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By: Matthew RussellWilliam Verrett Gaw Jones III.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Matthew RussellWilliam Verrett Gaw Jones III."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Matthew RussellWilliam Verrett Gaw Jones III

2  Islam begin in Arabia in the year 570 CE.  A guy named Muhammad had a vision from God telling him that Jesus is not the son of God yet he is a prophet like Moses Abraham Abram.

3  Muhammad started to preach the word of Islam.

4  Egypt  Morocco  Spain  Iran  Iraq

5  Egypt  Morocco  Spain  Iran  Iraq  And many more

6 1. Absolute unity of God 2. The belief in Angels as part of God’s creation 3. The belief in the prophets 4. The belief in scriptures 5. And the belief in the Final Judgment

7 1. Prayers: The Muslim prayer is a combination of physical actions, verbal sayings, and an internal feeling in the heart. 2. Fasting: Fasting means to refrain from having all kinds of food, and drink from dawn to sunset. 3. Pilgrimage: Also known as the Hajj, the pilgrimage is a physical and spiritual journey that every financially and physically able Muslim is expected to make at least once in their lifetime. 4. Charity: A very important aspect of Islam is giving charity to the poor. Muslims are required to give certain percentages of any type of wealth that they have accumulated. 5. Purification: Before performing certain rituals, most importantly before prayers, Muslims are expected to perform a form of purification, known as ablution or "wudu" in Arabic. 6. Animal Sacrifice: it is that the majority of people in the world do eat the meat of many different kinds of animals.

8  More and more people started to believe that Jesus was a prophet not the messiah(means leader appointed from God)

9  Senker, Cath. Islam. North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media, 2008. Print  Question: What Are The Main Practices And Rituals Of Islam?" What Are The Main Practices And Rituals Of Islam? N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013

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