outperform North American students on math achievement and aptitude tests. Today’s better prepared populations would outperform populations of the 1930s on intelligence tests. White and black infants tend to score equally well on tests predicting future intelligence. Different ethnic groups have experienced periods of remarkable achievement in different eras. 56 56
Gender Similarities and Differences
There are seven ways in which males and females differ in various abilities. 1. Girls are better spellers 2. Girls are verbally fluent and have large vocabularies 3. Girls are better at locating objects 4. Girls are more sensitive to touch, taste, and color 5. Boys outnumber girls in counts of underachievement 6. Boys outperform girls at math problem solving, but under perform at math computation 7. Women detect emotions more easily than men do OBJECTIVE 18| Describe gender differences in abilities. 57 57
The Question of Bias Aptitude tests are necessarily biased in the sense that they are sensitive to performance differences caused by cultural differences. However, aptitude tests are not biased in the sense that they accurately predict performance of one group over the other. OBJECTIVE 19| Discuss whether intelligence test are biased, and describe the stereotype threat phenomenon. 58 58
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