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4.2 The Old Kingdom By: Destiny Atwell JoyBeth Heberly Matthew Doyle Devon Paul.

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1 4.2 The Old Kingdom By: Destiny Atwell JoyBeth Heberly Matthew Doyle Devon Paul

2 Definitions. Old Kingdom - a period in Egyptian history that lasted from about 2700 BC to 2200 BC. Nobles - people from rich and powerful families. Afterlife – life after death. Mummies – specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth. Elite – people of wealth and power. Pyramids – huge stone tombs with 4 triangle shaped walls that meet in a point on top. Engineering – the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

3 Early Egyptian Society The 3 rd Dynasty’s rule began the Old Kingdom Pharaoh had all power and had many responsibilities During the Old Kingdom, the duties of pharaoh grew Pharaoh hired government officials (mainly from his family) Most famous pharaoh was Khufu By 2200 BC, Egypt’s population was about 2 million Egypt was not isolated ( Sumerian designs in art and their pottery reflected Nubian styles. Traders returned to Nubia with gold, ivory, slaves, and stones. Traders traveled to Punt for incense and myrrh for making perfume and medicine. Syria provided Egypt with wood

4 Society Levels 1.Pharaoh 2.Priests and Key government officials 3.Lesser government officials, scribes, craftspeople, and merchants 4.Farmers 5.Slaves and servants

5 Religion and Egyptian Life. Had strong religious beliefs. Worshipping Gods was part of their everyday life. Practiced Polytheism. Everyone was expected to worship the same gods. Built temple that collected payments from worshippers and government officials. Filled tombs with precious things. Body prepared for afterlife and had to be preserved. Believed “Ka” was a person’s life force that left their body when they died They used mummification which took several weeks Only royalty or elites could afford mummification Pesents buried bodies at the edge of the deserts in shallow graves

6 Egyptian Gods Sun god – Amon- Re Underworld god – Osiris Magic god – Isis Sky god - Horus

7 Pyramids Most spectacular monuments/ burial sites Started building pyramids during the Old Kingdom Some still standing Largest is the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Base: 481 ft high and covers over 13 acres) which is near the town of Giza Burial in pyramids demonstrated pharaohs importance The size of a pyramid was a symbol of greatness The shape of a pyramid (pointing to the sky) was a symbol of their journey to the afterlife For Egyptians, making a pharaoh’s spirit happy was a way of ensuring happy afterlife for all egyptians

8 Resources World History Book

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