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Ancient Egypt and Nubia

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1 Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Chapter 3 Ancient Egypt and Nubia

2 The Geography of the Nile
I. Nile is the world’s largest river A. Flows from central Africa to Mediterranean Sea (4,000 miles)

3 The Geography of the Nile
B. Two main sources – White Nile and Blue Nile C. Flows North to Mediterranean Sea

4 The Geography of the Nile
D. Cataracts – a rock filled rapid in a river

5 The Geography of the Nile
1. Lower Nubia – between First and Second Cataracts 2. Upper Nubia – between Second and Sixth Cataracts

6 The Geography of the Nile
3. Upper Egypt – North of the First Cataract 4. Lower Egypt – further north – fertile marshy area

7 The Geography of the Nile
E. Delta – the place at the mouth of a river where it splits into several streams to form an area shaped like a triangle

8 The Geography of the Nile
F. Silt – rich, fertile soil deposited by the flooding of a river

9 The Geography of the Nile
G. Floods deposit rich soil – ideal for farming H. “Black Land” and “Red Land”

10 The Geography of the Nile
1. Called land “Kemet” – the black land 2. Dark soil left by flooding

11 The Geography of the Nile
3. Desert – the red land a. Beyond fertile river banks

12 The Geography of the Nile
b. Useless for farming c. Protection from invaders

13 The Geography of the Nile
II. Civilizations A. Communities along Nile delta in lower Egypt – 4000 B.C.

14 The Geography of the Nile
B. Communities in Nubia – 3800 B.C. C. Importance of trade

15 The Geography of the Nile
1. Nile River 2. Caravans to Mesopotamia 3. Gold, silver, copper, and pottery

16 The Geography of the Nile
D. Trade in Egypt possible by sailing upriver or downriver E. Trade in Nubia possible by land only due to cataracts

17 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
I. Important terms A. Dynasty – a family of rulers

18 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
B. Pharaoh – the title of the kings of ancient Egypt 1. Had absolute power over their people

19 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
2. Decisions became law 3. Were also religious leaders

20 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
C. Regent – someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule

21 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
II. Important Kingdoms and Rulers A. Menes 1. Began first dynasty

22 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
2. United Upper and Lower Egypt 3. Built city of Memphis

23 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
B. Old Kingdom 1. Good rulers 2. Well-run government

24 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
C. Middle Kingdom 1. Restored order after end of Old Kingdom

25 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
2. Sponsored irrigation projects 3. Built canal between Nile and Red Sea

26 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
4. Lost control to foreign invaders

27 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
D. New Kingdom 1. Drove out invaders 2. Developed large armies

28 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
E. Hatshepsut 1. Stepmother of Thutmose III 2. Appointed regent

29 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
3. Had herself proclaimed pharaoh 4. Ruled during time of peace and economic success

30 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
F. Thutmose III 1. One of the greatest pharaohs of New Kingdom

31 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
2. Conquered many lands for Egypt 3. Educated man – studied plants

32 Egypt’s Kings and Queens
4. Treated conquered people with mercy

33 Egyptian Religion I. Important Terms A. Afterlife – the next life, in which the dead are believed to live again

34 B. Mummy – a dead body preserved in lifelike condition
Egyptian Religion B. Mummy – a dead body preserved in lifelike condition

35 Egyptian Religion C. Pyramid – a huge building with four sloping outside walls shaped like triangles. In Egypt, pyramids were built as royal tombs.

36 A. Polytheistic society
Egyptian Religion II. Religion A. Polytheistic society

37 B. Religion explained workings of nature
Egyptian Religion B. Religion explained workings of nature C. Tried to please gods

38 1. Osiris – god of living and dead; afterlife
Egyptian Religion D. Gods 1. Osiris – god of living and dead; afterlife

39 Egyptian Religion 2. Amon-Re – chief god 3. Isis – wife of Osiris

40 A. Bodies mummified to exist in afterlife
Egyptian Religion III. Afterlife A. Bodies mummified to exist in afterlife

41 B. Pyramid – tomb for pharaoh a. 20 or more years to build
Egyptian Religion B. Pyramid – tomb for pharaoh a. 20 or more years to build

42 c. Hard and dangerous work
Egyptian Religion b. West bank of Nile c. Hard and dangerous work

43 d. Possessions buried with pharaoh
Egyptian Religion d. Possessions buried with pharaoh

44 Culture of Egyptians I. Key Terms A. Hieroglyphs – a kind of picture writing in which some pictures stand for ideas or things and others stand for sounds

45 Culture of Egyptians B. Papyrus – an early form of paper made from a reedlike plant found in the marshy areas of the Nile delta

46 Culture of Egyptians C. Astronomer – A scientist who studies the stars and other objects in the sky

47 Culture of Egyptians II. Social Classes A. Pharaoh B. Upper Class

48 2. members of pharaoh’s court 3. nobles
Culture of Egyptians 1. priests 2. members of pharaoh’s court 3. nobles

49 Culture of Egyptians C. Middle Class 1. merchants 2. skilled workers

50 1. farm labor, built roads and temples. 2. by far the largest class
Culture of Egyptians D. Peasants 1. farm labor, built roads and temples. 2. by far the largest class

51 E. Slaves 1. prisoners from wars 2. a separate class
Culture of Egyptians E. Slaves 1. prisoners from wars 2. a separate class 3. had some rights

52 1. had most of the rights of men 2. noble women had special rights
Culture of Egyptians F. Women 1. had most of the rights of men 2. noble women had special rights

53 Culture of the Egyptians
III. A land of great learning A. Writing 1. keep track of growing wealth 2. make new symbols for complicated ideas

54 3. began writing on papyrus a. Much more convenient than clay tablets
Culture of Egyptians 3. began writing on papyrus a. Much more convenient than clay tablets

55 4. Rosetta stone discovered in 1799 A. Found near city of Rosetta
Culture of Egyptians 4. Rosetta stone discovered in 1799 A. Found near city of Rosetta B. Translated hieroglyphs into Greek

56 1. Astronomers used skies to determine when Nile would flood
Culture of Egyptians B. Science 1. Astronomers used skies to determine when Nile would flood 2. Found 365 days make a year

57 Culture of Egyptians C. Medicine 1. Performed surgeries

58 2. Set broken bones and treated spine injuries
Culture of Egyptians 2. Set broken bones and treated spine injuries

59 a. Creating medicine from plants
Culture of Egyptians 3. Practiced herbalism a. Creating medicine from plants

60 Artisans – a worker who is skilled in making something
Culture of Egyptians Artisans – a worker who is skilled in making something

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