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Mentorship.  Vision: Satisfy the desires of God’s heart  More Christians, better Christians, in a vibrant community, for the good of the world  Goals.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentorship.  Vision: Satisfy the desires of God’s heart  More Christians, better Christians, in a vibrant community, for the good of the world  Goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentorship

2  Vision: Satisfy the desires of God’s heart  More Christians, better Christians, in a vibrant community, for the good of the world  Goals

3  Provide young men with discipleship and skill training in support of The Summit’s mission; More Christians, Better Christians, In a vibrant community, for the good of the

4  To assist, mentor and train young adults, to see God’s hand in His creation, to discover their personal Godly path, and to develop a lifetime relationship with Christ & with each other.

5  Personal relationship with Christ, Biblical knowledge, Personal confidence, Service to others, Trust in leaders, family and more, Skill knowledge, Fun for fun and fun for Work, Sense of honor, Accomplishments

6  The single most important idea that a young adult needs to have in order to accomplish great tasks is to believe that he can.

7  Mission  Vision  Goals  Guiding principle

8  Mentors may not be in private with students  The student’s home  The mentor’s home  Hiking, fishing or other outdoor setting  Vehicle transportation

9  Mentors may: 1. Public locations 2. Rule of 3 3. Group of 4

10  Know: This mentorship program is 2 fold. Discipleship in the Kingdom of God and development in skills.  Respect: Pay attention and participate  Honor: use the information and skills for good and God  Commitment: Dates, times and one year  Parents: are in authority and to be honored  School: is important and excellent effort is mandatory  Support the church and mentorship vision, mission and goals

11  Discipleship in the Kingdom of God and development in skills  Parental approval  Support the church and mentorship vision, mission and goals  Have read and approve of the student commitment statement  Information that the mentor needs  Commitment  Have received a copy of the “Boundaries” document and understand our limitations  Have opportunity and if desire add any additional boundaries and or limitations

12  Bicycling  Shooting  Wood working  Small motor  Metal working  Vehicle repair  Climbing  First-aid

13  Bible study of masculine godly behavior  Understand what it means to be a Christian  Understand and accept your own faith  Honor, courage, integrity, respect, dignity …  Love: families, leaders, siblings, friends  Judgment  Decision making

14  Personal relationship with Christ  Biblical knowledge  Personal confidence  Service to others  Trust in leaders, family and more  Skill knowledge  Fun for fun and fun for Work  Sense of honor  Accomplishments

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