Chapter 4 Section 2 Life in Ancient Egypt. Egypt’s First Residents Around 7000 B.C. nomads lived in small camps in the Nile Valley Egypt was divided into.

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1 Chapter 4 Section 2 Life in Ancient Egypt

2 Egypt’s First Residents Around 7000 B.C. nomads lived in small camps in the Nile Valley Egypt was divided into two separate kingdoms Upper and Lower Egypt.

3 Egypt’s First Residents 3100 B.C. the two kingdoms were united by King Menes

4 Pharaoh Kings of Egypt thought to be gods themselves. Egyptian word meaning “great house”

5 Pharaoh Was considered the kingdoms most important high priest, lawmaker, and leader in battle.

6 Dynasty Group of rulers over several generations descending from the same family.

7 Viziers Second highest ranking to pharaoh. People selected by the pharaoh to be judges, mayors, and supervisors of tax collectors.

8 Chief of Treasury Third highest Rank to pharaoh Managed the tax money

9 King or Pharaoh Viziers Common Citizens Chief of Treasury

10 Egypt’s Social Classes Egypt had upper, middle, and lower class citizens. Merchants, manufacturers, and crafts people made up the middle class

11 Egypt’s Social Classes Poor farmers and unskilled workers made up the lower class. Prisoners and slaves were at the very bottom.

12 Egyptian Invention In about 3000 B.C. the Egyptians began to make paper from the papyrus plants that grew in the Nile River.

13 Egyptian Invention Prior to this all writing had to be in stone or on clay tablets. The word paper is from “papyrus”

14 Hieroglyphics Egyptian writing system which used pictures and symbols to represent words and ideas.

15 Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics were used for almost 4000 years. But once people stopped using it, everyone forgot how to read it.

16 Rosetta Stone Discovered in 1799 A.D. it included a carved message written in three different languages including Hieroglyphic and Greek. Greek could still be read so the Hieroglyphs could be translated.

17 Egypt’s Religion The Egyptians were polytheistic and worshipped hundreds of gods.

18 Osiris Egyptian god who ruled over the dead and underworld

19 Ra Egyptian god of the sun Temples were built and thought to be the home of the gods.

20 Afterlife Egyptians believed they had a “ka”, or spirit. They believed the ka lived after their body died and remained in the tomb with the body.

21 Afterlife Egyptian tombs were filled with items that they believed the ka would need: furniture, scrolls, games, jewelry, etc….

22 Mummification Egyptians believed it was important for the ka to recognize the body. Therefore the body had to be preserved.

23 Egyptian Burial Early Egyptians buried their dead in the sand. But this led to wild animals and sand storms disrupting the graves.

24 Egyptian Burial For this reason Egyptian kings and nobles built long lasting burial chambers.

25 Pyramids 2650 B.C. the first pyramid is built as a tomb for pharaoh Djoser (DZOH suhr)

26 Later Burial Practices Pyramids became an easy target for thieves who stole the items left for the ka.

27 Later Burial Practices To better hide their tombs, later pharaohs built their burial sights into cliffs in the “Valley of the Kings”

28 Mummy Medicine Still the tombs were raided because from the 1500s to the 1700s A.D. mummies were believed to be have medical uses. Powdered mummy was a popular medicine in Europe for bruises, wounds, and stomach aches

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