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Lumina and Tuning meets the DQP Tim Birtwistle. 2 Why ……………………….?

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Presentation on theme: "Lumina and Tuning meets the DQP Tim Birtwistle. 2 Why ……………………….?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lumina and Tuning meets the DQP Tim Birtwistle

2 2 Why ……………………….?

3 Tuning is a five step process comprised of: defining the discipline core; mapping employability; surveying stakeholders; honing core competencies and learning outcomes; drafting degree profiles. 3

4 Faculty led, students, employers and alumni involved Tuning USA is a five step process comprised of: defining the discipline core; mapping employability; surveying stakeholders; honing core competencies and learning outcomes; drafting degree profiles. 4

5 5

6 Huba, M.E. & Freed, J.E. (2000). Learner-centered assessment on college campuses: Shifting the focus from teaching to learning. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. (p. 108). From Kent State Faculty Professional Development Center – February 07 2012.

7 Old Version New Version Remembering: can the student recall or remember the information? define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce, state. Understanding: can the student explain ideas or concepts? classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase Applying: can the student use the information in a new way? choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. Analyzing: can the student distinguish between the different parts? appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test. Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or decision? appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate. Creating: can the student create new product or point of view? assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write. From Images from

8 Tuning Logic Model General Program Theory: Transparent learning outcomes and attainment criteria increase student access, educational quality, degree production and productivity Evaluation Objective : To develop an evaluation model that documents progress achieved at each Tuning site and across all sites and that provides actionable feedback to a variety of stakeholders (implementation teams, consultants and funders) INPUTS OUTPUTS OUTCOMES Near-term Intermediate Long-term EU Lumina US/EU consultants Higher Ed Exec Offices Activities Participation Regional teams are formed Regional teams meet Interaction across states/countri es Regional teams are formed Regional teams meet Interaction across states/countri es Discipline focused regional/state/country Teams -AA/Short-Cycle degree faculty - BA/Technical School/MA faculty -graduates -employers Discipline focused regional/state/country Teams -AA/Short-Cycle degree faculty - BA/Technical School/MA faculty -graduates -employers SLOs/Degree Frameworks (DF)/Qualifications Frameworks (QF) and competencies established in targeted disciplines SLOs/DFs/QFs and competencies are field tested in targeted disciplines More engaged and better prepared students Common vocabulary established for Tuning partners Increased production of certificate and degree holders, particularly among underrepresented groups Increased production of certificate and degree holders, particularly among underrepresented groups Increased access into and across segments Departments engage in Tuning process Institutions engage in Tuning process Institutionalization of Tuning Process

9 What do learners need? Skills! 9

10 Changing demands for skills Preparing future professionals and citizens with the right skills  ‘21st century skills’ Creativity and innovation, Critical thinking, Problem solving, Communication, Collaboration, Information fluency, Technological literacy Changing skill demand with the advent of the knowledge economy Accelerating trend since 1990s Economy-wide measures of routine and non-routine task input (US) Levy and Murnane 10

11 Semiotics/Vocabulary Learning outcomes (LOs) Active LOs (not in a desk drawer) Ratchet up – it is ALL in the verbs Level descriptors/Levels ALT (not TLA or even LTA) Student centred learning (LOs/ALT) Frameworks (Russian Dolls +) Time – linear/volume – LLL – APL/APEL So – from the ‘bottom up’ – design, delivery, assessment, evaluation, re-design >>>>>> 11

12 Tuning meets QF: Macro QF – levels - descriptors Micro Tuning – ratcheting up – all in the verbs 12 LEARNINGLEARNING

13 Tuning = Subjects, QF = Degrees Tuning Architecture Framework Outcomes QF Architecture Framework Outcomes 13

14 The Future is about LEARNING Students want to learn Quality is about learning Life long learning in a fast changing world is a must Skills and abilities will last and develop, jobs will change ~~~ know, understand and be able to do ~~~~~~ Because the future is now. 14

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