THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Workshop on “Effective solutions for green urban transport – Learning from CIVITAS cities”

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Presentation on theme: "THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Workshop on “Effective solutions for green urban transport – Learning from CIVITAS cities”"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Workshop on “Effective solutions for green urban transport – Learning from CIVITAS cities” 16th April 2013 Geneva (CH) Cosimo Chiffi, CIVITAS WIKI CIVITAS opportunities for potential “take-up” cities

2 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi In this presentation CIVITAS opportunities for potential “take-up” cities CIVITAS Demonstration cities and editions CIVITAS Plus II Knowledge Base: the CIVITAS heritage The CIVITAS Forum Network: get your city involved! CIVINET national and regional networks Thematic Cooperation in CIVITAS Upcoming Events CIVITAS Award

3 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS - Introduction CIVITAS - cleaner and better transport in cities – stands for CIty-VITAlity-Sustainability. CIVITAS is an EU initiative for supporting and evaluating the implementation of integrated sustainable and energy efficient urban transport strategies in European cities that should make a real difference to the welfare of the European citizen. Key elements It’s an open network of cities for cities It’s Public Private Partnerships Political commitment: the Political Advisory Board (PAC) is group of leading and motivated politicians Living “laboratories” allowing participation and knowledge sharing Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

4 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi CIVITAS – Demonstration cities and editions

5 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Where we are now: CIVITAS Plus II DemonstrationSupport Stuttgart, Brno, Malaga, Tel Aviv ± 20 measures Aachen, Gdynia, Palma, Koprivnica ± 30 measures Exploitation and further dissemination of results of CIVITAS Evaluation Thematic Cooperation Annual Forum Conference PAC Website Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

6 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS Knowledge base Measures, practices, contacts, materials, know-how Join and use the CIVITAS Heritage! Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

7 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS Knowledge base Search mesures by city, theme or topic Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

8 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Measure Database http://www. index.php?id=16 CIVITAS Knowledge base Explore results Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

9 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS Knowledge base Search materials and guidance Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi


11 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS - Cities Involvement Change Less focus on ‘production of results’ More focus on dissemination of results and replication of measures Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

12 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS – Get Your Cities Involved! Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi CIVITAS DECLARATION Cities shall demonstrate political and technical commitment to introduce ambitious, integrated urban transport strategies by > Achieving a significant change in the modal split > Following an integrated approach

13 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS National and Regional Networks CIVINET Promoting the CIVITAS approach at a local level Aims to overcome language and contextual barriers Platform for the exchange of information Existing networks: CIVINET España & Portugal CIVINET Francophone CIVINET Italia CIVINET Slovenija CIVINET UK & Ireland CIVINET Dutch Find more information in your language at or write to: Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

14 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Thematic Groups in CIVITAS: Get involved! THEMATIC GROUP Integrated Planning THEMATIC GROUP Clean fuels and vehicles THEMATIC GROUP Collective Transport THEMATIC GROUP Demand Management Strategies THEMATIC GROUP Urban Freight Logistics THEMATIC GROUP Mobility Management THEMATIC GROUP Transport Telematics THEMATIC GROUP Safety and Security THEMATIC GROUP Car Independent Lifestyles THEMATIC GROUP Public Involvement Profile: CIVITAS Initiative (connect!) Main Group: CIVITAS Urban Mobility (subscribe!) TGs webpages Thematic leaders at your disposal Webinars, workshops, study tours Ask a peer Write to Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

15 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Thematic Groups in CIVITAS: Get involved! Upcoming Events: WEBINAR ON CHARGING POLICIES, AND LOW EMISSIONS ZONES Europe-wide, May 2013 CIVITAS DYN@MO, 26-28 June 2013 in Palma de Mallorca Section: News > Newsletter Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

16 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Annual CIVITAS Forum Conference The 11th edition will take place between 30th September and 2nd October in Brest Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

17 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Awarding CIVITAS Forum Network cities CIVITAS Award Europe’s annual highest award for clean urban transport Open to members of the CIVITAS Forum Network whose transport policies or activities to achieve clean urban transport are outstanding Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

18 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVITAS result publications Ready – can be ordered at Handbooks on public involvement and communications Policy Advise notes CIVITAS II CIVITAS Plus projects result brochures Coming soon: Case studies: best practices in CIVITAS Plus cities - online, ready from May CIVITAS in numbers - Achievements in sustainable urban mobility 2008-2012 : brochure on key results and trends Living laboratories + Measure Directory: 10 years of innovations from Aalborg to Zagreb Innovative urban transport solutions: CIVITAS makes the difference – experiences in each thematic category from CIVITAS Pus Policy recommendations: trends and recommendations for the EC from CIVITAS Plus Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

19 THE CIVITAS INITIATIVE IS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION The future of CIVITAS New funding opportunities CIVITAS Activity Fund (2014) Next CIVITAS edition? Wait 1 st January 2015 for Effective solutions for green urban transport 16/04/13 Geneva Cosimo Chiffi

20 Event Date Location Speaker Thank you! Cosimo Chiffi TRT Trasporti e Territorio Srl, Milan

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