Online Registration 2013-2014 Parent directions with screen shots.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Registration 2013-2014 Parent directions with screen shots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Registration 2013-2014 Parent directions with screen shots

2 What to anticipate! You will have 8 steps to complete. EACH of the first 6 steps must include selecting SAVE then BACK to move on. You MUST answer yes or no to each area under Parent approvals and Media Release. You will NOT BE ALLOWED OUT of a screen until yes or no has been chosen. Parents are also required to electronically name and date stamp before moving on. There are 3 approvals on each page.

3 Log in to your FAMILY ACCESS Skyward account Along the left hand side, see ONLINE REGISTRATION, 2013-2014 school year-Select Start Registration. See screen shots next slide. Getting started HAVE YOU TURNED OFF YOUR POP UP BLOCKER?


5 You see a menu for the process

6 Step 1-Verify student information-please review current information. If you have moved, you must prove residency at your new attendance center. Click on button named Verify Student Information, edit information accordingly NEW FOR MS/HS students this year! Please add student cell phone number by selecting the button titled Request Changes to Student Information. Only boxes that are white can be edited. You see a 6 step page…

7 Screen shot-step 1 Add student cell-click here.

8 Screen shot-step 1-cont. MS/HS students only Select Cellular then enter cell phone number Don’t forget to save then back on each page. After completing this page…click that you are done with step 1 and move to step 2

9 Go to Step 2 Click on then read and understand the student handbook This button will take you to your student(s) handbook. You may save the link as a favorite or print it out on your own or save it on your local hard drive. Don’t forget to save then back on each page. Close the handbook window and click on the box next to Step 2.

10 Step 3-parental permissions Click on Parental Permission to complete step 3 You will then see this message Answer Yes

11 Step 3- cont…Acceptable Use, Handbook and Field Trip Approvals You must select YES or NO by each of the 3 areas, plus put in electronic signature and date. Don’t forget to save then back on each page(upper right hand corner of page).

12 Step 4- Parental Approvals- Media Click on Media Release to complete step 4 You will then see this message Answer Yes

13 Step 4 release, photograph release, video release You must select YES or NO by each of the 3 areas,. Don’t forget to save then back on each page. plus put in electronic signature and date

14 Step 5-Transportation- are you eligible? Click on box next to Step 5 and then click on button named Transportation. Ask 2 questions, does your student plan on using Unit 5 transportation and are they eligible to use it? Special note for incoming 5 th graders. Our 5 th graders will receive band/string lessons at their feeder middle school. If you plan to participate in Band or Strings, please go to this link to learn about transportation.

15 Step 5 continued You will then see this message Answer Yes You must select YES or NO Don’t forget to save then back on each page.

16 Step 6-making a fee payment Click on the box next to Step 6 and then click on the button named Make a Fee Payment. You don’t need to make a payment but you must click on the button. When making a payment, you will be redirected to RevTrak. If paying by check, make checks payable to Unit 5 and mail or drop by the school office. For Normal Community and Normal West students, please print off your paid receipt and bring to walk-in registration!

17 MS/HS only- Adding Charges such as PE clothes etc… MS/HS only-from main registration page, go to Fee Management -you can ADD CHARGES after you have paid registration fees or as part of overall payment. Next simply click on Make Online Payment… Then click on the button at the bottom right of the page -Add Charges…

18 Here you can select items such as PE clothes, locks and yearbooks… Click on Add by the item you need. BE SURE NOT TO DUPLICATE! As with other pages, select Back, then you can check out with Revtrac..

19 Step 6 finishing, then Step 7 Click on the box next to Step 6 Step 7(final step)- Click on the bottom button Named “Complete registration for ‘Student Name’ for the 2013-2014 school year”. When you click on this button it will open a new window that looks like this below. Click on complete online registration button.

20 Step 8- Complete the process! After clicking on the button named: Complete Online registration(previous page). It will then close that window and take you to the main screen of Family Access and you will see the following. THIS MEANS YOU HAVE COMPLETED ONLINE REGISTRATION! IF YOU DO NOT GET THIS SCREEN, go and click COMPLETE BUTTON!

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