Shelter Meeting 10a CCCM CLUSTER UPDATE 2009 - 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Shelter Meeting 10a CCCM CLUSTER UPDATE 2009 - 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shelter Meeting 10a CCCM CLUSTER UPDATE 2009 - 2010

2 CCCM Cluster Co-leadership: IOM natural disaster and UNHCR conflict-induced IDP situations. Partnerships No change in partnerships at the Global level Cluster Lead (co-chair): UNHCR (conflict-induced) and IOM (disaster situations) Other partners include: CARE International Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) International Rescue Committee (IRC) Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Shelter Centre OCHA

3 CCCM Framework 3 Main Components

4 Generic roles and responsibilities Camp Administration Functions carried out by the government/national authorities relating to overseeing camp activities Camp Management Activities in one single camp that focus on coordination of services and maintenance of camp infrastructure Camp Coordination - Facilitating the delivery of humanitarian response to camps. - Coordination of roles and responsibilities in the overall humanitarian camp response

5 Levels of CCCM Interventions Global : Standards/policy-setting, building response capacity, operational support (including Country: Support/development of national strategies and plans Field/Regional: Coordination of multiple camps Camp/centre: Management of a single camp/communal centre Note: CCCM conducts an annual validation workshop to enable field practitioners to review and validate tools and guidelines produced during the year

6 CCCM Field Support CCCM cluster supports the field by providing: Surge capacity/deployment of CCCM experts to complex emergencies Technical guidance and advice to CCCM clusters Short term diagnostic or technical missions Training: A roster of trainers to facilitate CCCM trainings at field level

7 Update 2009 1. Development and dissemination of tools - Dissemination of the Camp Management Toolkit in French and English - Development of tools (Guidelines on Collective Centre and Camp Closure) - Discussion on CCCM terminology - Development Tri-Cluster (CCCM, Protection and ES) - CCCM Needs Assessment 2. Training - 10 global and regional workshops conducted on CCCM - CCM Refresher for interagency trainers 3. Deployment of CCCM Cluster Coordinators (mainly double-hating!) 4. CCCM activities at the Global Level Co-leadership to the Global CCCM Cluster (virtual secretariat, info dissemination to partners) Participation in inter-agency initiatives such as IASC Needs Assessment, IM Task Forces, and Dashboard

8 2009 Service delivery at field level Access to protection and assistance in the camps, Establishment of camps according to standards, e.g., 35 additional camps in Pakistan) Ensuring support to IDP return while maintaining protection and assistance for those remaining in the camps. Proper closure and decommissioning of camps (e.g., 25 camps in Pakistan and 39 in Uganda – over 900,000 returnees and 141 camps closed since 2006. Facilitate identification and response to persons with specific needs.

9 CCCM Developments 2010 Response to new large-scale emergency - Haiti Finalization of tools: -Collective Centre Guidelines – ready in June -Best practice catalogue - ongoing -CCCM Needs Assessment - ongoing -Camp closure Guidelines – ongoing

10 CCCM Developments 2010... Training: Pilot CM/CCCM merged training material - in Kenya May 2010 Pilot Tri-Cluster training material – Nepal Aug 2010 Manual for national capacity building – near completion ToT to strengthen CCCM response and training/capacity – June in Jordan Coordinators training – last quarter of 2010

11 CCCM Developments 2010 CCCM Terminology - review of shortcomings of the term “CCCM” and in particular “camp” Field missions –planned for 2010/11 ToR for Camp Management – draft in final stage Discussion on how to translate the Mental Health and Psychosocial Intervention pyramid into CCCM (in all stages of camp cycle)

12 CCCM Challenges Limited resources: -resulted in carry over of activities to 2010. -Intended capacity not developed in 2009 -still no internal (UNHCR/CCCM?) emergency response capacity -Still not internal CCCM trainer capacity The above are among CCCM priorities for 2010/2011 The CCCM cluster is not always formerly activated It is a challenge to demonstrate that CCCM concepts apply to camp- like settings Security constraints hence limited presence and access to IDPs Few but effective global cluster partners 2009 was the year donor shift from funding Global to field but not all field operations mainstreamed CCCM into their budgets

13 CCCM Challenges - Haiti What are the main CCCM challenges in the Haiti emergency operation?

14 RESOURCES ON CCCM Guidance on CCCM issues are provided in: Camp Management Toolkit, 2008 IDP Key Resources CD-ROM, 2009 Key Things to know about CCCM CCCM Information Management Diagram Cluster Working Group’s CCCM Guidance Note, 2008 CCCM section in the IASC Gender Handbook, 2006 CCCM chapter in the IDP Protection Handbook (provisional release), UNHCR 2008 CCCM Definitions Additional reference can be found in

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